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Oct 21st- Stifling the discussion

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Miah said:
You have to be an uber-elitist not to appreciate or at least acknowledge the greatness of Star Trek TNG and the 1st 3 Star Wars movies IMHO.

Now the 3 new SW movies are a different subject altogether...


I totally agree with you on both points...except for the Ewoks. My fav episode of TNG was "Inner Light". This is what SciFi is all about.

The new Battlestar Gallactica is bitching as well as the new Dr. Who.
Oh dear, I don't seem to agree about Star Trek TNG. And my reasons why seem to come out as follows:

Picard: French though strangely British, bald and totally fruity (thinks: Alan Rickman would have been better in the role ... 'Engage ... Ensssignnn Pott-errr')

Riker: Worse than bloody K-Irk when it comes to women and what was it with that horrible beard?

Data: The only half decent character when he wasn't being "humany" ... skin colour: bit pasty I always thought :P

Deanna Troi: Oh do me a favour, talk about brainless ... and pushes Riker when it comes to ... well ... you know (nudge nudge wink wink) ... ooo I'm empathetic I am ... can we go to bed now????

Geordi: Smug or what. Always wanted to hide his bloody coffee filter or whatever it was he wore on his face when he came on screen.

Worf: Totally insane/bonkers/tall. And what was that pie-crust doing on his head?? ... these Wookies ... sorry wrong programme ... ummm ... Klingons can't seem to eat properly in my not so humble opinion ... should wear futuristic spandex bibs or something.

Dr Crusher: Stupid name, and a really really stupid doctor ... at least Bones seemed to be on top of his subject.

Wil Wheaton: Wil Wheaton

Q: potentially the other good character (see Data) though was too soppy really for my taste (see Dr Who for better god-like characters :P)

Denise Crosby: Bing Crosby's grand-daughter

Any episodes involving the "Holo-deck": borrrrinngg ... oh goodie another episode featuring the 1920s/bad Sherlock Holmes ripoff/etc etc ... whoopty flaming doo.

And no ... I didn't watch that many episodes really ... I just seem to remember these bits as being the reasons why I never watched it that much. Did I mention the utter tediousness of the plots??

Still ... could have been Star Trek: Voyager ... nooooooo ... stuck in a far flung part of the galaxy with a yoda-sound-alike ... noooo .... or Star Trek:That Tedious Tedious Space Station Thing with all those annoying bratty bloody kids ... yawwwwwwwwn.

And now, dear Trekkies of many shapes, colours, creeds and races, you may start dismembering me in any way or fashion that pleases you ... I rest my case :D
schticknz said:
And no ... I didn't watch that many episodes really ... I just seem to remember these bits as being the reasons why I never watched it that much.

And now, dear Trekkies of many shapes, colours, creeds and races, you may start dismembering me in any way or fashion that pleases you ... I rest my case :D

You pretty much did it for us right there bud.
schticknz said:
Picard: French though strangely British, bald and totally fruity

You got me on that one. It did irritate me that this Frenchman kept quoting Shakespeare and boasted about Admiral Nelson and the frigging battle of Trafalgar, which was an epic English naval victory over the stupid Spanish- and French!
Astroboy said:
schticknz said:
Picard: French though strangely British, bald and totally fruity

You got me on that one. It did irritate me that this Frenchman kept talking about Admiral Nelson and the frigging battle of Trafalgar, which was against the stupid French!

See ... I was right :P ... and so the whole Star Trek edifice starts a-crumbling down :D
LMAO! Schticknz.
You can say what you want about Picard, Riker, Wharf (lol) and Dr. Crusher (great name for a doctor, though) but keep ya vulcan hands off Deanna Troi!
What a rockin' set of cans she has, man!!!
Those puppies are famous in 5 different universes.

As an aside, if Dr Crusher married "Bones" would that make her Dr Bones Crusher?
The Pair of Cats said:
LMAO! Schticknz.
You can say what you want about Picard, Riker, Wharf (lol) and Dr. Crusher (great name for a doctor, though) but keep ya vulcan hands off Deanna Troi!
What a rockin' set of cans she has, man!!!
Those puppies are famous in 5 different universes.

