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On the Show — Preston Dennett Returns

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Gene Steinberg

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Staff member
Preston.pngPreston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of 30 books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal.

Several of his books have been Amazon UFO bestsellers. His articles have appeared in numerous magazines including Fate, Atlantis Rising, MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus, Paranormal Magazine, UFO Magazine, Phenomena Magazine, Mysteries Magazine, Ufologist and others. His writing has been translated into several different languages including German, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Icelandic.

Preston has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including Midnight in the Desert with Art Bell, Coast-to-Coast and also the History Channel's Deep Sea UFOs and UFO Hunters and Ancient Aliens — and, of course, The Paracast. His research has been presented in the LA Times, the LA Daily News, the Dallas Morning News and other newspapers. He has taught classes on various paranormal subjects and lectures across the United States.

About the Book: "Humanoids and High Strangeness" presents twenty all new, original, and unpublished accounts of people who have had face-to-face contact with a variety of humanoids. The diversity of entities is mind-boggling: grays, human-looking ETs, mantids, reptilians, strange humanoids, angels, nature spirits, ghosts, poltergeists, demons, bigfoot, and supernatural entities of all kinds. This book (an Amazon UFO bestseller) contains accounts of sightings, landings, and onboard UFO encounters. Many of the cases provide remarkable physical evidence: electromagnetic effects, physiological reactions (both injuries and healings,) landing traces and more. Most of the witnesses describe all kinds of paranormal and psychic events.

Preston Dennett takes the reader on a fascinating journey into the very heart of the UFO phenomenon, exploring the many questions people have about UFOs and possible extraterrestrial contacts. Who are these strange beings? Why are they here? What is it like to meet ETs, to be taken onboard a craft? The answers are here!

Cohost this week: Tim Swartz.

Recording Date (including After The Paracast):
Wednesday, September 20 at at 2:00 Pacific (5:00 PM Eastern)
Post your questions or comments for discussion below:

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Broadcast and Streaming Date:
September 24
While listening to this episode with the giggling guest my bullshit meter exploded.
Fantastical narratives from quite a character ….

Meh … so many characters … so little time.
Preston is as decent sort and appears to believe all of it, but he is too gullible for my taste.

This is not to say people are making it all up. Something is going on, even after sleep paralysis and other conventional explanations are considered.

I got in a few zingers as a reality check.
You'd think that after so many years of his research some of the wheat would have been separated from the chaff.
And yes there were a few zingers flying about. I agree inasmuch that there are mysteries afoot, however not as many as portrayed.
Overall, it's fair to say that unknowns among UFO sightings are in the low-to-mid single digits. That leaves a pretty big mystery. When it comes to abductions, I met Betty Hill a couple of times over the years and she seemed perfectly sincere about it all. I talked to others who have been abducted. Short of the exaggerated numbers, something strange happened to those people.
As I gather, Curt Collins is apparently the to go-to on the Hill case. Vallee cited various cases involving out of body experiences. Not quite the sensation as the infamous Skinwalker Ranch, whereas the Hessddalen lights project provides serious research in airborne phenomenon.
How many generations have we been awaiting ET's landing gear to fall to earth?
I have a feeling it's gonna be a lot longer.
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After listening to this show it makes me sad that I am a life long subscriber to the paracast.
Preston is a nut case and how you give him air time Gene makes me angry.
Shorn of Preston's gullible responses, an awful lot of people are having experiences that we cannot explain. I don't think he's lying. He's just lost on the causes or how often they occur.

I cannot promise that every single episode will be perfect, and I'm glad to have your support.
Shorn of Preston's gullible responses, an awful lot of people are having experiences that we cannot explain. I don't think he's lying. He's just lost on the causes or how often they occur.

I cannot promise that every single episode will be perfect, and I'm glad to have your support.
Oh Gene I will always support you but guests like Preston are dubious.
Shorn of Preston's gullible responses, an awful lot of people are having experiences that we cannot explain. I don't think he's lying. He's just lost on the causes or how often they occur.

I cannot promise that every single episode will be perfect, and I'm glad to have your support.
You are getting more like coast to coast each day.
Jerry Clark will be back in the near future.

Rutkowski, ditto.

Ecker if/when he has something new to offer.

Chris will return in October after putting together a David Perkins Roundtable. We expect Greg Bishop on that one.
After listening to this show it makes me sad that I am a life long subscriber to the paracast.
Preston is a nut case and how you give him air time Gene makes me angry.
I agree - IMO, Preston is a nut case and totally unbelievable! He reminds me of Adamski and that phony from Switzerland. Especially the baloney about channeling and telepathic messages from aliens. The only “evidence” he mentions are the so-called alien implants. and there is no proof the”implants” have an alien source. I do admit his stories are entertaining - he should confine his fantasies to science fiction!
Preston is as decent sort and appears to believe all of it, but he is too gullible for my taste.

This is not to say people are making it all up. Something is going on, even after sleep paralysis and other conventional explanations are considered.

I got in a few zingers as a reality check.
Preston deserves many more zingers - he is a magnet for them! The fact that he is a MUFON “investigator” is even more ridiculous and appalling, and does any credible MUFON investigators
a disservice. Please have more credible Ufologists on the show.

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