Ok, ive had a reply from the photographer of the image who sent me a full sized original (3000px x 2000px) complete with exif.
The image itself is of fairly good quality and shows the object far more clearly than the compressed blur placed on the news site. Exposure time is 4 seconds with an ISO of 800 and apparture of F8. The image is too large to place within the thread, but if anyone wants to take a look at it, email me and I will forward it to you.
Ok, ive had a reply from the photographer of the image who sent me a full sized original (3000px x 2000px) complete with exif.
Dear Andy,
Thank you for your email with your opninion regarding the object captured on new years eve.
I have gotten a reply from the NUFORC with the same explaining as yours. Peter from NUFORC claims it is a military plane. During the exposure, I did not notice there were anything flying into the frame as the left side of the location was too dark and my eye were mostly drawn towards where the fireworks were so I was curious wat was being captured in the frame as I got back to process the image.
It is a good explaination from you and Peter.
I have attached the image, embedded with exif for your reference.
Thank you again.
Jason Leong
The image itself is of fairly good quality and shows the object far more clearly than the compressed blur placed on the news site. Exposure time is 4 seconds with an ISO of 800 and apparture of F8. The image is too large to place within the thread, but if anyone wants to take a look at it, email me and I will forward it to you.