Quoted from the conclusion of the text @Han linked:
". . . OKM, one of the world leaders in the manufacture of geo-radars, well confirms to David Crespy the results of the electromagnetic resonances performed at Machu Picchu in April 2012 by the Inkari team. The findings are real. The company is so convinced that it will even use these discoveries on its website to promote the Rover C New Edition and the CaveFinder…
December 2013, the Chamber of Commerce and Development of Peru (DIRCETUR) awarded the Inkari Institute “El Inka Dorado Award” in recognition for the best scientific research project for the “Machu Picchu Project 2013“.
January 7, 2014. Mr. Gérard Borras, Director of the IFEA, replied to the letter of Thierry Jamin, dated November 27, 2013. Without repeating Thierry’s technique of observations, the Director’s response appears more polite and diplomatic. The case of Machu Picchu has become a political case. Peru is free to work with whomever it wants…
On January 10, 2014, Thierry Jamin presented an official letter to the Ministry of Culture in which his team abandoned the approaches in Appeal on decision of November 05, 2012. The letter is registered at the Ministry on January, 29, 2014, under reference N° 023078-2013.
On April 14, 2014, the Ministry of Culture, through its Resolución Directoral N° 177 – 2014 – DGPA – VMPCIC / MC, validated the abandonment of actions for annulment of the Resolución Directoral of November 5, 2012.
On July 14, 2014, the Inkari Institute – Cusco resubmitted again and officially a research project, led by Peruvian archaeologist Hilbert Bustincio Sumire, whose objective is the opening of underground cavities discovered in April 2012 and the study of archaeological material contained in the possible burial chambers. The project is registered under reference N° 029622 – 2014.
The project has expanded. The international organization Restorers Without Borders is ready to participate in excavations. And the American anthropologist Haagen Klaus Dietrich, from the George Mason University (Virginia, USA), joined the group as a specialist in the study of organic funerary material.
During the months of July and August 2014, the “Machu Picchu Project” of the Inkari team – Cusco went again in the different departments of the Ministry of Culture. In recent weeks, a technical Commission is again created in Cusco. So it is to the Regional Directorate of Culture of Cusco to issue or not the authorization and permit research to Thierry Jamin’s team. Obviously, the project must also be subject of a technical opinion by officials of the National Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu.
On September 04, 2014, the Regional Direction of Culture of Cusco addressed a letter to the Inkari Institute, under reference N° 1306 – 2014 – UACGD – DDC – CUS / MC. The letter was accompanied by a Resolución Directoral N° 634 – DDC – CUS / MC, dated September 02, 2014 by which the application for authorization of the Inkari Institute – Cusco, for opening underground cavities discovered in April 2012 was again rejected.
This time, the reason mentioned is this: the Inkari project is declared inadmissible because of the existence of a “project competitor” directed by archaeologist José Miguel Bastante Abuhadba and of course supported by the National Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu. Entitled “Programa de Investigaciones Arqueológicas e Interdisciplinarias en el Santuario Histórico de Machupicchu – PIAISHM“, it would have been approved for a period of three years and provides the conduct of research with excavations in fifteen sectors of Machu Picchu. One can easily imagine that among the sectors identified, there is – coincidentally! – the famous “Temple of the Three Doors“…
On September 29, 2014, Thierry Jamin delivered to the Regional Directorate of Culture – Cusco a request for obtaining legalized copies of the “technical reports“, memorandums of the famous project “competitor” and of the Resolución Directoral authorizing its execution. Some rumors, emanating directly from the Regional Directorate of Culture – Cusco argue, in fact, at the time of the evaluation of the Inkari Project, the one of archaeologist José Miguel bastante Abuhadba was not approved yet. contrary to the claims made in the “Resolución” of September 02, 2014. The Inkari Project, presented on July 14, would then have the anteriority. Officials from the Decentralized Directorate of the Ministry of Culture had seven working days to notify the Inkari Institute – Cusco the documents requested.
