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Paracast Bonked! Oo-er!

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As far as being "commercial'. I have made NO money from my show thus far. Can The Paracast say the same???

It's true that I hope to some day, is something wrong with that?

Our show is live , not a podcast which gives all you blog posters and chat room kids a real forum to speak to people like Stan Romanek, etc. If you have a question or comment then feel free to call in every Sunday night at 7pm PST. We don't screen kids! Don't be so anti-social and call in:)

As for the Paracast, we obvious have different philosophies on the way we conduct our respective programs as well as the way we talk to people in general. I respect the right to be different, but I choose to follow in the path of the great Art Bell that gave everyone a voice with grace and let the viewer decide.

Ufonaut Radio:)[/QUOTE]

Thanks but no thanks. There are lots of "infotainment" programs in the world (Larry King, The View, anything on Fox News, etc.) that don't bother with things like evidence, details, scientific questioning or anything else that might lead to discovering the truth about anything unknown. Instead they allow guests to bable about whatever is on their minds. Gene and David are not looking to be "social"; they are looking for some answers to questions that so far have not been answered. You can't be objective if you decide to be "social" with everyone, particularly those like Paola Harris. She has as much credibility as a researcher as Jerry Springer serves as an ambassador for Mensa members.
Hey, chat room kids...how many of you are, in fact, kids? Just curious since our friend in marketing here seems to think he's giving equal time to crap for the benefit of the children.

Think of the children!

Getting back to this money thing. It's not wrong to want to make money off your hard work, but it's important to be clear with yourself and your audience what your motive is. I think if your primary motive is to make money then you really don't give a shit about getting to any "truth" or facts. You might as well interview Burisch and Biedny because they're the same person to you.

But if money is a secondary issue then you'd never interview Burisch except to publicly flog him. The problem, as I see it, is that those good ol' days of just trying to make a buck off paranormal entertainment are coming to an end. Reason being, the pool has been peed in by so many frauds and so many makers of promises that never fulfill, you'd be hard-pressed to find an audience that isn't jaded. They are jaded because of just that approach--throw any Paola on there and see if she sticks.

It's not entertaining anymore and it certainly has nothing to do with answers, such as they are. I think the hardcore listeners of 2008 are done with imagination time. They don't want bedtime stories, they want something real. That's a tough call, what's real and what's not, but it means eliminating that which is proven false.

Is that so much to ask of your show--to not promote false information to make a buck while pretending to give a shit about the topic?

And now several bloggers at UFO Magazine will write "Well who is to decide what's been proven false? Who are you to decide? Who are you?"

Because, right...there's no standard of evidence at all. Not my eyes. Not the string holding up the tampon UFO hanging in front of the lens. Not the understanding of the sophomoric nature of the soul claims made by a man who owns machine guns.

I'm pissing myself off just thinking about this.

Bottom line: If you do it for the money, you end up paying frauds and morons (Paola isn't a fraud) on purpose and you keep this a weak religion. That's actually good for me because I'm going to be speaking in November at a conference and my only qualification is that X amount of people don't think I'm lying about my experiences. So you know what? I take it all back. Keep up the good work. I hope to be a guest on your show real soon.

Not sure where I said your show isn't "real". If anything I told David on the phone I enjoyed it. Sounds to me like you're being a bit defensive here as I said nothing of the sort. I actually thought we were having a nice conversation until it ended and David ran to the forum to insult our format. I guess I didn't realize the agenda of the call or I wouldn't have taken it.

Thanks for proving my other point by your response gentlemen. You are both bitter and rude individuals who exist primarily to make fun of people. Insulting a Ufologists body type or a talk shows personal life is definitely not the way to help move the needle in Ufology, or be taken seriously.

There is a classy way of providing answers to a radio audience that you both miss the mark on. Although I don't speak for him, I'm sure Richard Dolan and many other ufologists you do respect would agree.

Either way your bitter banter is your "shtick", I get it now.:rolleyes:

Now we're going too far. We do not "exist primarily to make fun of people," and, in large part, we show a great deal of respect to the guests we interview on The Paracast. Only those who practice obvious deception will find themselves at the wrong side of the interview, and even there, I think we show some people far more tolerance than they deserve.

What really stops UFOs from being taken seriously is giving a platform to fakes and shysters without critical response. In fact, I take your comment as admission that this is precisely what you're doing. This also appears to indicate you are more interested in providing entertainment than in helping to resolve the UFO enigma.

Thanks for the admission.
Dont worry Gene, anyone with any common sense can see youve got 2 options in the paranomal/UFO radio landscape.

Youve got the people that will give everyone a voice because "who are we to censor or judge whether someone is honest - thats for you to decide listener".

