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On the Show — John Koerner

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John Koerner.pngJohn Koerner is a professor of Social Sciences at SUNY Erie Community College in Buffalo, New York. He has previously appeared on America’s Book of Secrets, William Shatner’s Weird or What, and Coast to Coast AM. John is the author of eight books including Why The CIA Killed JFK and Malcolm X: The Secret Drug Trade in Laos, and Exploding the Truth: The JFK, Jr. Assassination. He is also the founder and operator of Paranormal Walks, a ghost walk tour company in Western New York, and lives with his family and his two frustrating cats in Buffalo, N.Y.

His most recent book is The Four Guns: The Stolen History of the Assassinated Presidents, which focuses on the lost details of the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and, of course, John F. Kennedy.

His website: Experience Paranormal Walks in Western New York

Our cohost is Tim Swartz.

Recording Date (including After The Paracast):
Tuesday, March 18th at 2:00 PM Pacific (5:00 PM Eastern)

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Broadcast and Streaming Date:
March 23, 2025