What about the tower of babel?
I am certainly no Bible scholar, so I might have a slightly garbled version of the story:
Basically back in the days before talking man was able to communicate better, so much so that they could cooperate to a much higher degree, and they decided to make a tower to reconnoiter heaven, or maybe feed the ducks? honestly I don't know the alleged reason they decided to try and do it, but God was not impressed, so he knocked down the tower and punished us by making us speak in different tongues (languages).
Can you imagine what would happen if you could actually teach the world to sing in perfect harmony? Soldiers have to break step when crossing a bridge remember!
I don't judge the story on its 'veracity' or 'provenance' what I take from it is that it does seem like 'language' is a double edged sword, both a blessing and a curse at the same time.
Sport is a very good example of the way different people see the same 'events' differently (depending on who they support etc).
And in that scenario you have a rigid predetermined frame work of laws of the game (rule book) yet the outcome and interpretation are not: unless it is WWF wrestling, but then again I think that is perfect example for now.....
Is it a sport or a procession/ritual?
They do amazingly skilled Gymnastic routines, and gymnastics is a sport, but the winner is predecided (scripted) and it does not rely on the protagonists truly 'vying' rather they cooperate in a 'routine'.
The thing is that some people actually think it is 'real'........
Myself include once upon a time
Why am I talking about wrestling in a philosophy thread??????????
Well I am trying to point out that maybe we need to have the mindset of the wrestlers rather than the fans. i.e accept that we are in a contest for want of a better word.
Whether or not there is an 'organiser/s' of the entertainment or if it is ourselves is for a theology thread I suppose.
also re words:
They change drastically over time, and at a much faster rate than people do.
Finally maybe part of the problem here is agreeing (i.e a mutual understanding or agreement) of the rules of/at play, but like I implied I think life is a 'game' and don't have the reading or expertise to help focus/refine the discussion.