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Obama Signs Executive Order To Kill Internet

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Yeah I dunno, like I said I tried it before and it was just so light, it was like smoking nothing at all, but with the cost of cigarettes these days I'm more and more tempted to try it again.

@stonehart sorry for hijacking your thread.
Is it really hijacking? I mean, kill our freedom, kill our rights, kill the Internet, kill our jobs, kill our right to make our own cigerettes it's all relative isn't it?
Scary reading indeed in many cases.

I can't wait to see what matt taibibi's take on this is. Although I don't care for his style anymore than somebody like glenn beck he is quite good @ ferretting out stories like this and pointing out some of the trap doors in legislature like this although I'm not sure if this is considered legislation. I haven't exactly heard the members of our house or senate howl at this, admittedly they're in recess, and they're too busy wasting time and money voting down obamacare, gotta pander for those votes this fall...it's almost like obama was given tactic approval by their failing to act or address the e.o.
I have been using an e cig for almost 2 years now and its great! Only costs me between 15 to 30 bucks a month for the juice and gives me the same feeling as a real cig only without all the harmful crap.If your looking to get into it get any of the joyetech brand.I personally use the ego series from joye with joye 510 atomizers and they give huge amounts of vape :)
@Muadib -I use a 'Lavatube mini' with CE2 clearomisers. Cos my PV (personal vaper) can be dialled between 3 and 6 volts, this thing makes far more vapour than you can handle.

Liberty-flights.com has both a UK and US site and things are available there. There are video reviews too, if you look or buy what I've got, it won't be too weak - that I can guarrantee!
@Muadib -I use a 'Lavatube mini' with CE2 clearomisers. Cos my PV (personal vaper) can be dialled between 3 and 6 volts, this thing makes far more vapour than you can handle.

Liberty-flights.com has both a UK and US site and things are available there. There are video reviews too, if you look or buy what I've got, it won't be too weak - that I can guarrantee!

Thank you, I watched a few demos and this thing definitely puts out an impressive amount of vapour, now to try and find one cheap and do some learning about this whole e-cig thing. I am very intrigued by what Digital said, if I can spend $30 a month and get the same effect as a regular cigarette I'll be saving between $120 and $150 a month!
Thank you, I watched a few demos and this thing definitely puts out an impressive amount of vapour, now to try and find one cheap and do some learning about this whole e-cig thing. I am very intrigued by what Digital said, if I can spend $30 a month and get the same effect as a regular cigarette I'll be saving between $120 and $150 a month!
You should check out freedomsmokeusa.com thats where i get all my juice and you can customize your nicotine levels in it.A 30ml bottle of juice will cost you around 15 t0 20 bucks and last you anywhere from 2 weeks to a month or more depending on your smoking habit :)
@Muadib -I use a 'Lavatube mini' with CE2 clearomisers. Cos my PV (personal vaper) can be dialled between 3 and 6 volts, this thing makes far more vapour than you can handle.

Liberty-flights.com has both a UK and US site and things are available there. There are video reviews too, if you look or buy what I've got, it won't be too weak - that I can guarrantee!
Yeah i really want to get the Lavatube it seems like it hits great.I just got a joye twist which lets me vape up to 4.8 volts and that gives better hits than the standard 3.3 or 3.7 from most devices.I use the 510 attys because I prefer to drip.Do the CE2s work well? Do you have a knockoff of the lavatube or the real one from volcano?
Yeah i really want to get the Lavatube it seems like it hits great.I just got a joye twist which lets me vape up to 4.8 volts and that gives better hits than the standard 3.3 or 3.7 from most devices.I use the 510 attys because I prefer to drip.Do the CE2s work well? Do you have a knockoff of the lavatube or the real one from volcano?

What is dripping? Sorry for all the questions but I'm a newb when it comes to all of this.
My fave topic currently. I believe my Lava is the real deal. Cost me about £55 which included bottle e-liquid, charger, 2 batteries, couple of cartomisers.

