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Paraculture of Concast Episode from 4.27.08

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Out of interest anyone else here literally get their mouth washed out with soap as a kid ?
fond memories of eating a "cake" over the bathroom sink.............

if only it had been Olive Oil soap........
My God man, I almost feel bad for Simone listening to this stuff. He did totally misjudge you guys, probably thought he was preaching to the choir when he was singing Meiers praises at the beginning only to slowly realize he has entered the den of rationality. I really don't feel like you cornered him, he totally let his true colors shine on this one.

The way he says, "extensively" in such a pseudo intellectual way and then goes on about Talmud Jmmanuel is great but.... it also sucks since he probably reaches a lot of people via his radio show where he likely uses the same judgement in booking and interviewing guests. So I can understand where the more mean spirited comments are coming from, particularly when they are from people with a strong personal stake in this field and then this guy who actually reaches people does more harm than good in bringing any credibility to the field. I don't think Simone is a mean guy IMO, so I personally wouldn't write any personal attacks against him, but certainly his judgement is not to be trusted and he represents the type of person who makes a living off of making the paranormal fluff entertainment. In every field there are people like this though, I bet most shrinks hate Dr. Phil and I bet many journalists hate Bill O'Reilly and his like and many many a music producer hates Simon Cowell. By the way, one of Simon's first big records that he put together was an album of cover songs by WWF wrestlers. Lowest common denomenator entertainment across the board, which is what American culture has become on a large scale but that's a whole other 50 page thread.

I thought that dude Jim who looked at the Meiller stuff in the 70's sounds really cool and actually makes me think that perhaps there is something real within all the rubbish of the Meiller case, particularly that talk about the metal traces getting analyzed, very interesting. Also cool that Jim has worked with Alice Cooper and others and Bruce Macccabee is going to nashville for music! My type of guys, UFO and music fanatics.

Still got 30 mins left to listen to for tomorrows commute...
Rocketsauce said:
I thought that dude Jim who looked at the Meiller stuff in the 70's sounds really cool and actually makes me think that perhaps there is something real within all the rubbish of the Meiller case, particularly that talk about the metal traces getting analyzed, very interesting.

I also was wondering if there might be (if only just a little) flame somewhere in the vicinity of all that Meijer smoke.

Is it too weird to consider that, just as photographs can come-off as genuine or fake, the manifestation of “reality” may itself have this same range of capability?

And with an appropriate sense of humor at technology’s disposal.

I remember watching the recent light-show contortions (video) being made in the Stephenville night sky, and wondering if it wasn’t perhaps a display-panel type hull on a darkened, hovering craft, and some bored, homesick droid inside, repeatedly squiggling a clammy green finger across his touch screen and then hitting “delete.”

Our puzzled reactions being the semi-amused point of it all.

So Billy goes out into the hills with his little camera; the “wedding-cake” crew decides it would be great fun to materialize a suspension string and screw around with the shadows, just as he clicks the shutter of proof – and poor Billy continues on as the laughing-stock of “rational” UFOlogy:

“...Dammit, I’m telling you guys the thing was right there!! Develop the film and see for yourselves for christ-sake!"
Just finished the episode, pretty funny, at one point I think Jeff even calls Simone a pussy and even Jim his supposed buddy doesn't even back him up! His face must have been red when he left the table.

Funny to hear David start ranting at Simone with both Jeff and Sue totally backing him up. I don't blame Simone for hitting the ejector seat. in the future, maybe he will think twice about booking obvious frauds on his show, but I doubt it. He will certainly be more careful in what he says about the UFO field in unknown company.

Once again, I thought that guy Jim was pretty cool and had some interesting opinions on this stuff. Interesting how his focus was on 'why are the aliens hiding'. Also found it interesting that at the top of his paranormal personal interest hierarchy are the spiritual things like Angles etc.... Dorothy Izzat's story seems to indicate that some of this stuff is one and the same, various levels of beings in the universe.

Who knows how that Meiller scene got how it is today, but Jim makes an interesting point that some of the best UFO cases initially started out compelling but than over the years things get all sketchy with various fraudulent stuff being dangled as proof etc... I don't think we'll ever know the real stories behind some of the more famous contactees but they certainly don't do themselves any favors either!
I enjoyed this episode, but, by the time bar interview got compressed and run through my crappy little speakers I found it hard to tell who was who. I'm sure Gene worked marvels, but it what it was in that regard.

