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Operation Rescue

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Skilled Investigator
Hello All,
I have decided to suspend for now my focus on the Black Triangles. It's been a year or so since I first heard of them and since then I've learned much, not only about BBTs but about the UFO scene in general, mostly as a result of managing the "Say Hello to ET" project from Feb. 20, 2011 until July 20, 2011. Then, as most of you know, after that there was the relatively quick follow-up with the "UFO Reboot" project which ran for three weeks endind on 11/11/11. These exercises opened up the world of UFOs, and the folks that believe in them, in a way that, in retrospect, would have otherwise taken years to understand.

Though I am not a believer myself, even after this past year and it's events, What I have learned from the many Forums and their members is that there is a plateau that has been reached, which was actually reached decades ago, in which no one has really progressed beyond.This is not to say that more of everything UFO has not been the case for indeed there IS more of everything WRT UFOs. But If I was to give an overview, standing back and looking at the whole picture of the last 50 years or so, I just don't see much in the way of any new revealations.

One of the most prominent aspects of the current picture that appears most disturbing, albeit only to myself and a few others, is that the focus of the subject still remains at the level of the UFO itself. It seems as if everything is frozen on that particular aspect and subject cannot free itself to move beyond that point. It is my opinion that achieving the next level of thought would be a necessary step one might take in the evolutionary sense of understanding the UFO enigma.What might that next level of thinking entail? Well for one, a believer will still likely believe in the existence of ET in spite of the two previously-mentioned project which resulted in two no-shows. I have nonetheless not seen discussion threads anywhere that have seriously address that particular outcome.

It comes to mind that believers do not need proof of Alien exist because they already know existence to be a fact. It's not fact and we have all heard both sides of that issue many times. It's another one of those circular discussions that is and will be difficult if not impossible to resolve to everyone's satifaction. So, where does this leave the dialogue in the Forums? It simply comes right back to the UFO again. The sightings on MUFON, NUFORC, YouTube, etc and the focus once again remains there with no data to stimulate anything that would launch the phenomenon to the next tier of investigation. The UFO industry is completely satified with this situation as most of you are well aware and it has no desire to break out of something that is comfortable and has been almost like a tradition for over 40 years. But it's just not working in the intelligent believer of today who's exposed to so much information.

At this point I would an present an idea for your consideration as believers:

1) If ETs exist, as believers say that they do, then it is apparent by now after 60+ years that they are NOT here to invade us.
2) If ETs exist, as believers say that they do, then it is apparent by now after 60+ years that they are not here for our resources as the universe has everything we have- and in great abundance.
3) Then they are here for a reason no one has thought of yet but whatever it is, it is NOT to harm us.
4) That being said, if I was a believer, it would be apparent to me then, that they are here for a NECESSARY reason.

I think this is a good place to pause and to leave that last thought with all of you for a while. Believe me, there is much more to this picture as you will see but absorbing the idea for now of ET being here out of necessity is more important.
Ah! But there is something traversing the sky in defiance of gravity. Thousands of witnesses can't all be hallucinating. Their origin cannot be determined at this time. That does not make the phenomenon any less significant. I can understand why it's difficult for a person who has never seen a UFO to wrap their mind around it. I have seen UFOs but I have never been abducted. It's difficult for me to wrap my mind around the subject of abductions. I don't dismiss abductions because I have never experienced it. In regard to sightings, it's location, location, location. Sometimes people see them in cities but for the most part, they are observed in the natural environment. Some areas have a lot of UFO activity, others do not. I'm tired of armchair investigators claiming the phenomenon doesn't exist when they haven't rigorously researched the subject of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. I have never claimed they are aliens. Whatever they are, or wherever they are from; they are not human!
As i'm sure you are all familiar with by now, my pet theory is they are harvesting for want of a better term human conciousness.
Nick Redferns book on the collins elite makes this same point, albiet from the filtered perspective of the groups religious beliefs.
In recent Dreamland show, the guest Lorie Barnes, recalls an encounter and conversation that runs like this

Lorie: "Dont touch me, you're too ugly"
Entity : "dont say that"
Lorie: "why not ?"
Enity: "because someday you too might look like this........"