Or you have the shows like the Paracast that just want to get to some solid truth, and will accept no bullshit along the way. There are dozens of the former and only one of the latter as far as I can tell.

I truly do feel sorry for the people that dont get that.

You obviously aren't reading your partners posts or you would see what I'm talking about regarding insults. You seem to conveniently ignore that part of the conversation. "Going to far" is something you both might want to have a chat about and get on the same page with...

Irony here hello, I'm the one getting ripped on for not being mean enough to my guests on the air... You're right, I admit I like to let the listener decide for themselves instead of have you tell me how it is. That I promise to my listeners will never change.

It also bothers me how you are so quick to declare that Ufology hasn't gone anywhere in 60 years. Many are out there in the trenches doing solid research and don't need a talk host telling them off the cuff it's gone nowhere. Did you watch nightline this week with Nick Pope and Timothy Good? I totally disagree as we are starting to see this subject in mainstream media taken much more seriously. Not long ago we would only get a story on "hard copy" or another magazine style b show.

Be sure to remind guys like Stan Friedman and Richard Dolan that their work has done nothing to move the needle next time you speak to them. I'm sure they will really appreciate it... And the next time you want to talk about going to far, look within first.

Be sure to remind guys like Stan Friedman and Richard Dolan that their work has done nothing to move the needle next time you speak to them. I'm sure they will really appreciate it... -JR

I'm sure the only thing they won't appreciate is you name dropping them as if to suggest that they are taking sides with you.

Bottom line: Paola CHARGES money for teaching something she nows nothing about. She claims to know about these things, and therefore is not just letting people make up their own minds. She is decieving.
That is the bottom line, everything else in this argument, your dislike of David etc.... is just noise

Nobody ever gets bashed on the paracast unless they are charging folk for feeding them nonsense, or generally doing harm to the topic
What have we actually learned about UFOs since 1947? What have we learned from Billy Meier and Steven Greer and other shysters?

How do you think the field advances when the crazies are allowed to roam free and get publicity on uncritical venues?

Think about the disservice people like that and Paola Harris, who charges for her b.s. exopolitics seminars, are doing to Ufology? Think of the disservice some radio shows are doing when they don't call these people on their character flaws and patently-obvious deception?

Are you helping or hurting Ufology? Look in the mirror, and think real, real carefully about what you are doing.
What have we actually learned about UFOs since 1947? What have we learned from Billy Meier and Steven Greer and other shysters?

How do you think the field advances when the crazies are allowed to roam free and get publicity on uncritical venues?

It seems some people would like to keep it woo woo with no science involved. Probably easier for them to make money if they do not have to document anything.
Personally, I vote the guy from LA OFF THE ISLAND. The forum should be enjoyable for like-minded people to converse. This guy obviously feels threatened.
Is this the Paracast with Gene Steinberg or James McGahee???


What's the difference between someone who dismisses everything without looking at evidence and accepts everything without looking at evidence?

Answer: Look in the mirror at yourself. You are behaving as the evil twin of McGahee.
Ufonaut doesnt seem to understand the difference between calling people out for:

a) making ridiculous claims;
b) implying they know the answers;
c) and being just plain fraudulent


Being rude and disrespectful. I assure you the Paracast engages in the former, not the latter.

Where you would let Steven Greer claim hes held an alien baby and can bring forth space ships by shining torches into the sky - Gene and Dave (and Jeremy:D) put him on the spot and call it for what is: complete horseshit propagated by a charlatan.

Where you would let Paola Harris plug her 'Quantum Cosmology course' without a single question of legitimacy - Gene and Dave ask her if She knows what quantum cosmology is. Simple question, one would assume, for someone claiming to teach the subject.

I could go on. I also submit people with a true interest in this subject - rather than a passing entertainment driven fascination - would prefer a format that seeks to eliminate as much of the noise as possible, rather than letting the listener have to do it. I want to hear only signal and make judgements based on that.
Gene you're stealing my lines now buddy:)

Your forum seems to be really passionate about spewing insults and doing nothing to help the subject. Seems like you've trained them well.

Enjoy the Dungeon and Dragons tonight kiddies!

This thread has got old and I'm done now.

I have no idea how expressing reasons why the Paracast is superior to other styles of paranormal radio show can be turned around to mean were all nerds in out parents basement playing dungeons and dragons.

I feel like the discussion has now truly dropped to the 5th grade.
I like how he focuses on "getting" Gene and not the actual critical points raised by GSB.

I also like how this guy is defending mediocrity and has the nerve to call this forum, of all places, the home of D&D nyerds. Really, douche? And what are the fans of your show about the same exact subjects? Oh right: They get to make up their own minds. It's real upper-crust. Like when you get to text message your vote for favorite Idol.

Dude, WHATEVER. See you begging for change on the streets in five years.