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Nussbeck's finest hour

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Paragilmorian guy
Well ... I suddenly realised that I hadn't heard anything from Ronald Nussbeck for a while. Yes him of strange photograph imaging fame ... so I did a wee search on the google and came up with the following.

I'm not going to say anything ... but I almost fell off my chair when I saw it:



He really has done himself justice this time. Its quite amazing what you can do with Nussbeck's (or is it Ron Stewart's?? photographic techniques) isn't it???
Ugh. City structures in craters, my bum. It would be impossible to pick out buildings at such an enormous distance, even with the might of the Hubble. And why do these wallies always assume alien beings would build cities? Or behave like us in any way whatsoever? Give me strength!
Ugh. City structures in craters, my bum. It would be impossible to pick out buildings at such an enormous distance, even with the might of the Hubble. And why do these wallies always assume alien beings would build cities? Or behave like us in any way whatsoever? Give me strength!

Interesting point about cities.

We have structures to feel safe with barriers against predetors and counter the effects of the environment as well as all the serf land ownage capitalistic reasons.

If you had a vehicle that could meet your basic - food, heat, medical, water, and shelter needs would you bother living in cities - maybe for the social interaction and procreation requirements.

Poor aliens they miss out on so much no wonder the find us so interesting.
Maybe you guys are missing the point (or I'm completely wrong about this ... wouldn't be the first time :D). He's using an "artists impression" of the planet. He's not using a real photo from the Hubble! Now do you get it??? :D
Ah - I did miss the point :D. That's probably because I only did a brief perusal of the article. BTW, 'nuss' is German for 'nut'. Not that I'm implying anything about the honourable gentleman :rolleyes:.
Ah - I did miss the point :D. That's probably because I only did a brief perusal of the article. BTW, 'nuss' is German for 'nut'. Not that I'm implying anything about the honourable gentleman :rolleyes:.

Ahhh it all becomes clear now. Nut-beck by name nut-beck by nature :D ... what would we do without Ronald Nussbeck??? Probably a lot of things ... thinking about it :D