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new ufo pics from C2C

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Open_Mind2007 said:
What happened to musictomyyears comments about what Gene said?

I deleted it, because it didn't serve any particular purpose. For a start, it didn't relate to the topic of the thread. Good riddance! ;)

I had another look at the images on the C2C page. My first impression was that, whatever it is, looks and feels of terrestrial origin to me. At the very most, it could be an experimental probe of some kind. But I am really troubled by the second image:


There is a considerable mismatch in sharpness and perspective with respect to the object and background.
i appreciate the fact Gene and David question their guests without the sugar coating and total acceptance the topic being discussed. like C2C does.
the "mismatch in sharpness and perspective" are due to the magnetic particle beam attractors at the top which are actuated...duh.
musictomyears said:
I deleted it, because it didn't serve any particular purpose. For a start, it didn't relate to the topic of the thread. Good riddance! ;)

I had another look at the images on the C2C page. My first impression was that, whatever it is, looks and feels of terrestrial origin to me. At the very most, it could be an experimental probe of some kind. But I am really troubled by the second image:


There is a considerable mismatch in sharpness and perspective with respect to the object and background.

That is the exact photo that set off the red flag for me as well.
Looks very crude to me. Illumination is wrong, central body is just an undifferentiated blob, color saturation is off....this appears to be a poorly executed superimposed overlay against a natural background. Could be a 3D model, or maybe a PSD application or PSP tube. Doesn't really matter.
I don't understand why people continue to fob off this crap. The most talented, experienced Hollywood pros spend months of labor and millions of dollars creating alien spaceships and other exotic, beautiful sci-fi FX for films, but any adult can easily recognize them for what they are. I'm convinced that in future artists will be able to create incredibly imaginative images that can fool even the most discerning observer, but we aren't there yet.
( Obligatory non non sequitur: I think the the Remake of Mighty Joe Young was, in some of the running scenes, a wonderful display of FX artistry. Every hair on the ape's body rippled from vibration and flexing of muscle. Now imagine that skill applied to a specimen scanned 3D model rendered as a perfectly detailed holograph with shaders derived from a real time natural environment. Now that would be genuine monkey business.)
the things that geeks can find out...lol. Someone knows the klingon alphabet and puts it up wit the supposed UFO. And if you take the time like he did you can find every letter on that thing in the klingon alphabet. So yeh it is fake my bad, but still just saying it was fake , expert or not, is lame.

Home - Coast to Coast AM
Open_Mind2007 said:
What's the deal with C2C..why so much negative comments. Is it because they are a far better show or the fact that they don't have any "issues" with other guests and are willing to let listeners decide for themselves. Don't tell me they aren't the far better show...people enjoy listening to them because they do not come across as people who "think" they have all the answers. I listen to this show for the guests not the hosts. Why does this show think that its direct competition with C2C, thats like FOX news In competition with your local news station.

so david saying this picture is fake makes him come off to you as someone who thinks he has all the answers?

C2C lets allot of lunatics just say whatever they want without ever questioning anyone

inviting these nut jobs on a show that has millions?..of listeners is DAMAGING to the ufo/paranormal field they should just be ignored and forgotten

giving them a mouthpiece to spread their nonsense is the worst thing you could do if your goal is to try to give the ufo field back some mainstream acceptance

at least when gene and david have some crazy loon on the show they tear him apart afterwards...goodbye and goodriddance

what C2C is doing is giving these morons momentum...cause you can be damn sure some group of idiots out there are gonna actually believe these people

*cough*billy meier*cough* and his followers

and more people listening to a show doesn't mean the show is better then one with less listeners

50cent outsells almost all music bands you can think of atm.is 50cent the greatest musician alive today?
is he better then those who sell less...hell no
First of all, that mermaid is HOT!


Disney let Ariel have a belly-button, and I've been smitten with mermaids ever since.

Second, Hawk and NoAnswers, did you notice that I cleaned up your deletes? Well, didja didja didja? :) Your happy moderator busy keeping things clean and tidy around here.


Third, this UFO is as compelling as a Billy Meier pic. (Do I drink? Is that the game now? Every time you mention "BM", you grab the good stuff):eek:
Open_Mind2007 said:
What's the deal with C2C..why so much negative comments. Is it because they are a far better show or the fact that they don't have any "issues" with other guests and are willing to let listeners decide for themselves. Don't tell me they aren't the far better show...people enjoy listening to them because they do not come across as people who "think" they have all the answers. I listen to this show for the guests not the hosts. Why does this show think that its direct competition with C2C, thats like FOX news In competition with your local news station.

Well, I'll tell you. Coast to Coast is a lot like that one girl back in high school that would do anyone. If any guy in the entire class went up to her and said, "Hey, Rosie! You wanna...." she'd be on her back with her legs stretched before you could finish the sentence. She may even have had a bit of appeal, and I suppose she had her uses to deflower geeks who otherwise couldn't get laid. But, unfortunately, when you do that, credibility suffers. Coast to Coast doesn't even bother throwing softball questions. All they say is, "Wow!"

Hey, that's why I'm so impressed with them.
CapnG said:
What makes it a fake is it's too "whacky". The most authentic ufo pictures are all of very non-descript looking craft. This looks like a Bab5 leftover. Nice model though.

you know the "alien" words look a lot like Katakana or hiragana for one. i think one poster under the photos said it was "Klingon text"
..there was a guest on C2C May 2nd talking about technology Noory pushed him on some hard questions and kept asking them even though it was obvious it was too far. The guest works somewhere that they can't even say. Noory asked hard questions about "do we have a secret space program?", "do we have things on the battlefield beyond anything we can dream of?" "there are these large black triangles.." "Did the astronauts see something on the moon?"

The guy was extremely shifty on all of them he was just like silent, dodging the subject or 'sorry I can't talk about it'. Noory said that he's one of the few people "I absolutely trust" "and considering I know where you work.."

Needless to say it was pretty interesting. Sure he didn't ask skeptical questions but he asked hard questions that could get the guy FIRED but US citizens have a right to know IMO.
Schuyler said:
Coast to Coast is a lot like that one girl back in high school that would do anyone.

As perfect a description as ever was.

For some reason I feel compelled to relate something that had my drink coming out of my nose. It was Seth Shostak on Larry King talking about SETI, right before the commercial break:


Shostak: No.
A.LeClair said:
Good cleaning pic Tom. My thoughts exactly. My mother is a Compulsive Cleaner (name of her business even). Living with her was hell.

Versus living with my mother...A compulsive penguin collector...Which is worse I wonder :rolleyes:
dorkbot said:
As perfect a description as ever was.

For some reason I feel compelled to relate something that had my drink coming out of my nose. It was Seth Shostak on Larry King talking about SETI, right before the commercial break:


Shostak: No.

That's funny. :p

I wanted to let all you all know that David Biedny and Jeff Ritzmann will be talking about these photos in more detail on our Sunday, May 13, 2007 episode. If you had even the slightest element of belief in them, you'll think otherwise after you hear David and Jeff explain why it's nothing more than a silly fake. With "Star Wars" lettering yet.

No, George Lucas didn't fake it :)
Gene Steinberg said:
A great excuse, that.

Okay, how about this one....

...Lucas had access to a 'downed' craft at Area 51 and agreed to include the alien text in his Star Wars movies so that should anyone ever present a photo of a 'real' craft then the skeptics could say "well, it's a fake 'cos the lettering is in Star Wars" thereby keeping the dirty little secret. That *must* be the explanation, right? :D