Ron Away
Paranormal Adept
Not a bad idea!I will need to look into it more. Pity us UK Paracast members couldn't get something together for such things??
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Not a bad idea!I will need to look into it more. Pity us UK Paracast members couldn't get something together for such things??
I don't doubt that weird things happen. During what I interpreted at the time to be a church haunting, an electric organ began to play and when we went to check it out, there was nobody at the keyboard, and there seemed to be no way anyone could have gotten past us without being noticed. At the time we thought it was the ghost of a musician who had a funeral in that church. But since then I've come to the conclusion that interpreting hauntings as evidence of continuity of consciousness or souls of the dead or other similar notions cannot be logically substantiated, and therefore it must be something else. The question then becomes what is responsible?
I didn't hear anything in Esposito's theoretical explanations that could actually work the way he was suggesting it might, but it is possible that certain kinds of technology could create such impressions. For example hypersound technology, developed by DARPA, or certain kinds of microwave resonance, which could also cause physical discomfort and other physical symptoms. Given the kinds of experiments that have been done in the past by government agencies, and the kinds of PSYOP tactics guys like John Alexander talk about, even if the sounds seem unexplainable and aren't hoaxed, there could be other Earthly explanations.
Some Points To Consider
Indeed. Firsthand experience may not be the best evidence one could conceivably get, but it's far from having no value. The important thing to keep in mind is that regardless of the nature of the evidence, how we interpret the evidence is also prone to it's own errors. Like seeing an apparition that looks like some dearly departed relative doesn't mean that the apparition is the dearly departed relative. In fact, because an apparition is not the same as an actual living person, it has to be something else. So no matter what evidence one gets, there is none that can be sufficient to give weight to the idea of afterlives, at least not in the sense that they are usually imagined.Agree you cannot believe everything your spoon feed. However, more weird events folks experience it changes your perception on the reality we live in and can't ignore police, military eyewitness reports in regards of UFO and paranormal events over the years. Although, I don't discount small percentage technology advances use in some events to fool or used for political gain in defence contracts at the expense of eyewitness?
The statement that, "we don't know what's waiting in the afterlife", adds no weight to the claim that afterlives exist or are even possible. The statement is also a logical fallacy in that it assumes the claim is true to begin with. It's also not true that we "can't ignore" afterlives as a possibility. We can, and there's good reason to do so. That's because some things ( like interstellar travel ) are possible, and some things ( like afterlives ) are impossible.Well we don't know what's waiting in the afterlife and we can't ignore the paranormal aspects which science doesn't have answers nor religion ...
I remember someone asking Ricky Gervais if he believes in life after death.He said no.He said to the interviewer,do you remember anything before you were born the interviewer said he didn't.So Gervais replied exactly,"I didn't exist,now I exist and when I die I will no longer exist".This makes sense to me.I don't dismiss ghosts as Ive encountered several strange things.I just don't believe it's the dead returning.The statement that, "we don't know what's waiting in the afterlife", adds no weight to the claim that afterlives exist or are even possible. The statement is also a logical fallacy in that it assumes the claim is true to begin with. It's also not true that we "can't ignore" afterlives as a possibility. We can, and there's good reason to do so. That's because some things ( like interstellar travel ) are possible, and some things ( like afterlives ) are impossible.
Understanding exactly why afterlives are impossible is a bit of a lengthy process that goes against a lot of other people's personal and religious belief, and therefore I don't want to get into a lengthy explanation here. Suffice it to say that although afterlives aren't possible in the way they are commonly portrayed ( as a continuation of personhood after the death of the body ), that doesn't mean that there hasn't been any truly anomalous phenomena that has led people to jump the conclusion that afterlives are real. I believe there has been. I've seen it myself.
Well we don't know what's waiting in the afterlife and we can't ignore the paranormal aspects which science doesn't have answers nor religion. They both have theories and the tarnish factor. Still think they? only know the same as anyone else except those who need to know. Furthermore, would not be surprised other states have advance technologies not just the USA and Russia you would be naive.
Interesting show, but I'm only half-way through.
But so far I'm very disappointed that, yet again, the English EVPs are pre-empted with what we are supposed to hear! No, NO!
For years part of my job was to listen to weak speech radio signals to get various IDs. When there's one I couldn't quite make out, I asked a colleague what they think is being said. We never, ever suggested what we thought it was because that's what the next person is likely to hear too! They must listen without any pre-conceived notions.
This is such basic common sense but it is almost always overlooked by EVP researchers.
Those EVPs perceived to be in a foreign language of course get over this, especially if the language is not recognised.
BTW, where are the sound files that were going to be posted in the show notes?
I agree Ian. Immediately after this show aired I messaged Gene to say that Michael should be brought back ASAP and the EVP recordings be made available to + members before the show so that the listener could pause the show and play the EVPs for themselves before they are told what to hear - the only way to suss EVPs is for multiple people to giver their take independently and without pre-knowledge etc.
I am also really into the technical aspects and I would love a discussion on the possible mechanism that might allow a non-physical intelligence to cause a human voice to be recorded in an audio recorder. There is so many knowledge gaps, nay, theory gaps! To do with how this all might happen. I never hear this discussed on shows.
Bottom line, Michael has to come back so we can properly all join in the EVP analysis and musings on the science etc.
I'd be glad to. May need a prompt though as I'm not always reading the forum.