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Politics & The CIC/Prez

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I thought Hillary's campaign in 2016 was absolutely awful. Her handlers failed to understand the social factors that drew people to Trump despite his actual reputation for multiple bankruptcies, fraudulent businesses, questionable business practices, sexual abuse and other nastiness.

A key example was Hillary's inability to deliver a speech without sometimes sounding shrill. This is a matter of learning how to speak and project before a mic, and I think she could have been trained. Privately she is said to be warm and funny, but hasn't learned how to present that part of her personality in public very much.
It's a way past dumb story, starting with the link from "The Five," one of the stupidest entrants from Faux, sorry, Fox News.

All Presidents have staff issues, and Biden was known to make verbal gaffs all through his career. He's already begun to make changes.

Compare that to Trump, with "lies-a-minute" press aides who merely repeated serious falsehoods and were scared to death to tell the truth — until they left and wrote books about it.

Speaking of dumb, it's way past dumb to suggest a President really has control over certain worldwide issues, such as inflation and fuel pricing. In Germany, gas costs over $8.50 per gallon. I paid $5.39 in Arizona. So did Biden somehow influence Germany's prices, or were they the result of global conditions?
Please quit whining about Trump. He is out and now the country is going in the toilet.
Let's deal with the stupidity of open borders, not producing our own gas and oil and blaming
a certain gun for murder rates. And believe it or not, I agree with you about AR-15 rifles. The should be for military and police.
Biden doesn't need to worry about his staff undermining him — he's doing a great job of that himself.

Too bad you posted a video with lots of false information. I don't have the time or patience to correct it all. I thought you were someone who did real research, not seek radical fake news and videos.
Please quit whining about Trump. He is out and now the country is going in the toilet.
Let's deal with the stupidity of open borders, not producing our own gas and oil and blaming
a certain gun for murder rates. And believe it or not, I agree with you about AR-15 rifles. The should be for military and police.

Stupidity is repeating falsehoods over and over and ignoring the corrections as you have done.

1. We do not have open borders. That's a false right-wing talking point that was never true.

2. We produce tons of oil and gas.

3. Almost all the recent murders have been done with assault weapons. Read and learn.
Thanks Randall. Had not seen this one.
Ya. And don't worry about Gene's partisan offhanded dismissal. Me not being in the USA puts me outside the ketchup bottle he's in, not to mention that the story comes out of Sky News, and quotes sources besides FOX, ( like NBC ) — not that FOX is always wrong. In fact, although it does go over the top some of the time, it's no worse than other MSM lies, omissions, and censoring. He thinks that because they're not Conservative leaning, and they "fact check", that they are accurate and trustworthy — they're not. But you only see that if you know how to fact check the fact checkers, and are free from the sort of censorship Gene has adopted here.
Actually the major fact-checkers, such as PolitiFact, correct the misstatements and lies on both sides.

As to alleged "MSM lies, omissions, and censoring," they are not necessarily conservative learning and they commit far fewer "lies, omissions, and censoring" than Fox. MSNBC, for example, has a conservative morning host, Joe Scarborough, a former Republican member of Congress and, during the day, Nicolle Wallace, Bush W's White House Communications Director. Otherwise only the late afternoon and evening hosts tend liberal.

In point of fact I have no problem with conservatives, only lying and ignorant conservatives.

In terms of our censorship: This is a private company and we are free to remove or edit content as we see fit, mostly that which is against our Terms of Service. And hate speech and speech that can cause harm will always be removed.
In terms of our censorship: This is a private company and we are free to remove or edit content as we see fit, mostly that which is against our Terms of Service. And hate speech and speech that can cause harm will always be removed.
Having the power to censor doesn't make it ethical ( two different concepts ). As for what constitutes "harm" when it comes to the written word, you've lost your perspective on that too. I'm sure it's not that you don't mean well, but you either don't see ( or can't see ) how you've been deceived into thinking it's the other people doing the harm, when it's actually the team you're playing backing.
I'm sorry to say that you are the one who has lost perspective. You've taken common sense and well-verified information and located contrary claims, and outright fake news, embraced the falsehoods, and imagined that there is some huge conspiracy to hide the truth.

I realize this is also the common refrain of people who believe governments have secrets to disclose about UFOs. The difference is that there appears to be evidence that this is so.

As to ethical censoring, I regard censoring hate or harmful speech as ethical.
I'm sorry to say that you are the one who has lost perspective. You've taken common sense and well-verified information and located contrary claims, and outright fake news, embraced the falsehoods, and imagined that there is some huge conspiracy to hide the truth.

I realize this is also the common refrain of people who believe governments have secrets to disclose about UFOs. The difference is that there appears to be evidence that this is so.

As to ethical censoring, I regard censoring hate or harmful speech as ethical.
There are still a few people here who know me well enough to see through your criticism. So just carry on, and I'll try to avoid making you upset.