I think the new site confirms his version of the events. It doesn't validate his approach.
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I don't really think we can give too much credit to the issue of whether or not aliens are involved as that's far from proven and resides entirely in the fantastic and unsubstantiated theories of Jacobs. Why this all matters @Christopher O'Brien is because at the heart of Ufology burns some very specific cases - the foundational pieces as it were, and while they may not have the best proofs attached to them, the fact is that Roswell, Kenneth Arnold and The Hills Abduction are the three walls that hold this whole thing up.What you quote actually proves what you say is not correct. Read it again. It was a ploy, to "deflect" the entities who were after EW. Why do you think she laughed? Sounds like a dumb move to me, but still.
He speaks in a flat voice without a lot of inflection usually. During the episode, I first heard him chuckle a little about his working with Budd Hopkins.you have the audio - go back and listen - we all heard it pretty plain as day and it set the tone for all that was to follow.
what is his version - that remains unclear?I think the new site confirms his version of the events. It doesn't validate his approach.
I guess we would part ways on that one as it's very clear just how excited he is getting during the retelling of his first case and his thrill could be interpreted as his first case, regardless, his thrill over his first case is about a seven year old's sexual assault and he has no feelings of concern about that at all - those are the facts. i'm only reporting what happened. we all heard that and that's why people are speaking to that point repeatedly.He speaks in a flat voice without a lot of inflection usually. During the episode, I first heard him chuckle a little about his working with Budd Hopkins.
But I listened to the segment about the UFO abduction when a woman was a seven-year-old child in the third segment, and he seemed to gloss over the details rather quickly. But his emotions rose when he said he was "thrilled" with his success as a hypnotist. He then makes a big joke out of the fact that he failed to record the conversation properly. He explains how he called her back for another session to recover the details of the event and concluded that he "had no idea what he was doing," and thus agreed to put in a set of controls to improve his hypnotic technique. He goes on to explain how he regards hypnosis is about essentially relaxation and not about putting you in a trance.
The conversation turns to the problems with confabulation.
But I do not see his obvious "giddy" state as being the result of retrieving information about a sexually-related encounter. The context was clearly about his perceived success in hypnotizing someone. You are evidently looking for something that just isn't there.
What he said. The MPD segment was intended to deflect EW's alleged attackers. During the pre-hypnosis session, she agrees to the approach and laughs about it. His correspondence with EW provides a reason why he asked her for her soiled underwear, which clearly was in response to her claims that it was the result of being sexually attacked by her abductors. We can argue forever about his approach, but this material serves to confirm his version of the story.what is his version - that remains unclear?
His giddy demeanor only began when he mentioned his apparent success as a hypnotist. That he recounted the raw details of the abduction in a flat voice, almost glossing over them, makes it clear to me the source of his giddiness. Remember where he describes the subsequent session, and he spends even less time going over the details. Clearly the details were secondary to his learning process as a hypnotist. I went through it twice to confirm my reaction.I guess we would part ways on that one as it's very clear just how excited he is getting during the retelling of his first case and his thrill could be interpreted as his first case, regardless, his thrill over his first case is about a seven year old's sexual assault and he has no feelings of concern about that at all - those are the facts. i'm only reporting what happened. we all heard that and that's why people are speaking to that point repeatedly.
It is quite obvious from the transcripts that this person is a victim of sexual abuse or believes herself to be. When you read the content you feel so dirty afterwards you need some spiritual cleansing to try to shrug off the various violent abuses that are being talked about, and this is true not just for EW but for the other bits of sexual violence talked about by Jacobs. The sadomasochistic theme that he sponsors in his work, including the nail embedded chastity belts speak to his obsession which is violent sexual assault. What is being narrated and explored has nothing to do with aliens. It is Jacobs in the transcripts that refers to this happening all the time to his other clients - oh yes these are not sexual acts he keeps saying over the phone to hear more about forced oral sex for the purposes of hubrid semen collection - like this makes sense on any planet?! If it's not obvious from the transcripts that the focus is violent sexual assault then I don't know what people think they are reading because there is no discovery of the proof of aliens here - that's never the focus of the conversation. the focus is always sexual assault.OK, so was Emma Woods a victim of sexual abuse? Is that at the core of her claimed experiences, and did she put those experiences in the hands of powerful alien and/or hybrid abductors to, in a sense, shield herself from the reality that one or more people she knew were abusing her? What really happened to her?
I agree DJ was not qualified to actually provide any help. Is his focus on such cases an obsession with sexually-based UFO episodes, or just representative of the sort of cases that came to him? It may be both.