It was only on October 27, 2014 that Thierry Jamin and his group finally received a copy of the “technical reports“ requested. This is a real surprise!
A first report, N° 148 – 2014 – JMBA – RPIAISHM – PANM – DDC – CUS / MC, dated August 7, 2014 says “non-viable” for the Machu Picchu Project of the Inkari Institute – Cusco due to the existence of a project “competitor“, presented by the same officials of the Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu. Destined for Fernando Astete Victoria, this report was written by archaeologist José Miguel Bastante Abuhadba (COARPE N° 040281), who is precisely co-director of the famous project!
One would have the right to ask who is the bias and the duty of fairness of the local officials from the Ministry of Culture. How can we be judges and jury to assess the project presented by the Inkari Institute in an objective and professional manner?
In another “Technical Report” N° 350 – 2014 – PANM – DDC – CUS / MC dated August 11, 2014, archaeologist Piedad Champi Monterroso stated that “al respecto esta jefatura hace suyo el informe N° 148 – JMBA – RPIASHM – PANM – DDC – CUS / MC presentado por el lic. José Miguel Bastante Abuhadba, donde sustenta de manera tecnica y ojetiva los trabajos de investigación arqueológica e interdisciplinaria, previstas para ser ejecutadas en él ámbito del Santuario Histórico de Machupicchu, periodo 2014 – 2017” (“about this leadership endorsed report N° 148 – JMBA – RPIASHM – PANM – DDC – CUS / MC presented by lic. José Miguel Bastante Abuhadba and support on a objective and technical manner the archaeological work and interdisciplinary research, scheduled to be executed in the field of Machupicchu, 2014-2017 period“).
Naturally, the one and the other “forget” to mention that the famous “archaeological and interdisciplinary research” project was presented…by themselves! A new tribute to the professionalism of these archaeologists…
Based on these two “Technical Reports“, archaeologist Sabino Quispe Serrano, attaché to the Dirección de Coordinación de Calificación de Intervenciopnes Arqueológicas, drafted the Report N° 451 – 2014 – CCIA – AFPA – SDDPCDPC – DDC – CUS / MC dated August 13, 2014, in which he declared “Improcedente” (unfair) the archaeological research project presented by Thierry Jamin and the Inkari Institute – Cusco.
Et Voilà, dear Internet users and friends, how we bury a project!
Of course, Thierry Jamin and the Inkari Institute – Cusco could again appeal the decision of the Decentralized Directorate of the Ministry of Culture of Cusco by denying them the authorization and permit (license) to search based on criterias totally biased and contrary to the most basic professional ethics.
It seems clear that this incredible discovery made at Machu Picchu in April 2012 by the Inkari Institute has become a political issue. The current official in Peru will never allow Thierry Jamin and his companions to perform the opening of the burial chambers located underneath the famous “Temple of the Three Doors“.
We hope that, through these very factual explanations, Internet users around the world, Peruvians politicians and professionals of archaeological research will have an objective view of what really happened in this incredible “Machu Picchu Affair”.
The more than questionable behavior and total lack of professional ethics from the officials of the Regional Directorate of Culture – Cusco at the time, and the National Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu is not a credit for the Peruvian archaeological research.
We do hope that History will eventually restore the truth and do justice to Thierry Jamin, David Crespy, Hilbert Sumire and all the Inkari Team. Time will tell…"
We can recognize even in that brief recounting the struggles dividing the field of archaeology over many decades now -- struggles between those invested in a dominant paradigm and researchers challenging that paradigm, and also struggles for personal advantage in obtaining 'official' access to promising archaeological sites that might yield deeper knowledge about this planet's and our species' past. Some academics in other disciplines also behave selfishly and viciously in their personal competitions with their rivals for recognition, publications, reputation, grants, and personal aegis in their disciplines. But the pattern is most pronounced in archaeology, and great damage is done when the issues at stake are sensationalized and reduced in popular media reporting.
