Again another strawman argument, you must have an army of them, theres no climate change denial, never has been from either of us.
Good to know - though for Pixel that's a change of stance - which is fine. You don't like that CO2 from humans being the instigating factor for the current warming is what I understand.
You have to frame it like that
Sadly, you still think I have been in conversation with you - I haven't been really. Just occasionally - and most recently directly since it is clear you are going to dive-bomb this thread at will. So be it.
otherwise your are just blitzing the forum with age propaganda
Is my posting informative reportage on the Global Warming front somehow offensive to you? Calling news articles 'propaganda' is a bit dismissive.
Let's be fair, it appears from the evidence of your posting that no matter what, you will attack the source and dispute the facts, if the article/person does not jive with your views of anti-AGW, not so? As proved by your next statement -
and pretending its science
I don't pretend anything. It is science - maybe in a given instance it's not the best science in your opinion, or is weak science for the same reason, or is science that will be disproved in time (is this 'tentative' nature of science scary for you?) - but what I link to is science, which makes me me wonder
what it is you think is science. Could you define the criteria for what makes 'science'? Might be helpful. However,
you've made a broad claim - you have to supply evidence as to why what I present is not science in your estimation. Proclamations to that effect are not enough - you have to back-up what you are claiming.
no counter science will ever be enough
You've never presented 'counter science' - or if you have, genuinely so, that is good, but I haven't seen it. But if you do, then you leave it all for someone to make their own assessment.
'Counter science' coming from scientists who are on the pay-roll of Exxon is questionable science and you have to understand that most 'counter science' is not actually original research - rather it's taking current data and skewing it in another way, often cherry picking. That's the experience I have around this.
For instance, you seem to believe that the sun is part of this warming. I've posted arguments that say that the sun cannot be the source of the current spike. So there we are - an opinion is voiced (without back-up btw), another view addresses it - and so it stands.
What else are you expecting? Resolution? Good luck with that if that's what your goal is.
What people? Not you or Pixel. You two are the energizer bunnies.
So much so that you will follow me over here to post your objections. Should I feel honored?
You also need to do a little more self-reflection: people aren't posting because of the truly abusive and bullying nature of your's and Pixel's posting. Please check-out Tony B's recent bowing out on the other thread. People have pretty much had enough of Pixel (and you). I refuse to be bullied into silence - that's the difference. (Not that anyone else has stopped posting because of the bullying - they are just more wise regarding the use of their time. I've had posters ask me to just let it go because they find the Pixel dynamic that unpleasant - that's why I'm over here. I still want to post articles but I don't want anyone to get the feed unless they want it - and I don't want to be dealing with you and Pixel - but seems that you are a gift that keeps on giving).
But you carry on as if you are in a debate about climate change
No, that's where you are being obtuse. One more time: I'm not in a debate about climate change. I never have been. I'm just posting what interests me. That's it. If someone posts and something in their post interests me I might say something or post a link in response - but I'm not in a dialog really - you got that right at least. Bravo!
Small victories in understanding.
Correct. Thumbs-up! We're making headway.
you are arguing with no-one.
Correct again, and I have no interest in arguing with anyone. I haven't the time. I'm not being dismissive, I just don't have the time to devote to an actual back-and-forth. The moment an internet conversation becomes a responsibility - I'm out. I have a RL that has enough of that - I don't need the internet to eat into my RL commitments.
(as I look across at my beloved and he growls....)
You've just done a flip btw - a bit ago you were accusing me of creating a 'congregation' via (suspicious) pm conversations. Can't be both ways. But anyway - I've done this kind of detailed response to you once before and it's just way too time consuming, manxamn.
You need to frame this as though there has been denial
What you fail to 'get' is that I am not talking to you. Something you say in a post might be a springboard for something I say, but that's the extent of it. Just because you've decided to post on this thread doesn't mean you drive the posting style of anyone. I hope I am being helpful.
[because denial is anti science woooooooooooo].
A good portion of the denial seems to be, yes. That's what I see.
There's been dispute about the cause
and the crystal ball future dire forecasts
I agree here, too.
both you and your fellow visionaries skeptical science have been trying to force feed us.
Please pardon, but you can be such a jerk. How can anyone take you seriously? I can't.
Here's where you get things wrong.
Presenting views is not acceptance. I am interested in what people deep in the matter are saying - and that includes the extreme views. I've read the science and I understand the line of reasoning. Will it all happen? I dunno. Same as you. There's a lot we don't know - it's why the speed of the changes has taken the scientists unawares.
I do know, however, that a good percentage of what the scientists have been warning about (for the past 40 years and more) is coming to pass (I say this from memory).
I also know that one of the scientists who is making the dire prognostication picked up on the feed-back loops before anyone else. He saw it coming - he read the signs. He's deep into it and that's what sometimes happens. Is he right? Maybe. Is he right enough to impact policy decisions? I'd say so.
