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Not a very smart move when you're running for re-election, my gut feeling is he'll be forced to back off, but we'll just have to wait and see.
@Muadib - do you happen to know who was forcing thru this legislation on the rolling machines?
Here in New Zealand the price of a single pack of 20 smokes is $16.30 out of which 90% is tax.
I am sick to death of that Nanny state and Big Mother government.
Hey folks - my alltime favourite gripe - the cost of smokes!! In the UK it's not far off £7 quid for a pack of cigs. (I embarrassed myself in US once, asking for 'twenty Marlboro' - and the cashier thought I wanted 20 packs. The laugh is perhaps we are so poor in the UK, you can buy individual packs of 10 cigarettes for half the price of a 20).
Anyway, my fellow nicotine addicts, I took the leap 18months ago onto electronic cigarettes and guess what? I am still addicted to nicotine but I take it in a cheaper, cleaner, less harmful, and way more enjoyable way now. Not once chance in hell I am going back to tobacco and the above story about rolling them in the shop just proves it's all about the tax - utter bullshit.
Word of advice for anyone interested in e-cigs - avoid getting anything that actually looks like a real cigarette - not enough power or liquid. Really do your research as the experience you get will determine if you stick with it or not. I'm 38, been smoking regularly since late teens, stopped properly for 2 years and started again. Now I really prefer the e-cig vaping experience.
Any other forum users on e-cigs too?(Oh and it works out cheaper that hand-rolling, I am soooooo not squandering money on tobacco taxes anymore)
Holy shit.That's insane, no wonder you quit.
Yeah man it is an anti tobacco lobby called ASH that has forced the high tax on smoking.. the crazy thing is the real numbers of people who smoke has not fallen very much at all.
I guess I smoked because I enjoyed it but thanks to the Fun Nazis once again sticking their collective moral panic into other peoples lives I had to quit.
You know here is an idea.. If you don't like smoking, drinking, movies with an R level... DON'T WATCH THEM OR DO ANY OF THEM, and what I do in my own home is none of the governments fucking business or that of the local religious moral groups.
The fact is if you don't wasn't to be around smokers then let them have their cigar bars etc, and stop standing on my rights.
Right had my rant
Up is down, right is wrong,
C'mon people you know how it works.
I was going to try e-cigs untill I heard about the guy who got his teeth blown out using that product. Sure, an isolated incident but there's no way I'm trying that. I'll stick with the old fashioned way thank you.