Disco still sucks.
..or nazi Germany<st1></st1>
Cha-CHING. Godwin's law.
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..or nazi Germany<st1></st1>
Show me the vast rows of corpses in other countries that already have the vaccine and have taken it. See, this isn't a kinda-maybe sort of conspiracy theory, either the vaccine is a deadly, first pass at global genocide or it isn't.
If it is show me the bodies.
If not, then recognize that it's not and shut up about it already.
Ever heard of a "soft-kill?"<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
Yup...heard a weak one or two in my days.Ever heard of a "weak argument"?
Ever heard of a "weak argument"? Come on, man! Alex Jones, David Icke and their ilk have promised us streets choked with corpses, mass graves, incinerators running day and night to dispose of the dead!
he said in 1977 he said we would be in an ICE AGE within 30 years and a GIANT ice chunk was going to break off the Antarctic ice shelf and the resulting tidal wave was going to kill most of the worlds population!
Yes because if someone is wrong once then they're always wrong... oh wait, that's a retarded attitude, it's like assuming if someone shot at you and missed that you were somehow bulletproof...
And speaking of dodging, nice one on the vaccine issue. No vast piles of corpses clogging the streets and rivers. No genocide. No NWO. Where is it?
the NWO is on our doorstep. both bushies and obama have called for it. and several other presidents have warned us of it. they have our money, and the rest is within their grasp.
Every bloody politician calls for it! They all call for "peace in our time" too but I don't see that happening either.
you will not see peace because of the NWO/military industrial complex/central banker problem.
we need to audit or end the fed.
The Fed is going to get an audit. People will go to jail.