Bob Watson
Paranormal Adept
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ok Disney took on a challenge make comic book villains look like Disney princesses! here is the results!
Harley Quinn
Poison ivy!
I swear I literally laughed for like 30 seconds non stop, that was so random.WE ARE THE DYSLEXIC BORG
I like your comment because is 100% related to UFOs
Son I think you are in the wrong thread.
Three people apply for a job as CIA assassins
Two men and a woman
After months of training they get given their final test
First guy is given a 6 shot revolver and told his wife is sitting on a chair in the next room, he has to kill her
"I cant kill my wife are you insane ?" he says
"Then you've failed your final test you cant be a CIA hitman
Second guy is given the gun, told the same thing, he goes into the room but returns minutes later refusing to do it
"You've failed your final test, goodbye" he is told
They give the gun to the woman, your husband is sitting on a chair in the next room, Kill him
She goes into the room, immediately 6 shots ring out followed by screaming and thumping noises then silence
She walks out and says " You could have told me the gun only had blanks in it, i had to beat him to death with the damn chair"
Kaboom boom tish