Tricky question to answer – for example, what do we mean by “paranormal experiences?” Lots of people would describe a sighting of a metallic craft executing rapid hairpin maneuvers in the sky as a “paranormal experience.”
We’d have to look at each example if we wanted to try to find specific explanations. From personal experience I’ve seen that some people are interested in their unusual experiences, so they remember them and talk about them, while other people could care less about such things and forget about them fairly quickly. So any connection could be “correlation” rather than “causation.” I assume that ghost experiences are psychological/neurological in nature, rather than objectively phenomenological, but perhaps they're both in some sense.
Life is complex, and the universe is vast and almost entirely unexplored. All kinds of exotic and unrelated phenomena are possible. I think we’re likely to be led astray if we try to put all of these different possibilities into a single basket.
I think that’s a mistake. Many witnesses have seen exotic solid craft behaving in a mechanical manner, following and evading aircraft, entering and exiting the water, leaving trace evidence, hovering for extended periods, emitting light of various colors,, etc. That just doesn’t jibe with “a mysterious force that can manifest itself physically at least for short periods of time,” in my estimation. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…
It’s odd to see that some people find the idea of an alien device visiting the Earth to be ridiculously unlikely, while others like yourself call the idea “mundane.” Many different things appear to be going on; some sightings are almost certainly experimental aircraft, others appear to be extraterrestrial technology, and others appear to be so far beyond our comprehension that it’s difficult to even construct a rational interpretation. But flatly concluding, as you have, that the source of the sighting experience is the same, and unphysical, seems logically indefensible to me.
There are many instances where the reported events are truly and deeply confounding. And I think it would be absurd to rule out the possibility that other forms of consciousness could be inhabiting the Earth and intersecting with our perceptions from time to time. Perhaps the Earth itself is consciousness is some way that eludes our comprehension, as the First Nations people suggest. Perhaps other organisms, like hives or even large fungi, possess some form of consciousness that’s entirely unknown to us, but perhaps quite sophisticated in its own right. Or maybe our own consciousness couples to physical reality in subtle ways that we have yet to understand, and our own subconscious mind plays tricks on us via this unidentified causal mechanism.
In any case, there seems to be no shortage of intriguing mysteries to explore and hopefully explain in the future. I’m grateful for that, frankly; a world without mystery would be a drab world indeed, and the exhilaration of scientific progress would vanish entirely.
Like I said, it may well be a mistake to try to “reconcile” seemingly disparate phenomena. We can’t even describe physics with a single postulate – why should the full range of human experience be any different?
Regardless, I think it’s disingenuous to characterize the behavior of unidentified flying objects as “floating around our planet.” To the contrary, all of the interesting cases indicate craft executing deliberate precision maneuvers, and exhibiting extremely high speeds, which suggests purpose and agency. If they simply meandered around aimlessly, as you’ve implied, they’d be a lot easier to photograph, and capture.
I would hypothesize that we have always been visited by other species (and/or their drones), for thousands if not millions of years, and that once we began detonating over 2000 nuclear warheads, we invited surveillance by any number of species in our galactic vicinity. And I would imagine that many of them would participate in their own sophisticated psyops, just as we do, as Usual Suspect suggested.
But do we have to draw a connection between unidentified aerial objects and things like ghosts, dog men, shadow people, and the Virgin Mary appearing on a slice of bread? I think not.