As an aside, if Dr Crusher married "Bones" would that make her Dr Bones Crusher?

ummm ... yeass ... well there's not a lot I can say about that except it looks like she still puts your phasor onto stun ... maybe??

And thus starteth the flood of strangely green skinned Star Trek double entendres ... :D
The Pair of Cats said:
LMAO! Schticknz.
You can say what you want about Picard, Riker, Wharf (lol) and Dr. Crusher (great name for a doctor, though) but keep ya vulcan hands off Deanna Troi!
What a rockin' set of cans she has, man!!!
Those puppies are famous in 5 different universes.

Don't get me started on Seven of Nine!

You there! Have you ever kissed a girl?
schticknz said:
Worf: Totally insane/bonkers/tall. And what was that pie-crust doing on his head?? ... these Wookies ... sorry wrong programme ... ummm ... Klingons can't seem to eat properly in my not so humble opinion ... should wear futuristic spandex bibs or something.


And don't you love how Worf's first suggestion for anything is "Sir, I recommend we fire photon torpedoes!" It could have been anything... Strange ship approaching, fire photon torpedoes. Weird "temporal disturbance", fire photon torpedoes. Ambassadors from Hippie-Land approaching, fire photon torpedoes. And he always got his ass kicked, even though he was the main security officer.

Now, Futurama.. that's my idea of a good sci-fi show.
Ehh - it's his show, he can trash anybody/thing he wants. I love Star Wars, I like Star Trek; I just laughed during the show when he was expressing his own dislike of them.

So David used to work with Lucasfilm? I'm new at the Boards, haven't gotten to reading too many threads yet.
Wow, Biedny's rolling in his grave right now. Oh wait, he's still alive. Still, I have it on good authority that he sleeps in a coffin.
Mr Biedny continues to reveal himself as a narrow minded, cruel, bully, and has lost all credibility as a supposed unbiased radio host interested in the "investigation of the paranormal, supersnatural, and ufo reality".

What he is keen on ... is trying to show how superior his "experiences" are to any others and that only his perspective on what he has gone through is relevant.

It is comforting to know that as we all evolve and the masses of humanity begin to experience these things for themselves on an intimate basis .. we won't have the need for silly rude radio hosts proclaiming that they are the ones that have the "inside track" on the phenomena.

The swearing and condescending attitude won't be missed ....
Allislove said:
Mr Biedny continues to reveal himself as a narrow minded, cruel, bully, and has lost all credibility as a supposed unbiased radio host interested in the "investigation of the paranormal, supersnatural, and ufo reality".

What he is keen on ... is trying to show how superior his "experiences" are to any others and that only his perspective on what he has gone through is relevant.

It is comforting to know that as we all evolve and the masses of humanity begin to experience these things for themselves on an intimate basis .. we won't have the need for silly rude radio hosts proclaiming that they are the ones that have the "inside track" on the phenomena.

The swearing and condescending attitude won't be missed ....

To be blunt about this, what you're saying is preposterous. David has never, ever, rated his experiences as being superior to anyone else's, not has he ever claimed to have an inside track on anything related to the paranormal.

One of the main reasons he does the show with me is because he wants to KNOW what's really going on.

Do you ever even listen, because you don't seem to know a lot about what we are talking about?

Just curious.

Now would you excuse me. I've got to awaken David from his coffin :D
Well, looks like "allislove" ain't exactly full of love, eh?

Show me where I've claimed that my experiences are "superior" to anyone else's, and when exactly did I ever say I was "unbiased"? I don't claim to have any answers, I always say that my thoughts on the show are just that, my thoughts, and that the listener's own mileage may vary. Anyone who actually listens to the Paracast knows this to be the case. AIL, it sounds like you are engaged in the lovely 'ole projection thang. Your posts always have that tone of superiority, you never present your ideas as opinions, they are always put forth as definitive fact. Well, I say you're full of shit, so put that in your love shack and fire it up.

