I have a right to listen to whichever episodes that I wish - I paid my subscription.
I have not breached any terms or conditions, so I will continue to give feedback as I see fit.
You are 100 percent correct.
When i first started listening back in 2008, the show was a volunteer effort available to the audience free of charge, A gift given and received.
Adages like "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, and what do ya want for nothin" came into play with the implication contained in them that it's bad manners to complain about a gift.
But as you say we have moved to a subscription model, For you it's a consumer product not a gift. And as such you have every right to dispense with polite nicety's and complain about the quality of the product you have purchased.
But were it me, I'd still personally err on the side of politeness given Goggs is still a volunteer in this equation. Giving his time and contribution for free.
That's just me, Mileage will vary and you are quite correct that you are entitled to throw polite nicety's out the window in this situation