A sentient individuals personal experience set, their memorys, are the most unique thing in the universe. There are no two alike, even with twins.

If thats the "resource" being collected then the no contact scenario might make sense in that if they are here to aid us take the step to transbiological existance, it would be premature to expose themselves to the native bioform phase of our lives.
Its about as logical as a frog trying to explain to the tadpole what life is like outside the pond.
It will find out in its own time, when the time is right.
There is no point...... the butterfly could never explain to the caterpiller what its like to fly, the caterpiller is biologically incapable of grasping the concept.

I suspect that some are "human" in a sense.
If we accept the results of the alien autopsy reports (And you dont have to, its up to you)


The external appearance of this cadaver was of a human embryo with an enlarged cranium
Overall, this corpus presented the appearance of a human embryo of three to four months duration that had been the subject of considerable alteration and modification, some of it obviously surgical. Other modifications, such as that of the brain, were harder to understand. In addition to the alterations, there was the matter of the size of the body and the relatively mature condition of the epidermis and nails. It would appear that this fetus was separated from its mother and brought to a semi-functional state by artificial means.
3. Conclusion
This is a human fetus that has been subjected to forced maturation without normal gestation. Its degree of functionality while living if it ever was alive is unknown.

If this autopsy report is true, then we are looking at an engineered bioform of human genestock, possibly a vessel for an uploaded human conciousness.

Pearson is one of many futurists, cybernetic experts and artificial intelligence researchers whose thoughts are converging on the same basic idea: Why not upload everything that's in the brain—everything that makes a person who they are—into a computer and then download it again into a new body? Doing such a thing would make the individual theoretically immortal

Just when will this ultimate life-affirming feat be possible? In Kurzweil's estimation, we will be able to upload the human brain to a computer, capturing "a person's entire personality, memory, skills and history", by the end of the 2030s; humans and non-biological machines will then merge so effectively that the differences between them will no longer matter


The religious will recall Jesus said "you will be given a new body with which to reside in heaven"

Is this whats happening here ?, if it is , its consistant with the no contact model we see today.

The second autopsy appears to show a true "alien" albiet with the same template and possibly transbiological markers

External Appearance
This body was observed to be in a state of profound deterioration. It had notbeen preserved but was delivered in a container of rubberized canvas, to which some of the tissue had adhered. The cadaver was 36 inches long with a weight of 8 pounds. The external appearance of this cadaver was not of a human type.
The skin appeared smooth and a dark bluish-gray in color. There was no clothing on the body. There were no genitals and no was of determining sex, if any. The nose consisted of two slits, the mouth was a small opening that did not appear to be supported by an articulated law, and there were holes in the position of ears. The cranium was round and large in proportion to the body and the eyes were almond-shaped. The eyes were closed and could not be opened without damaging structures, due to condition of decaying tissue.
Arms and wrists were very thin. The hands displayed a three-digit arrangement without thumb. The arms extended to approximately three inches above the knee. The three fingers extended directly from the wrist, with no palm.
2. Dissection
The body was opened from crotch to chin. A green liquid emerged from the incision. The skin was not backed by fascia, and the bone structure appeared to be a cartilaginous substance of light green-blue color.
Internal organs were observed but their function was unclear. The thoracic and peritoneal cavities communicated and there appeared to be no respiratory system and no stomach. The esophagus was vestigial and dissipated before reaching another organ.
There appeared to be two multi-chambered hearts and it was surmised that body fluid could be pumped rapidly. There was an extensive circulatory system that involved three different types of vein. Some material was extracted from one of these systems and suggested possible waste, leading to the notion that waste mayhave been exuded through the skin.
The fluid removed from the body was analyzed under the microscope and found to be a vegetable substance, chlorophyll-based. It is possible that photosynthesis was the means of obtaining energy.
The cranium was dissected and it was observed that a ridge of cartilage separated the brain into two completely isolated components. The brain was severely deteriorated, but appeared to be extensively fissured and divided into numerous lobes. Because of the deterioration the degree of bilateralism of the two halves could not be determined with any accuracy.
This cadaver exuded an unusually foul odor.
3. Conclusion
This is not a cadaver of a kind previously observed by or known to this pathologist. It appears to be a form of creature utilizing elements of both the animal and vegetable.

