Paranormal Novice
Look Im not saying rape is something to be made fun of or not a serious issue. But heres the problem you are conflating his making light of a popular meme that society links to abductees with him making light of rape and thats just not what he is doing. You may have a hyper sensitivity as a victim and misconstrue what he is saying.J
Maybe you are not a victim. But I think joking about anal rape is terrible. I'm a victim, tell me why it should not hurt that gene makes light of it? We don't have to be victims ourselves but if it happened to our wives we would be pissed. Ha ha men can't be raped. But we can and I pray none of you ever finds out. Maybe if gene was involved in a Paranormal issue he would not be so cruel. I don't know. But making light of victims, even those you think are delusional, is cruel.
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