". . . OKM, one of the world leaders in the manufacture of geo-radars, well confirms to David Crespy the results of the electromagnetic resonances performed at Machu Picchu in April 2012 by the Inkari team. The findings are real. The company is so convinced that it will even use these discoveries on its website to promote the Rover C New Edition and the CaveFinder…
December 2013, the Chamber of Commerce and Development of Peru (DIRCETUR) awarded the Inkari Institute “El Inka Dorado Award” in recognition for the best scientific research project for the “Machu Picchu Project 2013“.
January 7, 2014. Mr. Gérard Borras, Director of the IFEA, replied to the letter of Thierry Jamin, dated November 27, 2013. Without repeating Thierry’s technique of observations, the Director’s response appears more polite and diplomatic. The case of Machu Picchu has become a political case. Peru is free to work with whomever it wants…
On January 10, 2014, Thierry Jamin presented an official letter to the Ministry of Culture in which his team abandoned the approaches in Appeal on decision of November 05, 2012. The letter is registered at the Ministry on January, 29, 2014, under reference N° 023078-2013.
On April 14, 2014, the Ministry of Culture, through its Resolución Directoral N° 177 – 2014 – DGPA – VMPCIC / MC, validated the abandonment of actions for annulment of the Resolución Directoral of November 5, 2012.
On July 14, 2014, the Inkari Institute – Cusco resubmitted again and officially a research project, led by Peruvian archaeologist Hilbert Bustincio Sumire, whose objective is the opening of underground cavities discovered in April 2012 and the study of archaeological material contained in the possible burial chambers. The project is registered under reference N° 029622 – 2014.
The project has expanded. The international organization Restorers Without Borders is ready to participate in excavations. And the American anthropologist Haagen Klaus Dietrich, from the George Mason University (Virginia, USA), joined the group as a specialist in the study of organic funerary material.
During the months of July and August 2014, the “Machu Picchu Project” of the Inkari team – Cusco went again in the different departments of the Ministry of Culture. In recent weeks, a technical Commission is again created in Cusco. So it is to the Regional Directorate of Culture of Cusco to issue or not the authorization and permit research to Thierry Jamin’s team. Obviously, the project must also be subject of a technical opinion by officials of the National Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu.
On September 04, 2014, the Regional Direction of Culture of Cusco addressed a letter to the Inkari Institute, under reference N° 1306 – 2014 – UACGD – DDC – CUS / MC. The letter was accompanied by a Resolución Directoral N° 634 – DDC – CUS / MC, dated September 02, 2014 by which the application for authorization of the Inkari Institute – Cusco, for opening underground cavities discovered in April 2012 was again rejected.
This time, the reason mentioned is this: the Inkari project is declared inadmissible because of the existence of a “project competitor” directed by archaeologist José Miguel Bastante Abuhadba and of course supported by the National Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu. Entitled “Programa de Investigaciones Arqueológicas e Interdisciplinarias en el Santuario Histórico de Machupicchu – PIAISHM“, it would have been approved for a period of three years and provides the conduct of research with excavations in fifteen sectors of Machu Picchu. One can easily imagine that among the sectors identified, there is – coincidentally! – the famous “Temple of the Three Doors“…
On September 29, 2014, Thierry Jamin delivered to the Regional Directorate of Culture – Cusco a request for obtaining legalized copies of the “technical reports“, memorandums of the famous project “competitor” and of the Resolución Directoral authorizing its execution. Some rumors, emanating directly from the Regional Directorate of Culture – Cusco argue, in fact, at the time of the evaluation of the Inkari Project, the one of archaeologist José Miguel bastante Abuhadba was not approved yet. contrary to the claims made in the “Resolución” of September 02, 2014. The Inkari Project, presented on July 14, would then have the anteriority. Officials from the Decentralized Directorate of the Ministry of Culture had seven working days to notify the Inkari Institute – Cusco the documents requested.
