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On the Show— Chris Evers

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Chris Evers resides in the city of Kingston upon Hull, in the East Yorkshire area of the UK, with his wife of 26 years Jeannette, and their cat Phoebe. He is the owner and editor of Outer Limits Magazine a six times a year online publication dedicated to the paranormal world which we live in. He presents his monthly podcast 'Signals' on the Paranormal Panorama Network, in which he interviews many of the worlds noted investigators of the unusual, the unexplained and the downright weird. Chris has had an interest in the UFO subject since his own strange experience in 1974. An experience he is still seeking the answer to, for over 50 years.

About the Book: "THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME From Elsewhere:" Unidentified Flying Objects, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, Flying Saucers, Orbs, Cigar-Shaped, Flying Triangles, V-Shaped or Cross-Shaped, or even the alleged Adamski Venusian craft, the world of Ufology has seen them all. Why have ther been so many different shapes associated with the world’s greatest unexplained phenomena? Do they all come from th same manufacturing plant based on a planet many light years from Earth? Will the truth ever be known?

Join author Chris Evers as he presents mysterious tales and stories surrounding many of the above types of craft. Some will be well known accounts, which you have likely heard of; while many will be presented to you for the first time in this the authors first book from Flying Disk Press.

Website: OLM-MAG.CO.UK

Cohost this week: Tim Swartz.

Recording Date (including After The Paracast):
Thursday, January 18 at at 2:00 PM Mountain (4:00 PM Eastern)

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Broadcast and Streaming Date:
January 21, 2024
Lots of guests want to sell books, but that doesn't mean they are doing it just for the bucks (or pounds). The money one gets from a UFO book is, normally, surprisingly low for the amount of time it takes to write. I can tell you a few stories.
The interview with Chris Evers went well. He talked about hiss book, but didn't state, in every paragraph, "in my book," which can get a little too much.

His views on UFOs are pretty level-headed too, and it's worth a listen.

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