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Para stuff on internet

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I haven't read you link yet so most of this is tounge in cheek. I do intend to go and check it out. But, look for these kinds of answers:

1. Ya call that science? Only science can address all the mysteries of the world. Not only that but any scientist who calls themselves a scientist and still researches that kind of crap is NO SCIENTIST!

2. Well I know that "Insert name here" was once at the same conference with "Greer", "Bassessett","Birnes", "lear" ect,ect,ect.

3. Well, all I know is that I had the same thing happen to me and it was studied by a "team" in Tim Buk Two and it's the truth!

4. It's all bunk! Bunk I tell ya! Why am I still here? Because I'm Logical and your superstitious and I'm trying to shine the light of logic. So, pay attention ya numb nuts! Take a science class and log on to James Randi!

The above is just a little sample of what you have opened up here. It's Friday and I'm a little bit big mouthed and taking life a little less serious at the end of the week. But, I am now going to look at your links and shut my silliness up! :)

---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 PM ----------

went to this link


is this a site others would recommend? I am interested in the stuff they have but would appreciate comment from the paracast memebers on some of the evidence they show.

I'm sorry for the little silly post before (although I do see a lot of that kind of stuff here.) This is a neat site that doesn't appear to take itself to seriously. More of a "putting it out there" report kind of site that lets you decide for yourself.
Freaky little website there.

Here's one of my favorites:

Maybe more interesting than paranormal, but there's a lot of very curious and fascinating stuff there.

Cliff Pickover. Is there a guy more in love with maths and young women?? I don't think so :D
He always has some interesting links on his site. I give it a good looking through every few weeks or months just to see what female mathematician with very few clothes on he's linked to this time ... ;).

Still good website though. Makes you think about all sorts of reality based metaphysical ... thingies (yeah its late here ... brain shutting down :cool:). And he usually has some book or other just coming out every few months. Must get one one day ...

---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------

went to this link


is this a site others would recommend? I am interested in the stuff they have but would appreciate comment from the paracast memebers on some of the evidence they show.

Just had a quick butchers at it, and it seems to be just a blog really. A bit flasher looking than the usual wordpress sort of blog ... but still a blog. Which is ok.

The content though?? Looking at it very quickly, it doesn't look like an indepth study of strange phenomena more of the quick coffee-break sort of magazine like article ... magazine ... website. But each to their own. There may be good stuff in there but I wouldn't rely on it for everything ... or anything (??).

Mind you ... it looks to be more interesting than ufodigest.com ... but then again isn't everything?? :D
Thanks guys - this is the sort of opinion i really appreciate and so should others who leap at something they wish to be true that is flashed before their eyes - a good grounding is sometimes the best defence at future ridicule.

On that site there were two lists one for good and other for bad people in the UFO circles. Is this list of any merit?

I have heard the paracast mention strong opinions of some of the people mentioned, i for one have followed lazzar for a while and liked the write up he got.

Does anyone know who the youngest ufo reasearcher is as I am seeing a lot of grey hair amongst the experts?
Cliff Pickover. Is there a guy more in love with maths and young women?? I don't think so :D

Yeah, Cliff reminds me of a physics professor I had at ASU that chased everything in a skirt. If he could have had sex with a differential equation , I think he would have been in heaven!