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On the Show — Richard Thieme

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richardthieme.pngRichard Thieme (www.thiemeworks.com) is an author/professional speaker who addresses challenges posed by new technologies, how to redesign ourselves to meet these challenges, and creativity in response to radical change. His speaking addresses “the human in the machine,” technology-related security and intelligence issues as they come home to our humanity. For the past 30 years, his speaking, writing and consulting has focused on security, intelligence, IT, and empowering people who live on the sharper edges of life and work.

He has published hundreds of articles, three dozen stories, 13 books, and has delivered hundreds of speeches. He spoke in 2022 at Def Con for the 26th year where he was honored him as the first "uber contributor." He has keynoted security conferences in 15 countries and clients range from GE, Microsoft, Medtronic, Bank of America, Allstate Insurance, and Johnson Controls to the NSA, FBI, US Dept of the Treasury, Los Alamos Lab, the Pentagon Security Forum, and the US Secret Service.

His books include: "UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry" (2013), "Mobius: A Memoir," a novel about an intelligence professional that is receiving great reviews, "The Mobius Vector: The Long Road Home," and the third book in the Mobius trilogy, "Mobius: Out of Time."

When a senior at the NSA told him, "the only way you can tell the truth is through fiction," he heeded his advice, and 4 novels and dozens of stories later, he recently completed his magnum opus, the Mobius Trilogy.

Cohost this week: Tim Swartz.

Recording Date (including After The Paracast):
Wednesday, December 6 at at 3:00 PM Mountain (5:00 PM Eastern)
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Broadcast and Streaming Date:
December 10, 2023
Can he see a time in the future where the industrial military complex produce a man machine soldier almost like a cyborg and do it without any moral remorse.
In Thieme's view will there be a point where AI has advanced beyond the Rubicon where humans will not be able to fully interpret various emerging technologies? Such as a type of computer language beyond known physics? And will AI be able to dumb down the interpretation where scientists may understand, or may the technology be so advanced that researchers may never fully grok what is presented?

If so, in this century?
In Thieme's view will there be a point where AI has advanced beyond the Rubicon where humans will not be able to fully interpret various emerging technologies? Such as a type of computer language beyond known physics? And will AI be able to dumb down the interpretation where scientists may understand, or may the technology be so advanced that researchers may never fully grok what is presented?

If so, in this century?
Very interesting

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