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Obama Birth Certificate

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He's just taken a small measure of the credit for hooking, booking and cooking Laden Bins sorry arse.
Its likely to make him rather popular methinks.

Bin Laden/Laden Bin both stinking piles of garbage, i can be forgiven the confusion
Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony

By Jerome R. Corsi - June 28, 2011

NEW YORK – A nationally recognized computer expert who has served as contributing author and technical editor for more than 100 books on Adobe and Microsoft software says the Obama long-form birth certificate image released by the White House is a fraudulent document created with Adobe software.

"The PDF file released by the White House contains evidence of manipulation suggesting that one or more forgers utilized existing Hawaiian birth certificates to assemble fraudulently for Barack Obama a document the president presented to the world as authentic," Mara Zebest told WND.

Read the full article here with graphic examples: Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony

(pong's note: Photoshop guru Mara Zebest was a co-author of the book below.)


See book here: Amazon.com: Inside Adobe(R) Photoshop(R) 6, Limited Edition (2nd Edition) (0752064711599): Gary D. Bouton, Barbara Bouton, Gary Kubicek, Mara Zebest Nathanson, Jim Rich, Al Ward: Books
For Christ's sake give it up already. If you can't handle the fact that Obama is the legitimate (however wrong-headed) President of the United States, move to Guatemala.
For Christ's sake give it up already. If you can't handle the fact that Obama is the legitimate (however wrong-headed) President of the United States, move to Guatemala.

You can shoot the messenger (me) but it doesn't take this latest sobering report off the table.
Link: Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony

I think tech expert Gene Steinberg would agree with me on this: When someone who literally wrote the book on Photoshop (Mara Zebest) does a careful analysis that shows evidence of fraud, you have to take note.

It would be nice to question the individual who prepared this famous PDF for the White House. Their name, though, is being withheld. Why?
What's sobering (actually maddening) is that people are still beating this dead horse. And I'm not even an Obama fan. We need a president who's really as far left has all the birther nuts say he is. Instead we have one who's more conservative than Nixon. He's done very little that's much different from what McCain would have done. And they're still not happy.
What's sobering (actually maddening) is that people are still beating this dead horse. And I'm not even an Obama fan. We need a president who's really as far left has all the birther nuts say he is. Instead we have one who's more conservative than Nixon. He's done very little that's much different from what McCain would have done. And they're still not happy.

I'm old enough to remember the life and times of Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States. American history is endlessly fascinating and it's worth remembering that the chain of events that led to Nixon's resignation all began when a late-night security guard (at the Watergate complex) found a little strip of masking tape on the lock of a basement door.

History buffs go here:
"I'm old enough to remember the life and times of Richard Nixon".

Me too. But he was doing things to undermine the constitution that were far more serious than anything Obama is accused of doing (by the birthers anyway -- ask some leftists what they think). It's sad that in terms of policy Nixon was actually more liberal than Obama (and at the time Nixon was thought of as conservative -- how far we have fallen...).
I'm old enough to remember Nixon and Watergate. Although, I was pre-teen and a male so I wasn't really that interested. But, John Dean had a tall blonde wife at the time. My friends and I would totally ignore the televised proceedings until she took the stand. :p The other thing I remember about Nixon is the absolute HATE of the left toward him. Yes, he did undermine the constitution and to his ever lasting legacy he brought disgrace. But, I get so tired of hearing people say "Vietnam and Nixon" and then forgetting the "reason" for Vietnam. That would have been the old put up job by "LBJ" who manufactored a battle in order to start a war. But, shhhhh, we don't wanna talk about that. Anyway, the fact is that Obama is the president. He will be the president until he either leaves office or loses an election. He does some things I agree with and some things I very much disagree with. Trust me in my job I work closely with many different people. If the extreme "right" were to prove that Obama wasn't born in America and did get him "removed" you ain't seen civil war like you would see then. So, the best thing is for his opponents to challenge policy not his birth place. His supporters need to focus on accomplishments not name calling and race baiting. He's the president and with that comes the catcalls and brickbats and also the bowing and scraping depending on who is interacting at the time.
Wandering a little OT, the left opposed LBJ before it opposed Nixon. And the alienation of the Left from the Democratic Party (essentially leaving the Left in the political wilderness) is part of the reason overall politics in the U.S. has drifted so far to the right in the last 30 years. That goes a way to explaining why we have a Democratic president who 40 years ago would have been a conservative Republican -- and a Republican Party which 40 years ago would have been a national embarrassment.
I'm kind of embarrased by both parties right now. I heard a joke about how North Korea only has "one" person or parth they can vote for. They are free to vote but of course there is only one choice. We kind of brag but we really only have two choices ourselves and in reality only one. The party selects who they want the masses to vote for. I think term limits and limits on spending and other things would be a big help.
I'm kind of embarrased by both parties right now. I heard a joke about how North Korea only has "one" person or parth they can vote for. They are free to vote but of course there is only one choice. We kind of brag but we really only have two choices ourselves and in reality only one. The party selects who they want the masses to vote for. I think term limits and limits on spending and other things would be a big help.

Move to Canada. We're awesome.
Happy Canada Day!
One of the things that bothers me is when a new congress person is elected. They are expected to meet with the "party" leadership right away. Jefferson must be rolling in his grave. Anyway, I'll hush now because I don't buy the evil republicans and the wonderful free thinking democrats. I don't buy the God fearing conservatives and the evil godless liberals either. I just try to understand the motive behind those who are running for office. Follow the money and the motive and don't drink the kook aid of either extreme.

---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 PM ----------

Happy Canada Day! If I'd known I would have said it sooner. I like the way Canadians kind of fly under the radar and don't get all that boisterous and flag waving loud.

---------- Post added at 08:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 PM ----------

I would think of moving to Canada but my southern blood gets really cold once the temp drops below 55 degrees. :p We had a "cool" day or two this week because it was only in the low to mid 90's. Of course the same humidity that makes it so uncomfortable in hot weather also makes it rough in cold weather. It's just our cold season doens't last all that long. :cool:
If you bothered to investigate this, you would find that the announcements were automatically done by the board of health then. This neither proves nor disproves Obama's birthplace.

---------- Post added at 06:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 PM ----------

If Obama had a legitimate birth certificate, why would he spend lots of money on legal efforts to keep it from being seen? He did just that. Why would anyone not want a candidate to be fully vetted before an election? No one in the media bothered to vet Obama at all. Doesn't this seem strange to you? It sure does to me. Consequently, I suspect that he may not be what he appears to be.

I didn't think much of GW Bush, either. They are all told what to do by those behind the scenes. We are set up to fight each other so that nothing ever really changes.

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