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Operation Rescue

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Hello trainedobserver,

Rescue us? It seems highly unlikely. Species that don't make the cut probably don't get bailed out by some cosmic benevolence council. I think they would have to motivated by something other than some assumed altruism to take an interest in any species. They might want to preserve a few specimens in a zoo or pickled in jars but save the culture and the species as a whole? It would be bothersome and unnecessary. Our DNA, if useful to them at all, could be cataloged and stored for future reference sans any need for our continued presence. Certainly what is more likely is an interaction between predator and prey followed closely by indifference.

I just have to absolutely balk at the suggestion that aliens (or whatever you want to call them) have indicated a concern for our species or the health of the planet with the whole nuclear missile power down business. If they were actually concerned with the health the planet or our killing ourselves with our own stupidity they would have stopped the hundreds of nuclear test explosions that have occurred, the dumping of nuclear waste, and the entire nuclear power industry.

Nope, good thought though. The premise doesn't fit because we are still here. All 7+billion of us. Now if something were to happen, which is what I'm looking into, that was going to anihilate us to the point of extinction? Now that would be a different matter. Most would perish. Some would be saved. This is not religion or even spiritual in nature. BUT it has been written about and includes the point where rescue is actually predicted. It's an old story and my end is putting together the science that the idea can plug into.

That will at least make it a working model. Since some folks think ET has been here a long time, even if not all the time, then why not decide on a course of thinking that could possibly put the past together with the present?
IF (a big if but one I think there is a reasonable probability, if not concrete evidence for) alien beings from another world (cue The Invaders theme) have visited the Earth, what would motivate them to rescue life here?

Actually, I don't think they wouldn't be any more interested in exterminating us than rescuing us. Wouldn't they have their own problems to deal with?

Not only are we faced with a motivational problem, but a basic recognition problem as well. To some of us it may appear that we need rescue, however it doesn't necessarily follow that alien sociologists would reach the same conclusion. In fact it seems more probable to me that alien sociologists and anthropologists would simply allow things to run their course rather than interfere, perhaps as I've said, preserving some sample of the species for future study, but allowing the herd to follow its natural path.

I think a great deal of anthropomorphizing has to occur to create a scenario where an alien species would have any concern about the welfare of our species on this planet at all. The only exception to this might be if we were in some symbiotic relationship with them where we are essential to their economy or ecology in some way. I don't think that is a relationship that we would find ourselves comfortable philosophically even though it might give the species some hope of avoiding extinction if we are kept by something else.

What would motivate a different species to take interest in rescuing us? I am thinking we are hoping for some sort of near divine universal love or at least a cold scientific recognition of our worth by a different species that would then motivate them to entangle themselves in the affairs of another world's species. We can hope for that I guess.
Hello All,
The word coincidental carries with it the sense that when things occur together, or within a certain time frame, that they are not necessarily related events. But, for this thread, bringing in an adaptation of the word is key to understanding the position of the idea presented. So i'd like to introduce "co-incidental" to describe the point that events actually ARE related. For starters:

At 40,000 years BP (before present) these things occurred:

1)The geological record shows an extremely large spike in beryllium 10, the isotope created when cosmic rays interact with Earth's atmosphere.

2)A very large eruption in the Phlegrean Fields (southern Italy) of what is called the Campanian Ignimbrite took place.

3)A dramatic deterioration in the climate of at least that hemispheric region in addition the Laschamp excursion in which a geomagnetic reversal took place,

4)The Heinrich Event 4 (HE4) which was the fourth of six floating-ice-shelf periods evidenced by rocks in the seabed that were dropped when the ice floes melted.

5)Water levels before the warming were about 100 meters lower than today allowing for coastal settlements which were later inundated.

6)The migration of Cro-Magnon peoples into the European continent (was occuring with the apparent advantage of having language).

7)Neanderthals which had been on the European continent for 90,000 years (themselves becoming extinct 10,000 yrs. later) were losing there habitual food supply (meat) due to over harvesting and hyper-concentration as a result of reduced land space. The animals they depended on for food and shelter, along with Neanderthal, were being squeezed into southwestern Europe by glaciers and the advance of Cro-Magnon.

8-Weather patterns also possessed a split jet stream causing more cold across glacial regions tying up more moisture and leaving the more inhabitable lower latitudes suffering in prolonged drought which had stimulated the north migration of Cro-Magnon in the first place.

All in all, the stresses imposed by nature, competition for food and
space, and conflicts created and environment at risk for disease and self destruction. If there was an oportunity for extinction this was a major senario. Then too, the evidence of a concentration of beryllium 10 in core samples indicates that a cosmic superwave struck the Planet as well.

Not a very pretty picture IMO and if ever Believers in ancient Alien presence and aid wanted a situation that called for intervention this would be a prime time for it. It also would be a fine example of what this thread is attempting to convey. For some this may not be a good enough argument for a rescue senario but at some point the Human population of that era also experienced a tremendous surge of creativity along with an advance in tool making and, as mentioned above, language. Gradual processes of contact with ET?

However it's a good theory nonetheless. And for ancient-Alien proponents looking for a solution for current UFO presence, this at least could make for some very interesting and thought-provoking discussion WRT the many points of the co-incidental factors mentioned. It is a good argument for "why" ET might be here. These past events no doubt witnessed great Human suffering and placed the Race at great risk for our extinction.

After this time period there was a sudden shift to warming which presents it's own set of dynamics as one can only imagine. It's diffucult to imagine what it must have been like. In the warming cycle the tectonic actions created volcanic activity along with earthquakes as a result of the great weight of ice being removed from the land masses. As fresh water got dumped into the oceans over time, stopping their currents, the cycle would repeat.

I'm now working on the next time period.