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That explains it
he is on 5 days per week, you heard 2
wow in depth
whatever I dont feel like arguing over a radio show that you dont listen to
anyhow he had John Callehan former 2 at FAA on a few months ago so at least he is doing something decent.
Know of a place in which that occurs less than here?Paracast which is self rightous and if ya disagree with em they call ya bad names.
Yep. So get off the liittle self rightous b.s. and understand most people are not trying to steal or even take you in. There are good shows and bad shows and the same folks can be both at different times.
Know of a place in which that occurs less than here?
He disagrees, and you called it BS and self righteous....
I listened to the Kevin Smith show last night. I listened to the one about whether or not Bigfoot exists.
I dont recall the name of the guy being Interviewed but god was he crazy. First off he was talking about portals and shit which is fare enough it could be an answer as to why we can never find a trace of Bigfoot.
But then he was going on about all these spurious claims that people made and that he seems to belive.
I kid you not he was going on about Bigfoot's driving cars ! WTF![]()
There wasnt a trace of Irony that I could detect in the guest voice he actually believes this shit !
Kevin Smith seems ok I suppose but he sure suffers fools. Is he that desperate for guests ?
Anyhow I will have to listen to more of his podcasts to formulate a better opinion of the man.
Paracast is the only show I listen to regularly. I have listened to a couple of C2C, but found it inspid, at best. If a show gets mentioned here as good, I'll go after it, but none of them are as good as Paracast.