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Yet another guest suggestion - Dennis William Hauck, one of the founding editors of the Mutual UFO Network's MUFON UFO Journal, writer on alchemy and haunted locations.
Some thoughts:

Mac Tonnies, to talk about Mars, posthumanism, cryptoterrestrials, and all sorts of other good stuff.

Don Ledger to discuss Shag Harbour, pilot UFO cases in general, and Canadian UFO cases.

Jerry Clark, if he would do it (he doesn't do much public stuff anymore it seems). He would provide a great perspective on contactees, just for starters.

Kevin Randle, obviously about Roswell, but also about the abduction phenomenon, based on his book "The Abduction Enigma". He's also well versed in a lot of other areas, particularly the 1952 Washington case.

Nick Pope.

Stuart Miller, publisher of UFO Review, who has a very witty and interesting take on things ufological, particularly in the UK.

Best regards,

New theory? Not really.

Much later than a book that came out in 2000, but this is some sort of amazing new theory?

I've referred to this theoretical race in print many times as "Hidden Neighbors" and Subterrestrials (divergent evolutionary types, as opposed to other-dimensional Keelian ultraterrestrials).

I am glad to see this idea gaining more acceptance--including the manipulation and deception factor. But this idea of subterrestrials with an advanced civilization goes back even farther than Richard Shaver--It goes all the way back to Gilgamesh.

Recent writers and supporters of the non-paranormal, hidden race hypothesis have included Timothy Beckley, Brad Steiger, Richard Shaver, and several others.

My writings and radio interviews have stated that there are a)unknown (sub)terrestrial races that are subterranean in habitat, with advanced technology; b)unknown (sub)terrestrial races that use humanity as a genetic stock and for other uses, as well as prey on surface-world resources; c) unknown (sub)terrestrial species that explain many "cryptid" sightings and encounters; d) subterrestrial humanoids who use misdirection, technological illusions (cloaking and holography, among others) and so on to MISDIRECT our attention to a DECEPTION about "extraterrestrials"; and so on.

Nothing new here, but the idea appears to be spreading and catching on. Pretty soon it may even be "hip".

I do look forward to seeing Mac's thoughts on this topic.


p.s., See



-W.M. Mott