And when you evolve, make sure to keep track of your socks. Your next stop, after being a sea monkey, will be sea horse. And the socks will no longer fit. Meanwhile, I asked this idiot to keep his comments to that one thread he created, and told him that if he didn't abide by that demand, he would be banned. He came onto this thread, and so now he has been banned. Sayonara, loveisfullofshit, we'll miss you. NOT.

And, for the record, I do NOT sleep in a coffin. I sleep on good cotton sheets, sometimes next to my honey, sometimes next to the mice, but always above ground. You freaks!


I don't know, Dave. Like I said, I have it on good authority that you do sleep in a coffin. I think I'll believe that because my source does not curse.
David Biedny said:
Well, looks like "allislove" ain't exactly full of love, eh?

Show me where I've claimed that my experiences are "superior" to anyone else's, and when exactly did I ever say I was "unbiased"? I don't claim to have any answers, I always say that my thoughts on the show are just that, my thoughts, and that the listener's own mileage may vary. Anyone who actually listens to the Paracast knows this to be the case. AIL, it sounds like you are engaged in the lovely 'ole projection thang. Your posts always have that tone of superiority, you never present your ideas as opinions, they are always put forth as definitive fact. Well, I say you're full of shit, so put that in your love shack and fire it up.

And when you evolve, make sure to keep track of your socks. Your next stop, after being a sea monkey, will be sea horse. And the socks will no longer fit. Meanwhile, I asked this idiot to keep his comments to that one thread he created, and told him that if he didn't abide by that demand, he would be banned. He came onto this thread, and so now he has been banned. Sayonara, loveisfullofshit, we'll miss you. NOT.

And, for the record, I do NOT sleep in a coffin. I sleep on good cotton sheets, sometimes next to my honey, sometimes next to the mice, but always above ground. You freaks!




Wow, you go away for a couple of days...

I'd like to congratulate everyone in this thread for COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY MISSING THE POINT of my intial post. Well done all, excellent reading skills.

Now here it is again, with subtitles in slow motion: I'm not complaining about David's opinions, or his vocalness, nor am I championing either of the franchises mentioned. What I am saying is, if David is going to throw a fit every time someone even mentions something REMOTELY connected to either franchise, even if it was only mentioned because it was the simplest and most direct corollary (ie beaming, galactic empire, whatever) then that's counter-productive.

The example isn't being brought up just because the person mentioning it is a hopeless trekkie wearing mis-matched spock ears and a uniform his mommy made him (okay it might be but I'm assuming there's SOME kind of screening process for the guests on the show), it's because the recognition is instantaneous and universal, allowing the conversation to proceed. That procession is halted if David has to take a time out for one of his Lucas-fuelled temper tamtrums. On a show like the paracast, which is limited for time, I would think that sort of criticism would at least be understood if not appreciated. That's it, that's all. Everybody clear? Besides, it's a waste of perfectly good Biedny ranting!
CapnG said:
Wow, you go away for a couple of days...

I'd like to congratulate everyone in this thread for COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY MISSING THE POINT of my intial post. Well done all, excellent reading skills.

Now here it is again, with subtitles in slow motion: I'm not complaining about David's opinions, or his vocalness, nor am I championing either of the franchises mentioned. What I am saying is, if David is going to throw a fit every time someone even mentions something REMOTELY connected to either franchise, even if it was only mentioned because it was the simplest and most direct corollary (ie beaming, galactic empire, whatever) then that's counter-productive.

The example isn't being brought up just because the person mentioning it is a hopeless trekkie wearing mis-matched spock ears and a uniform his mommy made him (okay it might be but I'm assuming there's SOME kind of screening process for the guests on the show), it's because the recognition is instantaneous and universal, allowing the conversation to proceed. That procession is halted if David has to take a time out for one of his Lucas-fuelled temper tamtrums. On a show like the paracast, which is limited for time, I would think that sort of criticism would at least be understood if not appreciated. That's it, that's all. Everybody clear? Besides, it's a waste of perfectly good Biedny ranting!

I'm not part of everyone. I am part of nobody, so Capn's comments don't apply to my brilliant post.