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Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
Since I've been suffering from severe financial problems, I've heard from others with equal or worse problems.

They all deserve your help too, so I'm setting up this thread to allow the rest of you to help our members overcome their money woes.

So feel free to post your issues here.

To make the process simpler for everyone, there are a few guidelines:
  • Please write only about genuine problems. Don't tell me you just want someone to buy you a luxury automobile. Posts that aren't serious will be removed.
  • Please do not attack a poster. I've been pursued by online stalkers for several years, so I understand what's going on. People shouldn't be blamed because they have problems.
  • Please avoid extended back and forth discussions. Take it to a private conversation.
  • If you want to help a member or have questions, again open a private conversation.
We're trying to do our part, but if you have a serious money and/or health issue, you may want to take it to a crowd-funding site to reach a larger audience, such as:

GoFundMe: #1 for Crowdfunding & Fundraising Websites

Free Online Fundraising & Crowdfunding Website - YouCaring

Good luck everyone!
I'll start the ball rolling. But don't respond here. Again, take it to a private conversation if you can help or have more questions.

I'm still struggling to catch up with rent (and, yes, I'm looking for an even cheaper place to live).

And for those who imagine I'm just "noodling" in front of my Mac, I spent a long day today driving people around via Lyft and Uber. I'm working more hours than ever.
I'll start the ball rolling. But don't respond here. Again, take it to a private conversation if you can help or have more questions.

I'm still struggling to catch up with rent (and, yes, I'm looking for an even cheaper place to live).

And for those who imagine I'm just "noodling" in front of my Mac, I spent a long day today driving people around via Lyft and Uber. I'm working more hours than ever.

Maybe you could do some freelance web development.

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There is a way you can help Gene and other members.

Donate a Paracast Plus subscription to a member you like who doesn't have one.

Did you know just 5 bucks a fortnight (over a year) buys two subscriptions which you can gift to others ?

If everybody threw 5 bucks a fortnight at the site (130 bucks a year) That would help everyone.

Alien hub forums went bust and are now gone. You never miss your water till your well runs dry.

JOIN THE PARACAST+ AND SUPPORT THE SHOW! Enjoy a special high-resolution version of The Paracast without network ads, the exclusive After The Paracast podcast, a full-time chat room, show transcripts, a video channel and more. FLASH! Prices have been slashed! Check it out here!

There is even an option for a buck fifty a week.
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this is hard... to hard... on Thursday Aug. 11th I was robbed my wallet my phone and keys taken. my car was taken as well. my life has been hell. the thieves tried to use my credit and debit cards many times even though I shut them down the credit company calls me. the cash loss was great. I was set back a month or more. my friends have rallied around me but its clear. I most likely will lose my phone service. my car was found the deductible is going to be hell to pay I been taking the bus. I don't know where to turn I don't WANT to ask for help my money situation has been a horrible strain. Rikki has been so supportive. her job wont cover the shortfall. She will NOT go back to modeling (gene and Mike know the details.) two men ruined me I don't want to ask for help. but if this continues I will have no choice. I was barley hanging on before. my family will begin to suffer soon. and the bills wont wait. I will keep all in the loop as I recover.
peace. Bob
Hi Bob,
Hope you come into some rewards and do have local community support system or church for support. A friend of mine has a mate who is homeless and he been given heaps of monetary support still does not want help. One business offered him a rent free home and he trashed it. Also if you are Veteran or family of one do you have assistance through that mechanism?
In suffering from my own money issues, I've learned of so many others who are suffering as much or more.

This is not right. Bob, Rikki and his kids are good people. They should not have to suffer like this.

As much as I need help, I hope members will get in touch with Bob and see what they can do for him.
Well if ppl want to help I will accept it. But I'm fighting not to ask..yes I'm in contact with support groups no church

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2 months later. The road to recovery was long. My older daughter got a McDonald's job.
She is putting money away. While helping the family. Her sister will look for work after basketball season. I wish it was diffrent.
A 15 year old should not have to work..

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