Previously I was very happy to use the typical Joye 'ego' type battery with 510 thread. I found using CE2 orCE3 clearmisers gave most vapour but of course once batteries get a bit old they don't put out the same power and really if you under-power an atomiser you risk excess liquid escaping everywhere. Having power ensures this does not happen.
I choose atomisers between 2.7 and 3.0 ohms with which I give about 3.8v when new, and anything up to 4.6 when they are a bit older.
Once you spend money on something like a lavatube, it pays for itself soon because the batteries it takes are very cheap and disposable (£4 each).

I order individual components to make my own liquid, which is very cheap. For about £30 I can make about 250ml of e-liquid compared to say buying ready made 10ml bottles for £7. A huge saving. I spend far less on all this than I did before with rolling tobacco.

I really enjoy my vape and I have zero intention of giving it up. Whilst not perfect it is undoubtedly less harmful than smoking and vaping is the lesser of two evils by far. Non-smokes around me really notice the difference and every one to a man is very positive about vaping. I got my 65 year old aunt on e-cigs now and she smoked a very long time so it is obviously a great substitute. People can be put off by all the variety and options but really the best way is to ask an experienced vaper or buy a 'starter kit' - although I do not rate many available and I think it is important your very first try at vaping is good.

It feels like smoke going down, it looks like it and it satisfies the nicotine craving every bit as fast as smoking. It does not stink or pollute and it's cheaper. Compared to smoking it is far superior in my view and happily so.

@Muadib - all e-cigs basically deliver a nicotine-infused mix of vegetable oil or substitute with flavourings. A heating coil called an 'atomiser' converts the liquid to the vapour. There are many different methods of delivering the liquid to the atomiser and some people prefer to just drop some liquid straight on to an atomiser rather than use one of the storage/delivery systems. This is called 'direct dripping' because you are just dripping liquid directly onto the atomiser. Special mouthpieces allow this to take place.

I am happy to answer any questions on e-cigs from anyone. If you wanna stop smoking but can't, this may the the very thing. Oh, and at least over here, it's still legal to vape in bars etc!:)
@Digital Trickster - I was using CE3's and the vapour production was great but they were leaking quite a bit so I reverted to CE2's and they are great with the lava. As long as you have the ability to bump up the voltage, you can get decent amounts of vapour from many atomisers, the life of those atomisers is very varied. I've had ones good for weeks and others shit after one fill.

These DCT tanks are good. It's just a standard poly-filled dual coil carto but it's surrounded by a tank that holds more liquid. The liquid feeds into the carto by way of a small hole in the carto. When you get them you really must enlarge that hole yourself by a decent factor. It comes way too small to be much use but the system is in place to work fine.
I have to agree completely I would never go back to real smokes.Its such a cheaper and more healthy way to get the nicotine without all the other harmful crap.I cant wait to get a Lavatube myself it seems like they best way to go once you have a good handle of the whole vaping experience . I use 510 Lr attys right now have you used these on the Lavatube before? And how long is the battery life for you?
I had a dct tank setup but it never seemed to work right so I have gone back to just dripping.Thats why I am curious if you have dripped before with a 510 on your lavatube because any videos of them being used everyone is using tanks with them.
I had a dct tank setup but it never seemed to work right so I have gone back to just dripping.Thats why I am curious if you have dripped before with a 510 on your lavatube because any videos of them being used everyone is using tanks with them.

Re. DCT's - if you didn't know already, you need to DIY a much bigger hole on the side of the carto. Once filled (do the carto by dripping in the poly as per usual) fill up the outside tank. Then I leave it to really soak through for hours. Getting it right in the beginning has a big influence on everything after.

