Glad you like it
I really am tired of the whole paranormal scene. It's riddled with snake oil salesmen, people who claim to be scientific, political bullshit and disputes. I haven't even bothered to keep tabs on the scene since we cancelled the show on a high note. We cancelled it for many reasons but the main reason was that we didn't think the scene deserved a high production TV show. The efforts of the production team were better utilised with other projects. It was a good move to cancel the show after 4 industry nominations. Now we can move onto bigger and better things.
The Frank's Box was the last straw for me. I have been following that sham for a while now and its popularity only illustrated the lack of common sense and logic in the scene. People were hell bent on believing anything and everything.
If I hear another group mention science or scientific method I'll scream. If these people TRULY believed they were remotely scientific, then they would throw away 99% of their gadgets and unfounded, speculative claims.
I haven't listened to any paranormal podcast in months. I unsubscribed to them all. I ignore all paranormal themed shows like the plague. Unfortunately, I also haven't listened to the Paracast in over 5 months now (sorry Dave and Gene). Mainly due to my not having a replacement iPod and time to listen to the show. I am still subscribed though. I loved the Paracast and I'm getting my new iPod very soon. It was like a breath of fresh air in a world full of hot air. I think I only subscribe to a handful of shows now. I also love Skeptoid.
Anyway...I no longer walk in the paranormal circles. I got tired of the bullshit mentality and politics. I'm still frustrated when I read claims people make. Hence the videos. People have attacked my use of foul language but that was chosen for a reason. I'm hitting the scene right where it hurts.
I still believe in the a certain degree. I mean, belief is something I am happy that people have. Belief can drive people to do some amazing things. It also drives people to do some pretty negative things. Unfortunately, when people make claims of proof, evidence, facts or the usual pseudoscientific BS.
OH GOD! That Frank's Box is the most obvious of all crank gadgets. There's no room for skeptics in the ghost hunting scene so I'm just leaving.
Aaaanyway...I gotta get back to work.
Stay cool everyone