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October 28, 2012 — Gene and Chris Talk Shop

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And to my mind the It all fits the ETH, as long as we factor in advanced BCI technology.
A good screen memory implant should look like a real time event, and yet might also be just a little odd, if the programers are non human.

By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate the brain's low-amplitude "emotion signature clusters," synthesize them and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it.
"These clusters are then placed on the Silent Sound[TM] carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being!"
Regarding system delivery and applications, there is a lot more involved here than a simple subliminal sound system. There are numerous patented technologies that can be piggybacked individually or collectively onto a carrier frequency to elicit all kinds of effects.
There appear to be two methods of delivery with the system. One is direct microwave induction into the brain of the subject, limited to short-range operations. The other, as described above, utilizes ordinary radio and television carrier frequencies.
Far from necessarily being used as a weapon against a person, the system does have limitless positive applications. However, the fact that the sounds are subliminal makes them virtually undetectable and possibly dangerous to the general public.
In more conventional use, the Silent Sounds Subliminal System might utilize voice commands, e.g., as an adjunct to security systems. Beneath the musical broadcast that you hear in stores and shopping malls may be a hidden message that exhorts against shoplifting. And while voice commands alone are powerful, when the subliminal presentation system carries cloned emotional signatures, the result is overwhelming.
Free-market uses for this technology are the common self-help tapes, positive affirmation, relaxation and meditation tapes, as well as methods to increase learning capabilities. But there is strong evidence that this technology is being developed toward global mind control.
The secrecy involved in the development of the electromagnetic mind-altering technology reflects the tremendous power that is inherent in it. To put it bluntly, whoever controls this technology can control the minds of men - all men.
Artificial Telepathy: Telepathy and the technology of mind control

As 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl first reported in January, neuroscience research into how we think and what we're thinking is advancing at a stunning rate, making it possible for the first time in human history to peer directly into the brain to read out the physical make-up of our thoughts, some would say to read our minds.
How Technology May Soon "Read" Your Mind - CBS News

Homeland Security Detects Terrorist Threats by Reading Your Mind | Fox News

Scientists have developed a remarkable sensor that can record brainwaves without the need for electrodes to be inserted into the brain or even for them to be placed on the scalp.

Conventional electroencephalograms (EEGs) monitor electrical activity in the brain with electrodes placed either on the scalp (involving hair removal and skin abrasion) or inserted directly into the brain with needles. Now a non-invasive form of EEG has been devised by Professor Terry Clark and his colleagues in the Centre for Physical Electronics at the University of Sussex.

Instead of measuring charge flow through an electrode (with attendant distortions, in the case of scalp electrodes) the new system measures electric fields remotely, an advance made possible by new developments in sensor technology. Professor Clark says: "It's a new age as far as sensing the electrical dynamics of the body is concerned."

The Sussex researchers believe their new sensor will instigate major advances in the collection and display of electrical information from the brain, especially in the study of drowsiness and the human-machine interface.

"The possibilities for the future are boundless," says Professor Clark. "The advantages offered by these sensors compared with the currently used contact electrodes may act to stimulate new developments in multichannel EEG monitoring and in real-time electrical imaging of the brain."

"By picking up brain signals non-invasively, we could find ourselves controlling machinery with our thoughts alone: a marriage of mind and machine."

Imagine this technology perfected......

There is imo no aspect of whats being discussed that couldnt fit the ETH with advanced BCI technology scenario.
And to my mind the It all fits the ETH, as long as we factor in advanced BCI technology. Imagine this technology perfected ... There is imo no aspect of whats being discussed that couldnt fit the ETH with advanced BCI technology scenario.

Absolutely. We've covered this and other possibilities in another thread. The ETH ( ATECH ) can conceivably explain it all. However at the same time I don't think we need to invoke it for every incident. For example I don't see sufficient evidence to consider Chris' helicopter sighting as anything other than a helicopter sighting/coincidence ( even though I do give Chris more credit than he may think with respect to his intuition ).
observing a yellow antique helicopter fly right over their house, and come to find their bull had been mutilated and they of course equated the two events and, 13 years later I was interviewing them went home the following morning. As I'm typing up my notes from the interview an antique yellow helicopter flew right over my house

This suggests to me at least an ATECH scenario.

