J. Randall Murphy

Over the years, Dr. Masters has developed a broad academic background, which began studying physics and astronomy at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, with further undergraduate and graduate coursework in astrobiology, statistics, astronomy, and physics along with a perennial review of developments in modern physics regarding time and time travel.
Collectively, Dr. Masters' background, education, and current research program combine to offer a unique perspective and novel approach to addressing unanswered questions pertaining to a widely recognized yet poorly understood aspect of modern global culture.
His new book, Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon, challenges readers to consider new possibilities while cultivating conversations about our ever-evolving understanding of time and time travel. Connect with Dr. Masters via Twitter, on Facebook, or through the Contact page on this site.
Website: Identified Flying Objects
Recording Date: Thursday January 21, 2021 ( 5:00 PM MT )
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