If the data in these reports is correct, what we may be looking at here, are engineered bioforms. Possibly created by transbiological (post original native bioform) beings, the biovessels optimised for life in space (heavens)

Why not upload everything that's in the brain—everything that makes a person who they are—into a computer and then download it again into a new body?

Why go to the effort to download the conciousness into the same model body/bioform we now use ? Its flawed and inefficient, why not also optimise that replacement body so its more efficient, uses less "fuel" and lasts longer than 80 or 90 years, it wont need sexual organs since its species is being born into native bioforms, on the conciousness factory we know as earth. If it spends its time in a controlled environment it doesnt need the features we now posess , given to us by evolution for existance in an uncontrolled environment like earth, where food supply and temperature are subject to seasonal fluctuation etc

It makes perfect sense to optimise and engineer the "new" bodys for a non terrestrial artificially controlled environment
Hello Voyager,

Mornings are creative to be sure. I don't know if it's because of the mental relaxation or the light. Probably both.
Just when I thought I had heard the wildest theories that are out there; members of the Paracast come up with theories that are one step beyond! I'm not criticizing the theories. Who knows?
We are getting close to the greatest mysteries of self awareness. Does self-awareness have a distinct physical location? Can it exist in mediums other than brain jelly? What distinguishes one individual sense of self from another? Is it even possible for this information we call "self" to be destroyed, or merely changed and stored elsewhere?

In line with the humans-as-container theory, if it can be transferred to another location or medium--would "anyone" want it and why? Since we don't know what consciousness is, perhaps we cannot say. Maybe the fact that consciousness seems to collapse and actualize wave functions is worth noting. ??

One of my favorite thought experiments: Is a patient anesthetized during surgery fully alive? Or has he/she taken the temporary form of past life and potentially (hopefully!) future life when again awake? It gets pretty weird.
1) If ETs exist, as believers say that they do, then it is apparent by now after 60+ years that they are NOT here to invade us.

The events covered in Vallee and Aubeck's Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times suggest Unidentified Flying Objects have been observed throughout history and aren't regulated to the modern age. This calls into question how extra-terrestrial some of them could be if they have always been here. This great length of time also suggests the possibility that human society could be infiltrated and manipulated by whatever the other might be rather than militarily invaded and occupied by it.

2) If ETs exist, as believers say that they do, then it is apparent by now after 60+ years that they are not here for our resources as the universe has everything we have- and in great abundance.

This seems to be true where non-living resources are concerned but how about biological resources? I agree the only reason that anyone would expend time, effort, and resources to come here would be to realize some return on the investment in the way of some type of resource. Earth's unique biology seems to be an obvious draw. I think it would be short sighted to think that the human species would necessarily be their primary interest.

3) Then they are here for a reason no one has thought of yet but whatever it is, it is NOT to harm us.

They may be here to exploit some aspect of the Earth which may or may not include us as a central focus, or they may actually be exploiting the human species in some manner that we are incapable of being aware of nor have any reference for.

4) That being said, if I was a believer, it would be apparent to me then, that they are here for a NECESSARY reason.

Whatever UFOs are it seems almost a given that the large structured craft sightings are things that are created and piloted by a highly motivated and funded group with access to a large manufacturing and support infrastructure somewhere. All of that speaks of purpose, goals, and the anticipation of a desired result of some kind.