It was only on October 27, 2014 that Thierry Jamin and his group finally received a copy of the “technical reports“ requested. This is a real surprise!
A first report, N° 148 – 2014 – JMBA – RPIAISHM – PANM – DDC – CUS / MC, dated August 7, 2014 says “non-viable” for the Machu Picchu Project of the Inkari Institute – Cusco due to the existence of a project “competitor“, presented by the same officials of the Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu. Destined for Fernando Astete Victoria, this report was written by archaeologist José Miguel Bastante Abuhadba (COARPE N° 040281), who is precisely co-director of the famous project!
One would have the right to ask who is the bias and the duty of fairness of the local officials from the Ministry of Culture. How can we be judges and jury to assess the project presented by the Inkari Institute in an objective and professional manner?
In another “Technical Report” N° 350 – 2014 – PANM – DDC – CUS / MC dated August 11, 2014, archaeologist Piedad Champi Monterroso stated that “al respecto esta jefatura hace suyo el informe N° 148 – JMBA – RPIASHM – PANM – DDC – CUS / MC presentado por el lic. José Miguel Bastante Abuhadba, donde sustenta de manera tecnica y ojetiva los trabajos de investigación arqueológica e interdisciplinaria, previstas para ser ejecutadas en él ámbito del Santuario Histórico de Machupicchu, periodo 2014 – 2017” (“about this leadership endorsed report N° 148 – JMBA – RPIASHM – PANM – DDC – CUS / MC presented by lic. José Miguel Bastante Abuhadba and support on a objective and technical manner the archaeological work and interdisciplinary research, scheduled to be executed in the field of Machupicchu, 2014-2017 period“).
Naturally, the one and the other “forget” to mention that the famous “archaeological and interdisciplinary research” project was presented…by themselves! A new tribute to the professionalism of these archaeologists…
Based on these two “Technical Reports“, archaeologist Sabino Quispe Serrano, attaché to the Dirección de Coordinación de Calificación de Intervenciopnes Arqueológicas, drafted the Report N° 451 – 2014 – CCIA – AFPA – SDDPCDPC – DDC – CUS / MC dated August 13, 2014, in which he declared “Improcedente” (unfair) the archaeological research project presented by Thierry Jamin and the Inkari Institute – Cusco.
Et Voilà, dear Internet users and friends, how we bury a project!
Of course, Thierry Jamin and the Inkari Institute – Cusco could again appeal the decision of the Decentralized Directorate of the Ministry of Culture of Cusco by denying them the authorization and permit (license) to search based on criterias totally biased and contrary to the most basic professional ethics.
It seems clear that this incredible discovery made at Machu Picchu in April 2012 by the Inkari Institute has become a political issue. The current official in Peru will never allow Thierry Jamin and his companions to perform the opening of the burial chambers located underneath the famous “Temple of the Three Doors“.
We hope that, through these very factual explanations, Internet users around the world, Peruvians politicians and professionals of archaeological research will have an objective view of what really happened in this incredible “Machu Picchu Affair”.
The more than questionable behavior and total lack of professional ethics from the officials of the Regional Directorate of Culture – Cusco at the time, and the National Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu is not a credit for the Peruvian archaeological research.
We do hope that History will eventually restore the truth and do justice to Thierry Jamin, David Crespy, Hilbert Sumire and all the Inkari Team. Time will tell…"
We can recognize even in that brief recounting the struggles dividing the field of archaeology over many decades now -- struggles between those invested in a dominant paradigm and researchers challenging that paradigm, and also struggles for personal advantage in obtaining 'official' access to promising archaeological sites that might yield deeper knowledge about this planet's and our species' past. Some academics in other disciplines also behave selfishly and viciously in their personal competitions with their rivals for recognition, publications, reputation, grants, and personal aegis in their disciplines. But the pattern is most pronounced in archaeology, and great damage is done when the issues at stake are sensationalized and reduced in popular media reporting.