Change the word emotion in the following

In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it.
"These clusters are then placed on the Silent Sound[TM] carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being!"

To memory of antique yellow helicopter.......

He appears to have had a "duplicate" experience, to that of the ranchers
This suggests to me at least an ATECH scenario. Change the word emotion in the following ... To memory of antique yellow helicopter ... He appears to have had a "duplicate" experience, to that of the ranchers

Possibly. The thing that disturbs me about this type of ATECH is that we're fast approaching our own ability to create it, and then what? Will we ever be able to be sure of anything ever again? YouTube is bad enough. Imagine if that technology ever got into the hands of some shady cabal? It would make MKULTRA seem like childs play.
Possibly. The thing that disturbs me about this type of ATECH is that we're fast approaching our own ability to create it, and then what? Will we ever be able to be sure of anything ever again? YouTube is bad enough. Imagine if that technology ever got into the hands of some shady cabal? It would make MKULTRA seem like childs play.

Its on the cards

Hacking your BRAIN: Scientists reveal they can find out your pin number, and even where you live - all using a cheap headset

  • Technique uses a freely available headset often used to control games
  • Researchers used it to watch for numbers a person recognised, which triggered a spike in a certain type of brain activity
  • Say it could be used by police to interrogate suspects

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2194223/Hacking-BRAIN-Scientists-reveal-PIN-number-using-cheap-scanner.html#ixzz2Av0CGPCu

Neurons emit weak radio signals across the ELF/SLF/ULF frequency bands which are detectable remotely There have been reports that brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) utilising these bands may be achievable, since radio energy in these frequency ranges can be absorbed by neurons

We are only just playing with proof of concept stuff right now, perfected this technology can change the world, or at least how we see it lol.

But again advanced versions of this in the hands of an ET , can tick all the boxes in regards to this enigma. Imagine being able to hack a brain, reading and writing data to it at will, essentially turning it into a biological flash memory drive
This suggests to me at least an ATECH scenario. Change the word emotion in the following to memory of antique yellow helicopter.......He appears to have had a "duplicate" experience, to that of the ranchers
Yeah, that's all fine and good in theory, but what about the other family members in 1980? Or the other witnesses to the chopper flyover in 1993? These people (in '93) were dispersed in three different locations (if memory serves me correct). That would require that the ATECH program/signal was being broadcast broadly—not only at my location where Brisa, Isadora and myself were located. The other two-3 witnesses were elsewhere in town—how do you explain that? I trust you are getting my point. It sounds good in theory, but, wouldn't a human perpetrated induced manifestation of these witnesses experiences have required a level of tech beyond mere directed SOTA micro-wave technology? It doesn't make sense...

Perhaps a causal mechanism was tripped and tapped into a greater holographic connection between divergent witnesses? Sure, it could have been ETs, or you tax dollars, but, if so what was the f**cking motivation?! It doesn't make any sense to me at all, and I experienced it! We're talking a trillion-to-one chance/synchronistic event here if it was a mere coincidence! Was this an example of some sort of collective manifestation that was part of some over-reaching "matrix"-like scenario for reasons better left unknown? I dunno, but this experience it still is impressive to me today as it was in early 1993!
Yeah, that's all fine and good in theory, but what about the other family members in 1980? Or the other witnesses to the chopper flyover in 1993? These people (in '93) were dispersed in three different locations (if memory serves me correct). That would require that the ATECH program/signal was being broadcast broadly—not only at my location where Brisa, Isadora and myself were located. The other two-3 witnesses were elsewhere in town—how do you explain that? I trust you are getting my point. It sounds good in theory, but, wouldn't a human perpetrated induced manifestation of these witnesses experiences have required a level of tech beyond mere directed SOTA micro-wave technology? It doesn't make sense...

