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Orion project: We have a guy as smart as Tesla. Please Give us money

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Nothin' to see here
is this shit legal?

"We have a guy whos just as smart as Tesla! He wants remain anonymous at this time (for reasons only we can know and you wouldnt understand). Trust us! So can you give us some money?"


Click on the image to read. The last paragraph specifically. Essentially, I think these guys are flat-out lying... they have yet another scientist with the smarts to make a free energy device but wishes to remain anonymous. Its such bullshit.

And the arrogance of them expecting people to read that and hand over some money. Unbelievable.
Most days, I'm way more intelligent than Steven Greer, and yet nobody will arbitrarily throw money at me.

I don't have little fan girls chasing me down either.

I need to write a book or two about Space Aliens so I can have groupies and of course, people throwing money at me.

David, would you think I was a total scam artist if I wrote a book, and then pimped it out on the Paracast? I'll make sure you're compensated with chocolate and what not.
is this shit legal?

Absolutely. If you're soliciting funds and aren't promising any results or return for your donation, then it works same as a donation to charity would.

And the arrogance of them expecting people to read that and hand over some money. Unbelievable.

Believe it.
People are stupid, and some seem to be just looking for something to spend their stupid money on. The type of person who would donate any substantial amount of money for something like this would only spend it stupidly otherwise.

If there was an inventor who was really was on the verge of a breakthrough, he could start a legitimate company and get people to buy stock.

In fact, they would likely end with much more money going that route. If people really believe in the idea and think it will change the world, they'll drop their life savings into it as they see it as an investment and are counting on the invention making them rich.

This solicitation is basically lazy. It doesn't twist any arms or really even try to convince the potential donor. I think the whole '$100,000 in 30 days' thing is just to trick somebody who may have donated $100 to instead donate $500, because of the implied urgency of the message.

If you're dumb enough to give any more than a 'shits and giggles' donation to something like this, you deserve to be fooled.
If you're dumb enough to give any more than a 'shits and giggles' donation to something like this, you deserve to be fooled.

Absolutely. Greer may be many things, but he isn't stupid. He has been around the block and guess what?? He is still peddling his shit. And IT WORKS, apparently. Otherwise he would be gone.

Due diligence people. If more people like Dave and Gene would have the balls to expose him, he would go away a lot quicker. But everyone seems to want to let him sing the ET and free energy gospel without any reasonable questioning at all.
I can tell you how to get up to 30% better gas mileage without costly modifications or products. Send me something special and I'll tell you how.
youtube links or lolcats NOT accepted as payment. NO CODS.

The above statement would be "wrong" (morally) if I accepted things from people and didn't deliver on my promise.

Greer makes no such promises. Which is at least fair on his part. The guy may be full of shit, but like TClaeys said he's not stupid.

My offer on top does stand, btw :D

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