I have only dripped for experimentation. That's no use for me, I'm probably quite a heavy vaper so I always use some system that can hold say, 1ml+ of fluid. The conical tanks that go on ego batteries are all well and good but they die off so quickly. After couple days you struggle. The only things that really work for their value, in terms of life and vapour production and wicking problems - I use all the clearomisers. The each have plus and minus points but for the price, you will get days of heavy vapour production before it weakens. Considering they are only about £2 each, if they even last 3 days, that is a bargain in smoking money terms!

Even if just using ego batteries I would still recommend CE2's or CE3's for vapour volume and life. For some people they can be a bit fiddly filling them up so if you have arthritis or something perhaps they would not be good but if you have use of your hands and eyes, then they are fine. A fill lasts a day anyway so it's not like you have to mess around all the time.

I was using ego batteries for around 15months until a friend got a lavatube. I ordered one that week. The standard version takes a long battery that should give 2 full days vaping. I got the shorter version and the battery will last a day, although because it comes with 2, I take a spare charged battery out with me anyway. The batteries are only like £5 each, cheaper in bulk. The charger is a bit bulky, it's not USB either but there are ways round that if it's important.

If you vape, I really cannot see anyone going back once they try a lavatube, or similar quality vapouriser. It's that good, and it looks like a light sabre, which is fine with me.
Lol yeah it does look like a light saber! Im a heavy vaper as well and it is annoying having to drip all the time I think after the problems and money wasted on the dct setup Ive been hesitant to try another system.Are the CE2s refillable?

I promise you, other systems do work and produce lots of vapour. I feel vapour volume is paramount in importance. If you cannot get enough 'smoke' it is immediately less satisfying than smoking and will mar your enjoyment considerably. I know, cos my first e-cig produced next to nil vapour and I was gonna throw in the towel with the whole e-cig thing, but I found an e-review of the same product and the reviewer had the same experience with his free sample. So I persevered and after trying virtually all types of atomiser, without doubt, clearomisers are the best. They make ample vapour every time while they are newish, they hold a decent amount - 1.6ml.
And yes, not only are they refillable, they often last way past expected life. I've had ones vaping good for up to 21 days! They only market them as using 2 or 3 times refilling, so anything past that is a bonus and it happens all the time!!

I swear, go buy pack of ce2 or ce3's and just try them! With a good system there is zero reason why these don't work excellently. I am using them as I type. Bags and bags and bags of vapour, I really feel it hit my throat going down in that satisfying way that all smokers know. Fill her in the morning, vape heavy all day and top it up late evening, never going to totally empty. As far as I've found, no other type does this for anything near the price. They are most economical and you should always have around 5 extra and then you would never have to worry when waiting for an order - they'd keep you for weeks if need be.

It's cheap, and you have the personal recommendation of a 2-yr vapour with a nosey disposition.

Dripping can indeed give one of the best vapes in terms of actual quality of vapour, flavour, smokiness etc - no two atomisers make identical vapour. I wont say that clearomisers give the best flavour response but it is adequate for most tastes I would venture. It's like a 'fire and forget' missile. Once it's filled and on the battery, that should be you good to go a whole day, no ifs no buts.

With my lava it is very simple to produce more vapour than is comfortable - because you can set the voltage, it is possible to find a perfect 'sweet spot' which makes enough vapour but not at the cost of flavour, which is what happens when everything is hotter than usual.

Once you have a set-up that can EXCEED your expectations, you then dial it down to a sensible day-to-day level, always knowing you still have plenty ooomph in her, should you want to drop a gear and sink the foot. I mean, I know it is frustrating to have an e-cig that just does not make enough vapour. If you are struggling for satisfaction and not getting anywhere near it, small wonder people dont continue. I predice ANY smoker, encouraged to vape at their own pace for a day or two, will instinctively see, like I did, that these things when working well, are 100% as satisfying as cigarettes, in fact for me, it has a number of other good features, all worthy of praise too. I did not thing in a million years I could be using e-cigs in place of smoking for 20months but the funny thing is, at not one point have I missed smoking. I only wonder why I continued to smoke as long as I did when these things were already available. I would choose to vape over smoke every time withouth fail.