Perhaps a causal mechanism was tripped and tapped into a greater holographic connection between divergent witnesses? Sure, it could have been ETs, or you tax dollars, but, if so what was the f**cking motivation?! It doesn't make any sense to me at all, and I experienced it! We're talking a trillion-to-one chance/synchronistic event here if it was a mere coincidence! Was this an example of some sort of collective manifestation that was part of some over-reaching "matrix"-like scenario for reasons better left unknown? I dunno, but this experience it still is impressive to me today as it was in early 1993!

Or they were just old helicopters ... either way the ETH remains unaffected ( See this post ).
Notice in the above post how debunkers seem to think other people are mostly incapable of their own critical thinking. :rolleyes:

I had actually intended the post to be a reply to Ufology. But you're right, it was cattle mutilations, not UFOs. So, Ufology does have a point in that it wasn't a UFO sighting that was followed by the yellow helicopter, but cattle mutilations, which may or may not be related to UFOs (I don't think there is much proof that it is?). As I've never personally seen such a case or talked to a person involved, I'm quite sceptical about these myself. But I guess, having a sheriff showing me photos like the ones Chris described, might make me wonder.

Sorry about that. It looked (from here) like you were replying to me. I'm not used to the latest version of this board, but I like it.

A waaaayy out of place helicopter can be a UFO, can't it? Why is that idea deemed more far out that some of the other completely unsupported ideas in this very thread?
Yeah, that's all fine and good in theory, but what about the other family members in 1980? Or the other witnesses to the chopper flyover in 1993? These people (in '93) were dispersed in three different locations (if memory serves me correct). That would require that the ATECH program/signal was being broadcast broadly—not only at my location where Brisa, Isadora and myself were located. The other two-3 witnesses were elsewhere in town—how do you explain that? I trust you are getting my point. It sounds good in theory, but, wouldn't a human perpetrated induced manifestation of these witnesses experiences have required a level of tech beyond mere directed SOTA micro-wave technology? It doesn't make sense...

Perhaps a causal mechanism was tripped and tapped into a greater holographic connection between divergent witnesses? Sure, it could have been ETs, or you tax dollars, but, if so what was the f**cking motivation?! It doesn't make any sense to me at all, and I experienced it! We're talking a trillion-to-one chance/synchronistic event here if it was a mere coincidence! Was this an example of some sort of collective manifestation that was part of some over-reaching "matrix"-like scenario for reasons better left unknown? I dunno, but this experience it still is impressive to me today as it was in early 1993!

How big is the internet Chris ?
How many "nodes" does it have.

The existing IP address scheme, IPv4 (a number with four decimal points in, with each group of numbers between the decimal point having a maximum of 3 numbers, up to the value of 255 - eg., was thought up over 20 years ago, and is beginning to show its age. It gives us a maximum of 4.2 billion useable addresses. This is why IPv6 is beginning to rear its head (a new, fresh update of the IP scheme, which uses 128 digit IP addresses instead of the 32 digit ones that the existing IPv4 uses).

I quote, from www.crt.net.au/etopics/ip.htm (because it says it so much more eloquently than I could);

"IPv6 is designed to resolve this performance issue along with other problems by increasing the possible number of numeric addresses. This won't be a small increase. It will multiply potential Internet addresses by a factor of 80 octillion or 80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. With IPv6, the number of available addresses will jump to 340 trillion trillion trillion."

Read more: How many computers are on the internet (order of magnitude)? | Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/3406#ixzz2AwIlT6DE

I'm proposing a scenario where every single mind on the planet,(possibly both living and what we call dead) is an active node. including those other family members in 1980.
Whats the purpose of screen memorys ?, camoflage simple as that, its a way of hiding whats really happening.
If it is camoflage then its not supposed to make sense, thats the motivation. To obfuscate the reality.

Either the intellect behind this proposed scenario, doesnt quite get us, and thus is close but a little bit out, ie the whole men in black not quite fits scenario. or It wants to tease us (trickster scenario), Its either "notdoinitright" because it cant, or its doing so on purpose, leading us up the garden path.......