Most of us are just ordinary people, doing abit here abit there
Yep, same here.
we need convinced of this hellish future vision
I assume you are saying you need convincing of this 'hellish vision'. Hey, so do I.
It's extreme in the extreme. But some of the scientists that think the extreme is a done deal have responded in their personal lives by going off-the-grid. For them what they are seeing is that persuasive - that gives one pause. But
this 'hellish vision' is not new. It's been percolating for decades.
You want to be convinced? Read the science. Plenty of books out there across a wide range of scientific disciplines giving evidence as to the changes afoot. Make your own decision. I'm not the one to convince you.
being unconvinced isn't really offensive, or in denial, its just unconvinced of the real cause, and the real consequence.
Being unconvinced is not offensive - no. Denial is not offensive - no. It's when such folks - as yourself and others - badger and hector and ridicule and you-name-it those who are dealing with the AGW issue. That is offensive.
You bring up an excellent over-arching point, though: unconvinced of real cause and real consequence - what does one do? Fact is, the real cause is
not in dispute. That you think so is evidence of the effectiveness of the disinformation campaign being waged, according to a prevalent view. There may be outliers, there may be questions about an interpretation here, a factoid there, but the general view is that humans have kickstarted this whole process.
The skeptical science's utter bias and deception should shine thru brightly to all concerned here
You have made an accusation - you must back it up with facts. I find no deception present. It is a rigorous site imo. If you choose to post comments on their blog, you will be held to a high standard: all statements must be backed up, and no ad hominem is allowed. This is not censorship, it is following the protocols of legitimate scientific debate.
I notice your (and Pixel's) focus on Skeptical Science. It's occurred to me that the focus is because it has been so successful in countering what many feel is a campaign of disinformation by the status quo energy industry.
An aside: I find it interesting that John Cook identifies himself as an evangelical Christian and states that what he is doing is motivated by his Christian beliefs. It's unexpected. I find that fascinating. Is it possible that the push-back on Skeptical Science is because of a bias against evangelical Christians? A thought that just came to me.
Regardless, the Skeptical Science site is an excellent source of science-based arguments for those interested in getting a handle on the arguments. It is so successful it has to be attacked. It's credibility has to be undermined. It's a pattern I've been noticing: the IPCC is spurious, for example. Any person or body that argues AGW becomes a target for vilification and suspicion. Individuals get accused of the most abhorrent personal 'sins'. It's sleazy in the extreme.
Skeptical Science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"After reading a 2007 speech by US Senator James Inhofe who claimed that global warming is a hoax, John Cook created Skeptical Science to be an internet resource that examined the scientific support of the most common arguments against mainstream scientific opinion.[1] The site currently maintains over 160 articles addressing the merit of common criticisms of the scientific consensus on global warming, such as the claim that solar activity (rather than greenhouse gases) is responsible for most 20th-century global warming. Each article, referred to as an "argument", first presents a quotation from a prominent figure who made a direct claim regarding global warming, then follows with a summary of "what the science says".
"Rather than fully qualifying each claim, the site focuses mainly on challenging it by citing counterexamples for why it is incorrect, and structuring these examples into an overall rebuttal of the original claim. The site primarily gains the content for these articles from relevant peer reviewed scientific papers.[2]Many articles have been translated into several languages, and are split into up to three levels of technical depth. Rather than active advertising or media relationships, Cook has focused on structuring the site primarily for optimization in search engine results.[1]
"The home page of the site also features blog posts by a number of regular and guest contributors, which may be new rebuttals of a certain argument or simply the blogger's view on a relevant climate news item. Like the rebuttals, the blog entries tend to hold a consistent tone that the scientific opinion on anthropogenic global warming is generally accurate."
"Skeptical Science has become a well-known resource for people seeking to understand or debate climate change, and has been praised for its straightforwardness.[20] Marine biologist Ove Hoegh-Guldberg has described it as "the most prominent knowledge-based website dealing with climate change in the world",[21] and The Washington Post has praised it as the "most prominent and detailed" website to counter arguments by global warming skeptics.[22] In September 2011, the site won the 2011 Eureka Prize from the Australian Museum in the category of Advancement of Climate Change Knowledge.[23]
"Cook is trained as a solar physicist and says he is motivated by his Christian beliefs.[24] He is one of a number of Christians publicly arguing for scientific findings on anthropogenic global warming, and is an evangelical Christian.[25]"
we all look behind the curtain on most other subjects here, but no, paranormal truth seekers have mainly hippy leanings, save mother earth man, so they simply dont give a rats, as long as some pollution gets cleaned up somewhere, and big business takes one in the azz..
Here you betray your biases and prejudices - as well as outright fantasies. This little bit is such tangled thinking I won't bother to try to decipher what appears to be your attempt to characterize and denigrate. I leave you to your fabulations, manxman.