If something else is actually here among us, what is the result that they are looking to achieve? Given the length of time these things have been around and given that as you point out, they haven't invaded us or carted off all our resources, could their goals and purposes already then be realized? If they are here out of necessity, could they have been here this long and not already achieved their goals? If so, maybe it would be best to hope that it has nothing to do with us. In fact I think we would probably do well to consider that real extraterrestrial visitors might find us uninteresting and bothersome in their pursuit of new fungi or some such and either treat us with indifference or as pests.
Hello trainedobserver,

Well done! this is the kind of logic that gets things done. The issue that this thread is going to address is the point of Visitors being around for a very long time but not all the time. Only when an extinction risk is in our future. As an example: the Disclosure Project had military personel that testified that UFOs shut down armed missle silos. If the political tension was such that a nuclear winter would be emminent, ending Human existence, then the shutdown would be a sign to us as if it was being said, "excuse me but that just WILL NOT bBE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN!". It's that approach that this thread is talking about WRT rescue. Global warming or trashing the environment doesn't count unless there are only pockets of Humans left as a result. Then this threads criteria for rescue would come into play. Or some other anihilation senario from some other source like gamma rays from an beyond Earth.
If this phenomenon has any serious interest whatsoever in humanity, why would it not exert a certain measure of control over human affairs?

Another mood swing, maybe, but I am coming around to the view that ufos should be treated as an ET type nuts and bolts phenomenon for one simple reason. It's the only approach that gives us any hope whatsoever of learning anything. Perhaps gathering data and testing hypotheses might one day yield a way to understand something about this ontological mess.
Just when I thought I had heard the wildest theories that are out there; members of the Paracast come up with theories that are one step beyond! I'm not criticizing the theories. Who knows?

The idea while wild is not entirely novel

For example

Basically speaking, Final Events is a study of a think-tank group comprised of personnel from within the U.S. Government, military and intelligence community that has existed in stealth for a surprisingly long time. The group believes that while the UFO issue is a very real one, they do not believe it has anything to do with literal extraterrestrials.
Rather, the group – which calls itself the Collins Elite – concludes that the “aliens” are, in reality, literal demonic entities that are trying to seduce us with a false lure of supposed alien technology, and to – quite literally – steal and farm our souls. The group claim to have discovered evidence that these demonic entities – that seem to utilize a weird combination of advanced technology and archaic rite and ritual – derive a form of “energy sustenance” from the human soul or life force.
In other words, they don’t want to land on the White House lawn and help us, nor do they want to destroy us. Rather, they want to maintain the herd, and upon our physical deaths, extract the human life-force as sustenance. The Collins Elite believes this has been going on since the dawning of civilization and that the ET motif is the latest in a long line of deceptive images they have used, and that in the past have included gods, angels, Jinns, fairies, goblins, etc etc.

Now this group see this in a negative light because a technological mechanism for life after death, conflicts with the supernatural mechanism they were raised to believe is what awaits them when their native bioform no longer functions to a level needed to maintain conciousness.

But what if there was no heaven, no pearly gates, no supernatural destination for your unique conciousness stream when your current bioform can no longer support it ?
Would it still be a bad thing in that scenario, if a technological mechanism were employed ?

The collins elite naturally see this model as competing with the one they were raised to believe in, but what if the model they believe in is fantasy, would it then be so undesirable if transbiological entitys were using that same technology on us ?

In addition to which i posit they are nudging us into a position where we can do this by ourselves, for ourselves. Once we do so, we will then, and only then be on a parity with the transbiological community that would logically be the majority of sentients in the galaxy/universe. The links provided to kurweil and pearson are suggestive of this scenario.

To even consider this as a possible answer requires us to think beyond the biological paradigm we assume is the norm, but it is imo a valid idea to consider

One has to wonder what kernel of data has caused personnel from within the U.S. Government, military and intelligence community to draw this conclusion albiet one flavoured by their cultural and religious filters.
Religious conclusions aside, do they have the good oil on the gestalt of the reality ?