Forgetting all the back and forth arguments, this all happened years ago. Let's remove DJ from the equation and figure what really happened to EW? Nothing here helps us get to that core question. The rest is just arguing over process. Whether DJ was just a guy trying to do some good, a potential sexual predator, a combination of the two, or none of the above, that's besides the point. The arguments over process will never, ever, be resolved and they take us no closer to any answers.
he's a predator because he did nothing to help this person but continued ad nauseum to listen to three to five hour phone conversations about sexual abuse - is that a clinician doing that? what clinician would ever do that? so in this way there really is no paranormal connection for the one that he invents which then puts him in the same camp as many who remain nameless as posted above. they are nameless because they have no regard for scientific research. they are hoaxers. and if that's what they are then what is Jacobs?How is he a predator if he requests evidence of sexual abuse?
I see him as misguided, perhaps wrong, but saying he's a predator because of someone's skewed interpretation of the interactions is unfair. His expanded version seems more about good intentions gone bad, and coping with matters he was unqualified to handle.
It's getting too extreme here. The issues you mention, if they have no UFO/paranormal connection, are important but not within our purview here.
I'm not sure how healthy any of this discussion is, nor do I see her helping herself, though there is the chance that other people who have been victimized by oral history collectors might recognize that they're not getting any help either. that would be of a great benefit. but saying someone who was sexually traumatized played the victim card makes no sense. no one equates their sexual assault to a game, nor should any of us. that's anti-oppression lesson 101. we don't say people play the race card because racism is not a game. same thing applies here.One more thing: Don't forget that EW has, since she began her vilification campaign against DJ, turned herself from a nobody into an international personality by playing the victim card. She has been on radio shows, written articles, and been the subject of extensive debate across the online world. I don't know if she has earned any money from any of these pursuits, but she is far from an unknown now. She's made herself into an object of sympathy.
So who is exploiting whom?
I took time to read Jacobs' content just to confirm that what appeared to be fairly cut and dried exploitation of sexual trauma, given what's been reported, was true. It's kind of shocking that Jacobs would report it all and then make the blind paternalistic comment that she could have left the situation whenever she wanted, completely disregarding his own power position in the situation and how disempowered and vulnerable she was. It demonstrates how callous he is towards people who have suffered this way and how little he knows about working with people who have suffered sexual trauma.Burnt State: "Who does more damage to vulnerable people?" Exactly. To me, this has always been the central question, from DJ's second book which laid bare his sadistic concerns for all to see. I do take heart to see people in this thread who care about this question as passionately as I do - sadly this is a rare state of affairs in the field of ufology.
But he's the one that is invested in the narrative of these raping aliens who are taking over the planet, so on the face of it there is really nothing that confirms his version of the story; because, his story has no basis in reality. So he can make up whatever he wants about how legitimate his process is but that doesn't make it right. If my story is I want to commit genocide because I believe this will save my nation then certainly I can't be exonerated just because I believe my version of events is true. There is a moral line here and that's why everyone won't let it go. Acknowledgement of the immorality of it all is what trumps everything else. I think I said that about 20 pages ago but that fell on deaf ears. This discussion needs clear leadership that understands first and foremost what sexual assault is all about. David Jacobs made his own bed - how can there be any sympathy there?What he said. The MPD segment was intended to deflect EW's alleged attackers. During the pre-hypnosis session, she agrees to the approach and laughs about it. His correspondence with EW provides a reason why he asked her for her soiled underwear, which clearly was in response to her claims that it was the result of being sexually attacked by her abductors. We can argue forever about his approach, but this material serves to confirm his version of the story.
She's a sexual assault trauma victim and so it's difficult to evaluate her motives which may be tied to personal embarrassment or may, as we read clearly in the transcripts, be exceedingly difficult for her to talk to or own up to. That does not change how she was treated by the person who was not violated and who was in the position of power all along in this relationship. So I do not personally evaluate the trauma victim because they are vulnerable and not psychologically well. But the history prof on the other hand needs to be held to significantly higher standards. Her 'deceptions' as you call them are perfectly understandable in light of what she went through, and how the prolonged dialogue around her assaults met with no healing or caring, just jokes about multiple personality disorders. I can not judge someone in such a vulnerable position so easily. Perhaps if you have spent time with people who have suffered sexual trauma you might have more compassion for her position and be less inclined to judge her at all?In contrast, EW withheld some of this material, thus making DJ's approach seem more offensive than it really was. That indicates a clear intent to deceive, to make DJ look as bad as possible.
Temple University identified that Jacobs is not a researcher and that there is no science to what he does so what business does he have in consulting with sexual assault victims? One could say the exact same thing about Hopkins, his teacher and instructor in said methodologies. So if they are not scientists or researchers and have no qualifications to talk to people who have survived sexual trauma, then just what exactly are they and do they deserve any defence or support at all?Yet more ad hominem attacks from Emma Woods' supporters.
These individuals proclaim to be voices of reason, yet they can't speak without insulting
Temple University identified that Jacobs is not a researcher and that there is no science to what he does so what business does he have in consulting with sexual assault victims? One could say the exact same thing about Hopkins, his teacher and instructor in said methodologies. So if they are not scientists or researchers and have no qualifications to talk to people who have survived sexual trauma, then just what exactly are they and do they deserve any defence or support at all?