The fellow who looked over the Billy Meier photos (Dilletoso?) actually sounded halfway reasonable, and the way he talked they made a pretty big effort to do it right. I still don't see anything in the Meier story that seems credible, mind you. And, I don't know enough to know if Dilletoso's (?) science was good or not, but he did handle himself decently from what I could hear.

This just in: Another Rob Simone fun fact? -- When asked after the X-Conference if he happened to meet a man named Dave Biedny at the X-Conference, Rob Simone said no.
mike said:
Out of interest anyone else here literally get their mouth washed out with soap as a kid ?
fond memories of eating a "cake" over the bathroom sink.............

Saw it happen one time. For a few months I went to a daycare this lady ran out of her house, and one day her son said "doo doo" (literally, just doo doo) and she washed his mouth out and made him eat some of the soap... a few times she barked out "Eat that soap, EAT that soap"... almost, but not quite sadistically.

I'm about 30 minutes in on this episode and LOVIN it.
Fantastic but man, a marathon to listen to. Macabee as always interesting, Dilletoso- insightful and revelaing. Simone... that man was backpeddling so fast I thought I was going to hear a bike chain snap!

Up on the 'tube:


Audio's terrible but what can you do. Several parts listed in this guy's channel.
I liked the cool sound effects at the beginning, the show needs more of that here and there to spruce it up a bit. :)
Great episode all the way around. I listened to Jeremy's first and I just finished The Paracast. Absolutely outstanding. Great information and insights for me to add to my research. Thanks guys.

Great episode - it's the shortest three hours I can ever recall - it just flew by. Nice to hear David, Jeff et al unrestrained and uncensored. Oh - BTW, just who IS this Rob Simone guy? I'm a Brit, and I've never heard of him and his so-called claim to be the (F)Art Bell of the UK. What a dickhead!
Siani said:
Great episode - it's the shortest three hours I can ever recall - it just flew by. Nice to hear David, Jeff et al unrestrained and uncensored. Oh - BTW, just who IS this Rob Simone guy? I'm a Brit, and I've never heard of him and his so-called claim to be the (F)Art Bell of the UK. What a dickhead!

Rob Simone sounded to us here in Oz like a game show host.


a total dickhead with a very large ego.
Grokl said:
Siani said:
Great episode - it's the shortest three hours I can ever recall - it just flew by. Nice to hear David, Jeff et al unrestrained and uncensored. Oh - BTW, just who IS this Rob Simone guy? I'm a Brit, and I've never heard of him and his so-called claim to be the (F)Art Bell of the UK. What a dickhead!

Rob Simone sounded to us here in Oz like a game show host.


a total dickhead with a very large ego.

Could be worse. He could be a total ego with a very large dickhead! :D
Congratulations to David for putting that Self-procalimed,George Snoory wannabe (Rob Simone) in his place. The way that David directly confronted Jim Diletosso about his involvement in the one-armed-farmer photos was very much appreciated. Keep up the good work, David.
I haven't got to the Simone part yet. Stopped during dilletoso, but will finish it up sometime I'm sure.

Who's Sue?

Oh, if I remember correctly, Ed Walters was going to save his own skin but had second thoughts and then saved the kids instead in the lizard experience. Bruce must have forgot about that.

To this day, I've never seen more than a few seconds of Ed's first 1 or 2 vids. Anyone know where I can view this online? I've always wanted to. I have the 3 books on the case which are very interesting btw.

Oh, if Bruce ever comes back on ask him about the lie detector test Kenny Young and Jerry Black asked him to take in a thread on Gulf Breeze I started at Updates. It might interest some.
Great episode. You guys should do all your interviews at bars during UFO conferences. Too bad LMH wasn't there. I'm also curious about the Gulf Breeze case. Maybe a show on the history of that case and any new information that has been uncovered.
So glad everyone seems to have enjoyed this episode! Thanks for all the kind comments.

Dr. Sue is my honey, an amazing woman who seems to enjoy UFO conferences more than I do, and is totally supportive of my involvement in this madness. I'm a blessed man. And when she leaned over and told Simone that he was nothing more than "paranormal paparazzi", well, it was my favorite moment of the weekend. She's brilliant!

Simone is somewhere between annoying and sadly hysterical, and is about as sleazy a person as I've encountered in this "field". An absolute joke of a "journalist", I would love to opportunity to slice him into even smaller little bits of rubbish. I have to admit, I've not listened to any of his "shows", but based on the way he behaved during our brief little encounter, his programs are probably about as insightful as a clogged-up toilet bowl in a cheap Chinese buffet. Someone please prove me wrong.
