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November 5, 2017 — Kevin D. Randle

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I'm 80% through the last episode of the P+ with Randle. If you had to go one way or the other - would you lean towards an unknown craft from another world that landed? Or something more terrestrial like a classified lunar lander/module craft? (or something similar)
2012/2013/2014 - Mr. Randle realizes that the Roswell bubble has well and truly burst, leaving only one dinosaur (S. Friedman) capable of hypnotizing lecture circuit audiences.

2015/2016 - Mr. Randle begins a campaign of back-tracking on previously long held beliefs regarding Roswell to try and save some credibility. Invigorated interest assures bookings on the (lucrative) lecture circuit... temporarily.

2017/.... - Mr. Randle completely shifts focus and begins mining Socorro incident. Book sales, and (lucrative) lecture circuit appearances are guaranteed for numerous years to come.

I'm still dying to hear Ben Moss' revelation regarding Socorro. He talked a pretty good game on the forums here a few years ago and since then, it seems like he's slithered into the woodwork and that's the last we heard from him - or his hypothesis.
2012/2013/2014 - Mr. Randle realizes that the Roswell bubble has well and truly burst, leaving only one dinosaur (S. Friedman) capable of hypnotizing lecture circuit audiences.

2015/2016 - Mr. Randle begins a campaign of back-tracking on previously long held beliefs regarding Roswell to try and save some credibility. Invigorated interest assures bookings on the (lucrative) lecture circuit... temporarily.

I read KDR's latest, Roswell in the 21st Century. While he seems to despair of ever resolving the case definitively, he most certainly does not think MOGUL is the answer, or that ET has been debunked.
Btw KDR began rejecting some testimony long before 2012.
Yes. That he didn't think an Officer would be walking around with a memo with that information in his hand.

Certainly not with reporters and photographers around. When, years ago, I made this point on KDR's blog, David Rudiak cited a number of cases where officials were careless in allowing sensitive memos or what not to appear in public view. Still I think the point is valid and I'm no fan of the Ramey memo.
I read KDR's latest, Roswell in the 21st Century. While he seems to despair of ever resolving the case definitively, he most certainly does not think MOGUL is the answer, or that ET has been debunked.
Btw KDR began rejecting some testimony long before 2012.
His Socorro book is his latest.
Great show. The more I hear of Randle the more I like him!

Evidence based approach, willing to change his position over time as new insights come forth, persistence to keep peeling layers off the sources and claims of witnesses / investigators. A rare breed to this field and we should all be grateful we have him working on it.

Without a large scale research project overtime using instruments to obtain data, this is surely about as best approach available to try and find the nuggets of truth.
Great show. The more I hear of Randle the more I like him!

Evidence based approach, willing to change his position over time as new insights come forth, persistence to keep peeling layers off the sources and claims of witnesses / investigators. A rare breed to this field and we should all be grateful we have him working on it.

Without a large scale research project overtime using instruments to obtain data, this is surely about as best approach available to try and find the nuggets of truth.

Randle is probably the best researcher around today, but I question some of what he's done or said. While he's generally been more on the mark than Friedman, the latter did, after all, reject Kaufmann before he did.
Friedman has actually worked in 'black projects' and still restricted to a oath . Therefore, his research has shown there is restricted files and been through historical archives doing the leg work and interviewed eyewitness. The Barney Hill case still open as Roswell until all the classified material ever brought to light.
Friedman has actually worked in 'black projects' and still restricted to a oath . Therefore, his research has shown there is restricted files and been through historical archives doing the leg work and interviewed eyewitness.

Of course, I've read at least one of his books. Still, his support of the EBD hasn't endeared him to many others in the field, who incline toward KDR's position on it.
It would be good to have Dr.Randle and Physicist Stanton Friedman together if possible on flying saucers fact or mythology? Also how do we know if other incidents did not occur on the Roswell Base prior to the so called Roswell Crash?
BTW - do we know what the main deciding factor is in why some people are 100% sure Roswell was Mogul and why other's think that's impossible? It seems there is no blurry line. It's either Mogul or absolutely wasn't Mogul.

For quite some time KDR has been certain it wasn't MOGUL. The matter appears to have been settled more or less definitively in his blog, where the best informed believers and skeptics duke it out.
I note in his latest tome on this subject Roswell in the 21st Century KDR seems to despair of the ET explanation, not because there is any better earthly explanation but because even after 70 years there hasn't been any definite proof of ET (no bona fide bodies, wreckage or photos known to the public). KDR mentioned the saying "when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." He clearly considers MOGUL impossible. But the utter failure to find an earthly explanation doesn't prove ET, in his judgement, since in science you need a "higher standard of evidence."
It would be good to have Dr.Randle and Physicist Stanton Friedman together if possible on flying saucers fact or mythology?

They're getting pretty old but both and especially Stan, have favored the reality of the phenomenon, and the ETH.

Also how do we know if other incidents did not occur on the Roswell Base prior to the so called Roswell Crash?

Over the years, researchers have exhaustively investigated every conceivable earthly explanation--V rockets, flying wings, a japanese balloon bomb, MOGUL, japanese POWs in some contraption, crash test dummies, some russian or government plot, even kids with progeria....Had anything worked the case would've been settled ages ago. I noticed in KDR's blog for years all the skeptics argued for MOGUL before that balloon got popped. I very much doubt they would've done so had there been any superior prosaic alternative.
This is off the subject but always resonated with me as far as not believing everything you read;

The plane I flew in the U.S. Navy (Lockheed P-3C Orion) can carry the B57 nuclear depth bomb. I had to go to nuke weapons loading school, get certified and another bunch of stuff. I was home based out of Brunswick, ME. We had Marines on the base. The ONLY reason Marines are attached to a naval air station is for security/guarding nuclear weapons. So we knew for a while that they were doing away with the P-3C carrying/delivering a nuclear weapon. So finally the day came. When all the trucks & equipment arrived to remove the nukes from our base. About 9 months later, I walk into work and one of my comrades is reading the local newspaper. In it is an article that headlines "Brunswick Believed To Be Last Base In New England To Have Nukes". We all kind of chuckled & were like "Yeah, no. Those have been gone for almost a year now."

But it was a good lesson as far as learning how to be skeptical. As a kid I assumed everything in the news must be real (think; CNN - Fake News, etc.). But I know all of the 1000's of people in Maine that read that article now really think that we still have nuclear weapons on our base.

Now I think on a grand, global scale how much erroneous information is out there but we have no way to verify it.
Now I think on a grand, global scale how much erroneous information is out there but we have no way to verify it.

It's common knowledge that UFOlogists have excellent grounds for doubting the government line on Roswell. But for some time I've suspected that even nongovernment people, purporting to be objective and independent, are actually with the government, working to conceal secrets, not in the obvious way, but by putting out false information.