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Pennsylvania Portal?

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Paranormal Novice
I enjoyed hearing Stan Gordon on the Feb. 17th show. I have two books from him on strange PA.

Somewhere in his books, or in others that I have (I am not sure), it talks about a portal opening up in the woods of Potter County. This was near Cherry Springs.

I have a cabin in Potter County so I am very interested in finding this reference again.

Does anyone know where this information is located?


PA Dowser (aka: Bill)
Interesting I hope you find the information you are looking for.

The concept of portals is a subject I find interesting and often wonder if this is how (if they really do exist) UFO's are traveling around.

The idea being that they do not travel long distances in space but use a natural occurring portal on one world to jump to the next.

Just a thought.

either way it makes for some great art work :)



It appears that my stomping grounds are pretty much the same ones as Gene at one time. I enjoyed the show. Living in PA., I have seen and experienced a few unexplained things. Never read any of Stan's books. I confess that some of the stories told on the show border on the type of thing I find almost impossible to believe. Big cats,birds and various UFOs are not as difficult to believe. Big white haired apes that disappear when shot..........let's just say that one is out there. A UFO, big foot link really sweetens the pot in the show.

Most of the activity seems to be happening on the opposite side of the state from where I am and maybe why I have heard or seen much less. I am right down the road from Chickies Rock and a few other places of interest. In the case of Chickies Rock I remember a very bad story associated with that place and I knew the people involved. Nothing supernatural to my knowledge. Unfortunately a girl ended up falling off the cliff there one night. The details on the whole event were sketchy but involved a few people. It was a real tragedy. The mother of the girl was never the same afterwards. There have probably been other incidents there in the past. It is a steep cliff place and kids go there at night. Make a wrong step and you could end up going over it.They have added rails since then but a careless individual could end up waking up dead.

On another occasion I was told various stories by a person who I came into contact with frequently at the time. He would describe seeing these animal things that were half one thing and half something else and describe other strange events. He would look you right in the eye and was a serious as a heart attack when he told you. I really was positive he had lost his cookies, but after the show, now I'm not so sure.

I remember storms out at the place I once lived further west than where I am now. The kind of electrical storms that are really violent. Not a lightning strike every 5 minutes but every minute for awhile. The kind of a storm where you wonder how long it will be until it hits your house because everything within 50 ft. is being hit. In one of those storms late at night I looked out the window because I seen a light pass by the window rather than a lightning strike. I thought it was odd because of the light. When I looked out I seen what I can only describe as a bundle of light energy in the clouds moving more like it was an object. I couldn't make out the object shape only a large ball of light hidden in the cloudy mist.

My house was in a wooded area and so I could only see it pass between the trees in fleeting glances. Ball lightning? I'm really not sure. It appeared to move in a controlled way at one altitude about 100ft. above the trees.
It appears that my stomping grounds are pretty much the same ones as Gene at one time. I enjoyed the show. Living in PA., I have seen and experienced a few unexplained things. Never read any of Stan's books. I confess that some of the stories told on the show border on the type of thing I find almost impossible to believe. Big cats,birds and various UFOs are not as difficult to believe. Big white haired apes that disappear when shot..........let's just say that one is out there. A UFO, big foot link really sweetens the pot in the show.

Most of the activity seems to be happening on the opposite side of the state from where I am and maybe why I have heard or seen much less. I am right down the road from Chickies Rock and a few other places of interest. In the case of Chickies Rock I remember a very bad story associated with that place and I knew the people involved. Nothing supernatural to my knowledge. Unfortunately a girl ended up falling off the cliff there one night. The details on the whole event were sketchy but involved a few people. It was a real tragedy. The mother of the girl was never the same afterwards. There have probably been other incidents there in the past. It is a steep cliff place and kids go there at night. Make a wrong step and you could end up going over it.They have added rails since then but a careless individual could end up waking up dead.

I think when you have a really good researcher like Stan Gordon, you end up with something of a selection bias. By that I mean, he's out in Western PA and he may tend to get more reports in that location because he lives there and people know him. It also sometimes seems like you can regard the parts of the state east and west of route 81 as two different states. I think there's also a cultural difference between the two parts. Eastern PA definitely has its rural areas, but we also have the massive urban sprawl of the Philadelphia area. We border Jersey, which is heavily developed, and we aren't that far from NYC.

In more urban areas, I've noticed a bias against rural culture, UFOs, cryptids, and weird stuff. That is, there's a tendency to view people who report bigfoot or UFO sightings as quaint rednecks. People imitate witnesses while pretending to use an Appalachian accent. I haven't noticed this prejudice to be as strong in the western part of the state, and maybe that's because I've mainly been in rural areas. I've never been to Pittsburgh. But in rural areas, people do spend more time in the woods or under a quiet night sky and, yeah, you tend to see things that you probably wouldn't see if you're surrounded by strip malls. I also wonder if people in western PA are just more comfortable reporting stuff.

But the really wooded part is north central PA and I'd like to spend more time there, at least the parts that have survived fracking. I suspect a lot of stuff goes on there for the relatively small population there to report it.

That's a sad story about Chickies Rock. I've never been there. Have you ever heard stories about the albatwitches (aka apple snitches)? Have you ever seen the petroglyphs further down the river?
I confess that some of the stories told on the show border on the type of thing I find almost impossible to believe. Big cats,birds and various UFOs are not as difficult to believe. Big white haired apes that disappear when shot..........let's just say that one is out there. A UFO, big foot link really sweetens the pot in the show....

On another occasion I was told various stories by a person who I came into contact with frequently at the time. He would describe seeing these animal things that were half one thing and half something else and describe other strange events. He would look you right in the eye and was a serious as a heart attack when he told you. I really was positive he had lost his cookies, but after the show, now I'm not so sure.....