That is that non terrestrial (transbiological ?) entitys are here uploading human conciousness at what we call death.
Hello Mike,

As in dealing with alter-dimentional theories how can anyone access the hard data to know? Your point is valid and does bring one to consider the aspect when faced with source group such as this one. Difficult to have a comment other than I must remain with the science. Good stuff for thought though.
Gday Hiflier
I dont consider the idea to fall within the interdimensional basket, unless of course they can also time travel via the dimension above linear time use wormholes etc.

But the technology we ourselves are working on to upload human conciousness is simple enough nuts and bolts, no more interdimensional than a heart transplant.
Yes its considerably more complex a task to transplant conciousness via a technological mechanism, than a component like a heart or liver. But it wasnt that long ago we couldnt do that, and now its done as a matter of routine everyday.

Indeed the proposed technology is a scientific means of extending conciousness after the break down of the native bioform, rather than a supernatural mechanism as taught by religion.

In the book of 1 Corinthians, chapter 15, Paul talks about the resurrection and the resurrected body. In verses 35 and following, he states that our heavenly bodies will be different from our natural bodies, with some stark contrasts. Whereas our earthly bodies are characterized by mortality (being susceptible to death), our resurrected bodies will be characterized by immortality (not susceptible to death). Likewise, while our earthly bodies are susceptible to decay (corruption), they will become incorruptible (1 Corinthians 15:53). Also, where our natural bodies are prone to weakness (ask anyone who has reached 40 years of age or older), our resurrected bodies will be characterized by strength (verse 43).

This could be describing the uploading of conciousness into engineered optimised biovessels..................

I personally find it more likely such a thing could be done via a nuts and bolts mechanism.

And if this is the scenario, it could explain the elusive nature of the phenomena as discussed in your OP.
If we look at the negative reaction of the collins elite group to such a scenario it becomes apparent that many humans would find the idea of ET's using advanced technology to transfer our conciousness at death into new biovessels at odds with their religious beliefs.

If Redferns book has any basis in fact, then we have a group of alleged govt insiders in possesion of a nugget of data in regards to what "they" are doing here.
Namely using the very same technology Kurzweil and Pearson are working on, for the very same purpose.

So let me ask a hypothetical question, if you knew for a fact This is whats happening, would you disclose it ? would the world be happy to hear such a thing, or would the majority react like the collins elite and label it demonic.

Imo every point raised in the OP dovetails with the ET conciousness recyclers scenario, can you imagine the reaction if ET were to disclose that there is no god, no heaven, that these concepts are no more than simplified versions of the reality, that they have been here all along using advanced technology of the kind we ourselves are starting to develop, to recycle an individuals conciousness into a new biovessel when the native biovessel wears out. That the greater part of your sentient existance is before you (which is what religions say in a simplified sense, eternal life in the heavens......) And that what we call reality is no more than the first phase of existance.

There is nothing interdimensional about Kurzweil or Pearsons projections, its all science, nuts and bolts.
Hello Mike,

I wasn't saying the group's idea was alter-dimensional. I was refering to their idea AS IN alter-dimensional theory in the fact that the hard data is not accessible. And yes I would disclose it. Why? Because for all intents and purposes it is immortality.
Thanks Hiflier, yes i would be comfortable knowing thats what going on, but if we look at the reaction from the collins elite group, not everyone would.

People tend to want to squeeze the data into their own perception of reality for example

I do see quite a number of my letter writers interpreting their experience in terms of Christian religious mythology. Whether they refer to angels or demons, it’s about equal, I would guess.

  1. You say in your afterword that the UFO phenomenon contains the bare bones of the beginning of a new religion. Yet you also seem to imply that a UFO-based religion would ultimately be an inadequate response to the phenomenon and a disappointment as well. What, besides a new religion, would be the ideal result then?
Strieber: The ideal result would be if science could respond to this in a meaningful way so that we could get some objective answers about what it is. I think that in the past, mankind has devised a lot of religions that are probably all to one degree or another flawed and inadequate in their response to what I would describe simply as the "outside world," or the world outside of our immediate physical perceptions. I think that there exists the possibility to scientifically discover whether or not things like the soul exist. In other words, to bring the so-called supernatural and paranormal phenomena into the realm of reality. I don’t really believe in the paranormal or the supernatural. I think there is only a physical world, some parts of which we can understand and perceive, other parts of which we cannot understand and perceive.