It could even be both

Why did they "see" a yellow helicopter ? , so they didnt "see" what it really was
Why did you "see" a yellow helicopter ? to give you something to wonder about.

If your brain, and theirs and mine are all part of the same "network" this is childs play to make happen

We are so used to thinking of ourselves and seperate individual insulated minds, but to a hive mind, everyone is a node.

From that POV all your questions are rendered moot
I'll go further as say the very observations you've made, point to imo an ETH rather than a tax dollar scenario.
While we are seeing proof of concept technology, (which in and of itself supports the ET using an advanced version of it hypothesis) there is nothing that i can see that points to a tax dollar at work scenario, in terms of either present day ability or motivation.

You cant help but look at this from an individual insulated minds pov, but i'm firmly convinced that we are dealing with a hive (networked) mind/s here.

Its the natural end game, and one we have played since the begining.
First language, then written words, now the internet, next BCI's directly linking us to the net.(work of human minds)
We are clearly progesssing from an individual to an integrated collection of minds.

If you are trying to decipher from an insulated singular mindset, the behaviour of a networked mind/s. You will get a parity error more often than not.

Think about it...............

Im networked with your mind in primative form
Base protocol is language, then written words, now internet. we can "share" our ideas in real time from anywhere on the planet.....
Add Direct mind to mind interfaces (and they are coming)

Vocal cords were overrated anyway. A new Army grant aims to create email or voice mail and send it by thought alone. No need to type an e-mail, dial a phone or even speak a word.
Known as synthetic telepathy, the technology is based on reading electrical activity in the brain using an electroencephalograph, or EEG. Similar technology is being marketed as a way to control video games by thought.
"I think that this will eventually become just another way of communicating," said Mike D'Zmura, from the University of California, Irvine and the lead scientist on the project
News :: UC Irvine TODAY

Army Funds 'Synthetic Telepathy' Research | Danger Room | Wired.com

Synthetic Telepathy


Computer scientists predict that within the next twenty years neural interfaces will be designed that will not only increase the dynamic range of senses, but will also enhance memory and enable “cyberthink” — invisible communication with others.

This stuff is very much a part of the lexicon ive insisted must be accepted in order to bring us into parity with this enigma.

It is the logical end game that started with language.

We are all nodes, weve developed language to "network" those nodes, then written words, now the internet, we are almost there..........

Its the next step, we wont share language or written words, but direct experiences.
They "saw" a yellow chopper, years later you "saw" a yellow chopper.

I know im the odd man out, but it all makes perfect sense to me mate
Hmmm....direct mind to mind interfaces.
Is that not how the Borg operate in Star Trek? With a "hive" mind?
When this tech does come to fruition, and people start linking up, will there be a danger of brain reprogramming? Will we lose our individuality in the cloud of cyberspace?
I know these are old questions, especially about mind linking, in science fiction. But are they valid concerns?
My reading of the helicopter thing was simply that the second yellow-chopper sighting alerted Chris to a possible high-strangeness related to the mutilations that he had not thought of before?

Like, the case about the mutilation was still in the open, there was nothing to tie it to UFOs or not tie it to UFOs as the case may be, but 13 years on and this extremely unlikely event alerted Chris to the possibility that there could be something far stranger and complicated at work other than visiting ETs doing bio research on animals?
My reading of the helicopter thing was simply that the second yellow-chopper sighting alerted Chris to a possible high-strangeness related to the mutilations that he had not thought of before?

Like, the case about the mutilation was still in the open, there was nothing to tie it to UFOs or not tie it to UFOs as the case may be, but 13 years on and this extremely unlikely event alerted Chris to the possibility that there could be something far stranger and complicated at work other than visiting ETs doing bio research on animals?