When I looked out I seen what I can only describe as a bundle of light energy in the clouds moving more like it was an object. I couldn't make out the object shape only a large ball of light hidden in the cloudy mist.

Strange light drifting in the mist is a fine pairing with all of Stan Gordon's tales of incredible cryptid creatures and impossible portals with disappeaing mystic hominids dancing beneath them. I thought williamjwhite's description of the gargoyle convention in the woods also added to the great fare. This episode was a real feast of narratives that asked for an imaginative multiplicity of paradigms to sustain such stories of loose space and fabulous creatures. Well either that, or there's just a lot more people hallucinating than we realize out there, and there must be a lot more to hallucinations than we know.

On a sidenote, if someone doesn't produce a shot of a glowing UFO landing ring with someone else reading a newspaper by its light then I'm gonna have to start looking more into ghost photography, the pornography of the paranormal world. Come on Ted Phillips, let's get going, already - let's see video of light blobs drifting with their own sentience over the Marley Woods.
But the really wooded part is north central PA and I'd like to spend more time there, at least the parts that have survived fracking. I suspect a lot of stuff goes on there for the relatively small population there to report it.

That's a sad story about Chickies Rock. I've never been there. Have you ever heard stories about the albatwitches (aka apple snitches)? Have you ever seen the petroglyphs further down the river?
I had never done any research on the Chickies area until last evening when I started to look into some history of the place. The tragic death I mentioned happened back in the early 80s. The girl was pregnant and her boyfriend went directly to a lawyer instead of calling the paramedics first....like I said that whole case was fishy. I'm amazed at all of the deaths that have happened there since then. Who knows how many people have died there before that? The place seems to have a real stigma attached to it,even if only looking at the deaths.

You are probably correct in your views of urban/rural and east/ west views of these kinds of things. For the most part many people are buried in their electronic gadgets anyways and have shut out whats happening all around them.

I have relatives on the north western side of the state and have been over there . I seen lights there when visiting an aunt in the 70s'. About 3 years ago I pulled a pop up camper out west and spent the night in a wooded area. We heard sounds that I kept telling myself were birds, but they sure were some odd sounding birds.

I live in a fairly rural area here in the eastern part of the state and seldom venture into those populated areas, so the feel where I am is not suburbia. There are some really large and untouched parks out west with miles and miles of forest. Maybe to a lesser extent here but we have plenty of woodlands here as well. We have Gettysburg, one of the most paranormal places anywhere. The Columbia/Marietta area has a lot of civil war history as well.There is supposedly an armless ghost full of arrows that moves around Chickies. Groups have paranormal tours all around here.

I didn't know about those little albatwitches at Chickies or the petroglyphs until last night when I did the research.
Just wanted to chyme in and share in the Stan Gordon love. Listened to the podcast for the second time last night. This time I made it to within about 10 minutes of the show's end before falling asleep. Certainly not out of boredom either, just an old exhausted geezer. Maybe I'll just finish up the last 10 minutes tonight and skip the obsessive knack doing it all in one sitting. Man, Chris was so RIGHT ON THE FRICKIN' MONEY!!! I don't know of anybody that even comes close to Stan. Truly an amazing para phenomenal investigator of olympian proportions. Go Stan!
Really surreal. It's these shows when sometimes, lying awake in the middle of the night, I ask myself if my PC has a built-in wormhole and somehow gets downloads from a parallel universe. One where Guillermo del Toro made the rules.
You are probably correct in your views of urban/rural and east/ west views of these kinds of things.

I'm sure it's very different, the attitude in Gettysburg vs. Philly. I used to have family around Harrisburg. Interesting to hear the reports from your neck of the woods, thanks.

For the most part many people are buried in their electronic gadgets anyways and have shut out whats happening all around them.

That's the unvarnished truth... I see this every day and a lot of public spaces are getting ridiculous and retarded. Cafes and bars, in some places.
Google Glasses are gonna make things worse, I think that's a given. Maybe one day people will have implants to keep out
any real world at all. Still, this fact makes for great hiking and adventures in the outdoors and even paranormal investigation;
everyone else is staying in town, staring into their palm during waking (sic?) hours. "Nobody told me there'd be days like these"... Lennon
didn't know the half!
I didn't know about those little albatwitches at Chickies or the petroglyphs until last night when I did the research.
I just saw today that Linda Godfrey mentions albatwitches in Hunting the American Werewolf. Hunting the American Werewolf: Beast Men in Wisconsin and Beyond - Linda S. Godfrey - Google Books

Apparently, there is an article by Carla di Fonzi about albatwitches. Has anyone seen her article?

Godfrey also mentions a story about the werewolf of Northumberland (borough or county, I don't know), Pennsylvania. Allegedly, the werewolf was buried in an area now known as Die Woolfmann's Grob (Deitsch dialect for wolfman's grave). Does anyone know where this grave is?

Man, I have to, have to start reading some Henry W. Shoemaker stuff about PA...
Keystone Folklore Quarterly - Google Books
Thanks Konrad , I'll check this out.

Rizla you make an interesting observation here. We are programmed to interpret the world through a series of colors,shapes, symbols and aural tones from the time we are infants. Could it be that this is why children seem more prone to seeing and experiencing the paranormal?
Interesting I hope you find the information you are looking for.

The concept of portals is a subject I find interesting and often wonder if this is how (if they really do exist) UFO's are traveling around.

The idea being that they do not travel long distances in space but use a natural occurring portal on one world to jump to the next.

Just a thought.

either way it makes for some great art work :)




None of these look like Pennsylvania.

Just sayin...
