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New HBO doco: "Right America Feeling Wronged"

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something I noticed. Primitives living in huts or off the earth, are considered to have "wisdom" handed down, not by education but through some sort of historical knowledge.

Why are people that live in middle America just considered uninformed hicks, where other indigenous people are believed to have wisdom in their thoughts and actions?
Why are people that live in middle America just considered uninformed hicks, where other indigenous people are believed to have wisdom in their thoughts and actions?

For the record I don't buy into the whole "primative wisdom" thing but in this case the answer would be access. People living in some far flung corner of the globe where technology and infrastructure are barely above the level of the 17th century can be excused for their relative ignorance.

People living in 21st century America with it's vast and varied sources of information can't. The only conclusion must be that they want to remain uninformed. Maybe it's for religious reasons, maybe they're just stubborn ultimately it doesn't really matter, they've made their choice.
Religulous. Buy it , rent it, somehow watch it. I swear this whole movie is just for the guy in the video. swer ta gawed!
You assclowns talk about how people on the right are a bunch of idiot hillbillies.

I AM one of the people on the right. I am what you non-thinking, sheepfucking morons call a conservative.

Usually I think that your rants are (unintentionally) entertaining. Now I just see that you're a "Friend of the show" and can say whatever you want whenever you want.

By the way, I think you might've inadvertently proved the original point with this one.
Put me down as a proud Conservative. That liberal indoctrination in collage just did not work on me. I guess my mind is just too strong compared to the rest of the drugged out drone lib students that were on campus. Now with the liberal teachers union we have, the indoctrination begins in kindergarten. No other views are allowed without being called out by tyrannical teachers.
F all of them. I can sum up the current growing feeling of the Country this way.
Hey numb nuts Obama. No F@#*ing Liberal European Socialism!!!
Put me down as a proud Conservative. That liberal indoctrination in collage just did not work on me. I guess my mind is just too strong compared to the rest of the drugged out drone lib students that were on campus. Now with the liberal teachers union we have, the indoctrination begins in kindergarten. No other views are allowed without being called out by tyrannical teachers.
F all of them. I can sum up the current growing feeling of the Country this way.
Hey numb nuts Obama. No F@#*ing Liberal European Socialism!!!

What was it a collage of that you were studying? Snapshots from Ronnie Raygun's Scrapbook?
Yeah, you keep on being a proud tool of those who believe your only useful freedom is the freedom to make them rich.
Put me down as a proud Conservative. That liberal indoctrination in collage just did not work on me. I guess my mind is just too strong compared to the rest of the drugged out drone lib students that were on campus. Now with the liberal teachers union we have, the indoctrination begins in kindergarten. No other views are allowed without being called out by tyrannical teachers.
F all of them. I can sum up the current growing feeling of the Country this way.
Hey numb nuts Obama. No F@#*ing Liberal European Socialism!!!

Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers - science-in-society - 27 February 2009 - New Scientist

Glad to see guys doing your bit to 'stimulate' the economy!
I am an American Conservative. My Labor is taxed so that people like you can borrow money from MY government. I work every goddamned day because half the fucking world depends on my government to give them a goddamned hand out.

You think it's funny to mock people who don't think like you? I don't think like you at all. I couldn't bring myself to be a fucking slave

You mock people like me, because you think you're smarter, or better. I promise you, you're not. You're weak. You're cowardly, and pathetic in my eyes. You're not fit to drink the piss from a rain puddle.

I am thoroughly disgusted.


Tommy, I have personally always valued your opinion, and as a sculptor myself, I love your work, I can also dig that you are doing a crazy fast, But you need to fucking chillax my man.
You are contradicting yourself, and lashing out in a really embarrassing reflection, proving to me that you are wack-job pissed off at your gub'ment If you want to change my personal political paradigms and convince me that yours are truly superior, then this is definitely NOT the way to acheive that.
No offense intended.:rolleyes:
Hey, I'm conservative too! Not that some social programs haven't been needed in our not always shiny past. Maybe I'm a moderate conservative at that. Social Security would have provided for my waning years if the government hadn't borrowed it away from us. There will always be poor people who need a leg up, but who gets in the way there? Govment, folks.

I see nothing wrong with small government and a true free market system, but NO one can tell me that's what we have today. Got no problems with anyone being rich either as long as their gains are not ill gotten. And yeah, we ought to tax those gains fairly.

My kind of conservatism was hijacked along time ago though. Anyone who believes the Republican Party still represents my kind of conservatism is deluded. The two controlling political parties have joined ranks and are both leftist. So anyone looking to government to take care of them should be happy in the end. Under either influence, we've got socialism. We're going to have to live with it for a long time too.

Where I may differ with Tommy (someone I differ with on many issues) is that I plan to make the rest of my life the best I can make it in under political climate and control. I can bitch and moan about the changes and kill myself with high blood pressure, but it's a terrible waste of time and energy. I'd rather look for opportunity and exploit it. I'd rather invest in viable entrepreneurs in my local community, support those who are less fortunate, and hope that one day those conservative values lead to a true free market.

I think we all have to leave the past behind and embrace the best parts of a changed world. We really have no other viable choice.