The US govt is largely run by people of the christian faith, Its likely therefore they would react to the "truth" (if it were as suggested above) in the same way.

The religious texts make the point , that there is NO WAY to eternal life, but via a SINGLE specific mechanism.
For most that mechanism is a supernatural one, "angels" take them "up" to heaven, where they are given new bodies for eternity.
But if in the language and terminology of today the reality is Transbiological sentient entitys are uploading our conciousness and reloading it into engineered optimised biovessels (with the ability to repeat that process when the vessel wears out), then because of the mismatch in the fine detail, they see it as demonic in nature.

As a thought experiment try and imagine a delegation of post biological humans wearing "grey" biovessels, explaining the process to a congregation of christians......

Keep in mind some of these natives have fingers on the big red buttons that could conceivably shut down the factory, the conciousness hatchery we call earth with a nuclear holocaust permanantly.

A better plan would be to nudge us along scientifically, let people like Kurzweil and Pearson develop the technology ourselves, within a few generations of being able to talk to deceased relatives via the internet, and holographic interfaces, the idea of transbiological existance will become accepted by humanity as the norm. At this point contact with other transbiological species can take place without the culture shock disclosure of such a reality would cause today.

Now i know its been said before that post biological humans wouldnt be human anymore, but i offer this analogy which i think is appropriate

Is a one year old human different to a 30 year old human ?
Yes in many many ways very different, is it any less "human" for these differences...... No its not
Rescue us? It seems highly unlikely. Species that don't make the cut probably don't get bailed out by some cosmic benevolence council. I think they would have to motivated by something other than some assumed altruism to take an interest in any species. They might want to preserve a few specimens in a zoo or pickled in jars but save the culture and the species as a whole? It would be bothersome and unnecessary. Our DNA, if useful to them at all, could be cataloged and stored for future reference sans any need for our continued presence. Certainly what is more likely is an interaction between predator and prey followed closely by indifference.

I just have to absolutely balk at the suggestion that aliens (or whatever you want to call them) have indicated a concern for our species or the health of the planet with the whole nuclear missile power down business. If they were actually concerned with the health the planet or our killing ourselves with our own stupidity they would have stopped the hundreds of nuclear test explosions that have occurred, the dumping of nuclear waste, and the entire nuclear power industry.
One of the most frustrating things about this subject is that it invariably leaves us speculating only by means of analogy. That is, without hard data, we can only extrapolate known paradigms (I really hate that word) for which we do have mechanisms in a "what if" fashion.

For example, we could compare complex DNA sequences containing information accumulated from a lengthy and labor intensive process on earth (or other planets) to computer algorithms, i.e. software applications. This analogy might mean that information contained within our DNA coding is of value to higher intelligences, just as cutting edge computer apps cost bug bucks $$ and may even be guarded for proprietary reasons. The physical media on which the apps are written is small change.

It's frightening to think we may be the media while what we carry and develop within us has some kind of cosmic value. Or, perhaps our self-awareness is a key part of the software. Either possibility does not seem comforting.

Pure untestable speculation.
It's frightening to think we may be the media while what we carry and develop within us has some kind of cosmic value. Or, perhaps our self-awareness is a key part of the software. Either possibility does not seem comforting.
Pure untestable speculation.

I actually think we should hope that our significance and importance lies only within our own species. If some other species with an advanced civilization and science finds some value in something about us then we could become a commodity and a resource to exploited for their benefit and not ours. The interaction between species here on Earth should give us some pause in wishing for E.T. contact. If anything it should, like Hawking has suggested, give us reason to hide.