I just don't see what's so hard to understand about the yellow helicopter episode. I think you have described it well, goggs. But more importantly, I think your idea works for one important aspect of the "paranormal" in general. I am sure one of the reasons we have these weird experiences is to force us to use our minds in ways we are too lazy or complacent to otherwise. To tease us out of our comfort zone, in other words, and to make us deal with things we'd like to keep pretending only exist in the imaginations of nuts and other misfits. I would bet that's a big part of why each one of us is here at this forum. Even the arrogant, condescending debunker wannabees who think they are here to disabuse us of inferior thoughts and beliefs. Even them! :D
I am sure one of the reasons we have these weird experiences is to force us to use our minds in ways we are too lazy or complacent to otherwise. To tease us out of our comfort zone, in other words, and to make us deal with things we'd like to keep pretending only exist in the imaginations of nuts and other misfits. I would bet that's a big part of why each one of us is here at this forum. Even the arrogant, condescending debunker wannabees who think they are here to disabuse us of inferior thoughts and beliefs. Even them! :D
Couldn't have stated it better! Of course, almost 20 years later, I wonder if all this time, effort, energy and treasure expenditure I've spent trying to figure (at least some of it) out has been worth it.... hmmm maybe yes, but still kicking that can around...
My reading of the helicopter thing was simply that the second yellow-chopper sighting alerted Chris to a possible high-strangeness related to the mutilations that he had not thought of before? Like, the case about the mutilation was still in the open, there was nothing to tie it to UFOs or not tie it to UFOs as the case may be, but 13 years on and this extremely unlikely event alerted Chris to the possibility that there could be something far stranger and complicated at work other than visiting ETs doing bio research on animals?

Goggs, Chris' telling of the yellow helicopter incident was a direct response to the question of why he has backed off of the ETH ( see this post for the transcribed section ). So while I agree with your reading of his story in a general sense, and I also find it interesting, it simply has no relevance to the ETH, which was the question at hand. Chris needs to come up with something better than the yellow helicopter story and old Vallee books as reasons to support an STH ( Secret Terrestrial Hypothesis ), also referred to by Chris as a "closed system" theory, and by that he leads us to assume that the closed system he is referring to is Earth's.
I understand. What I mean (my understanding) is that say for instance Chris had been suspecting ETH (UFOs) as being maybe responsible for cattle mutilations - well then after the weird second yellow chopper incident, it became more reasonable to suspect something even weirder than UFOs might be behind 'it all'.
The chopper was first seen right above where a mutilation took place. Initially someone could maybe think it was the strange government involvement suspected, so the mutilation could have been carried out by a UFO and then investigated by some agency using an old chopper (strange choice of chopper). So at that point 13 years before Chris saw it, there wasn't anything really to go by to really think this or that explanation might fit in the case of that mutilation. But when the incident happened 13 years later, same yellow vintage chopper, just when he was thinking about that very case - well I think his eyes were opened in some kind of epiphany and it was more a case of, he had no firm explanation initially and after the second chopper event, the UFO explanation seemed less likely than some other stranger event?

It's hard to convey my reasoning here. And of course I am supposing on behalf of someone else, but maybe his response to why he backed off the ETH was not actually solely due to this event and his answer has muddled his own thoughts a little but it makes sense to me (maybe I'm mad).

Ok, try this one. Forget yellow choppers and mutilations. An investigator into UFOs who believes the ETH is the most likely explanation for UFOs is carrying out an investigation into a UFO sighting 10 years ago, which has a very notable high strangeness aspect to it. This high strangeness aspect is so unique as to be something you would totally notice, should it ever occur again. While thinking about that case from ten years ago, a second incident occurs to the investigator that mirrors the one he is investigation. So now there have been two times when this extremely unique and strange aspect occurs. It is so synchronistic and weird that it causes the investigator to now not put as much faith in the ETH but start to look elsewhere for other explanations that could be far, far weirder than the UFO explanation.

So yes epiphany, but bad direct answer to the question of why back off from ETH?

Does that makes sense? I mean, the chopper is irrelevant really. It could have been any unique event that occurred only a second time when someone is investigation the first event, leading the investigator to think there must be some trickster element to the whole thing.