Skilled Investigator
1) Assuming you just came out of a coma I suggest you reserve this title for someone more deserving. Not much room to move there Kieran.
2)Clearly you are motivated by something specific but won't say.
3) Specific critisism I can discuss.
4) Your drivel (not sure what "dribble" is) is the only self serving thing I can identify here
1) Well considering I have just stopped listening to the paracast you could say i have just come out of a coma. In regard to my opening statment the few people I know who still listening to the show all of whom directed to it by myself. routinely admit to skipping the opening segment and going strait to the interview or even switching off midway through because of this very reason, as I and I suspect many others have done for along time before finally giving up on the show altogether, although I doubt I will find any of them here!!
2)WON'T SAY? did you even read my post. My motivation couldn't be clearer it's purely Frustration the fact that you want it to be something else is an issue for you to consider maybe you have built Beidny up so
much you can't accept that someone can be critical without feeling the need to shout Conspirecy,
Or maybe you just haven't got anything inteligent to say. I mean lets be honest here that response is the bread and butter reply in the paranormal field the GO TO answer if you don't like what someone has to say
3) Seriously did you read my post!!!!!!!
4) Dribble means exactly the same as drivel which you clearly already knew givin that you so kindly translated well done.
So in summing up I think it's fair to say that although you tried to sound all clever and intelligent, you did in fact fail spectacularly to recognise any of the true talking points of my post and as a result of your failure posted a reply that can only be described as a nonsensical hodgepodge of quotes and non statments. Made worse by the fact that you quoted my whole post in your reply.
I dare say if you brought that kind of mediocre arguement to the show Biedny would tare you a new one.. So wipe that smirk off your face :
P.S I stopped listening to C2C a long time ago also for the same reason the noise of one mans ego drowning out the signal......
Now i'll not Darkin your door again and leave you to your little love in.
Kieran, honestly, you sound like an upleasant loon right now. You can be as right as can be but your initial post and this recent one suggest that some chamomile tea is in order.
You hate David and find him smug. Okay, point taken.
Move on. Preferably away from here.