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Petition to get a crater on Mars named after Mac Tonnies

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Just joined. I also had another thought but this one will make ya shudder. :-) Buuuttt, ya gotta admit he's pushed "thilly thuff" about Mars to new heights. How bout "Richard Hoagland?"

I can't beleive I said that. On the other hand I think Mac Tonnies (although I didn't know him) might get a chuckle out of it. :-)
Hey......I am ignorant....Who was/is Mac Tonnies? And by the way......Are you on FaceBook now???? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

Mac Tonnies?? You don't know who Mac was??? :rolleyes: Blimey ... umm well check out the paracast archives for his interviews. There is also at least one interview with him at Greg Bishop's Radio Misterioso website: http://www.radiomisterioso.com/

He was one of the brightest thinkers in the UFO field, and a genuinely nice guy from what I've heard from Greg and others. He died just under a year ago at the tender age of 34 just before the release of his last book, The Cryptoterrestrials. It was such a great loss to the field. He was starting to take concepts that people like John Keel pioneered and was taking them in new directions, and may have gone on to write some phenomenal material. But it was never to be unfortunately. He is genuinely and sadly missed by a great number of us in the ufo field ... so check him out. He was a really fascinating guy ...

ps I'll pm you about the other matter :rolleyes:, MVoltage