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On the Show — Preston Dennett Returns

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Jerry Clark will be back in the near future.

Rutkowski, ditto.

Ecker if/when he has something new to offer.

Chris will return in October after putting together a David Perkins Roundtable. We expect Greg Bishop on that one.
Gene I don't doubt he is a decent guy but as far as the phenomenon goes he's clueless.
I am mostly on your side here, but that doesn't make Preston a nut case. He's just too gullible.
He's undoubtedly a nice guy, very enthusiastic about the subject but still so far to date the likes of him & people like Grush have produced zero proof/evidence that the phenomenon/phenomena are ET - not a shred 🤷‍♂️ After all these decades essentially we still only have 2nd/3rd/4th hand witness testimony of old cases and a few fuzzy photographs. Mind you it's still an interesting pastime for many and a very lucrative pursuit for a few.
I don't think too many people take home big paychecks from chasing flying saucers.

There is a genuine mystery at hand here. I don't say it's necessarily spaceships but there are many sightings that defy efforts to explain them.
There are also different ranges of belief, as there are with most topics. You'll notice that I was particularly skeptical when Preston was talking about 1-in-40 and 1-in-50 rates of UFO abductions. And why so-called ETs spread messages of love and peace and heal a few people but ignore everyone else.
I don't think too many people take home big paychecks from chasing flying saucers.

There is a genuine mystery at hand here. I don't say it's necessarily spaceships but there are many sightings that defy efforts to explain them.
There are also different ranges of belief, as there are with most topics. You'll notice that I was particularly skeptical when Preston was talking about 1-in-40 and 1-in-50 rates of UFO abductions. And why so-called ETs spread messages of love and peace and heal a few people but ignore everyone else.
Not too many for sure - but there are some who are doing quite well out of the tv shows, conference circuits, merchandising & books - quite apart the film/documentary show business side. Well it beats working for a living for some - even those who've been caught out in previous scams such as "The Roswell Slides" & "Alien Autopsy". We even still have a few cult-like leaders around these days ... plus ca change 😂
Undoubtedly there are still "seemingly incredible things being observed by credible witnesses" as Gen.Sanford famously said some 70 years ago now - but as far as concrete proof of visitations by ET, shoot-downs of them & secret agreements etc essentially nada 🤷‍♂️
But I'll keep watching & listening for sure 👍🏻
As "Professor" Simon says ... "The truth is out there"
Have enjoyed Paracast long time now and you are certainly to be congratulated for you unstinting dedication to getting closer to be 🤔
Will be great to hear from Chris again - and maybe one fine day even David Biedny might even put in a special guest appearance?
To my amazement, Biedny actually called the other day. But he's not yet responded to a voicemail I left him several days later. Still, I don't hold out much hope at this point for his return as much as I'd like to be surprised.

Chris will always return from time to time.
I don't think too many people take home big paychecks from chasing flying saucers.

There is a genuine mystery at hand here. I don't say it's necessarily spaceships but there are many sightings that defy efforts to explain them.
There are also different ranges of belief, as there are with most topics. You'll notice that I was particularly skeptical when Preston was talking about 1-in-40 and 1-in-50 rates of UFO abductions. And why so-called ETs spread messages of love and peace and heal a few people but ignore everyone else.
Well there are a few Gene. I mean who would be an ER Doctor when you can command UFOS on demand and charge people thousands.? And of course there's always yourself Gene.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm glad this episode generated so much talk here. I was a bit baffled with all of the assumptions and conclusions Preston seemed to be making. I'm always very skeptical when people seem to have all the answers. I'm sure the cases in this book are interesting but I would be afraid that much of the research was done from the perspective that all of it is *definitely* ET when there's so little actual evidence of that.
agreeI'm glad this episode generated so much talk here. I was a bit baffled with all of the assumptions and conclusions Preston seemed to be making. I'm always very skeptical when people seem to have all the answers. I'm sure the cases in this book are interesting but I would be afraid that much of the research was done from the perspective that all of it is *definitely* ET when there's so little actual evidence of that.
Yes I agree and I think that's where Preston falls down.
And to confirm, our October 8th episode:

David Perkins Memorial Show with guests Christopher O'brien, Greg Bishop, David Marler and George Wingfield

For now, 'nuff said.

Details will be posted shortly.
Very good Gene but I think you misunderstood I was never criticising the paracast and I wasn't even criticising Preston but I believe he lives in a fantasy world.
The people above are my kind of people who are serious researchers with serious opinions to offer.
When I listen to Preston Dennet your show sounds more like coast to coast and that is not why I'm a paracast member.

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