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Politics & The CIC/Prez

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Ask the 140 police officers who were injured how peaceful Jan. 6th was. Out of over 40,000 hours of videos, it's easy to present a false picture of the episode by cherry picking a few moments when nothing bad was happening. That's the scam Tucker Carlson played in his broadcasts. You've learned well, Randall, about fooling people.

I'm not presenting a "false picture" it's actual video. Here's some more you'll want to hand wave. Wanna piss-off a crowd of protesters — just start beating them up. Then watch Ashli dying after being shot by a cop from behind closed doors. Watch the testimony of a woman who was being crushed in by the crowd tell how she was pleading with a cop to help her stand and keep from being trampled — only to be clubbed by him.

Listen to the testimony of a guy who followed protests around in various cities and was familiar with some of the regular actors who he describes as agent provocateurs — not Trump MAGA fans. Then write it all off as fake news and call anyone who believes it "misinformed" — because that's what you do when it doesn't match your view. Me — I admit it's more complex than any one perspective, and that there's lots I don't know. What's your problem?

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Pay attention: it is easy to take some video clips out of context.

Read the damn report!
It's pretty hard to take any of the examples I gave out of context. However I'm sure that the MSM has presented things out of context, like the guy holding up a crutch as if declaring victory when he was in fact trying to help a person who had fallen from being trampled, by trying to signal protesters to move back. You won't know that unless you watch the documentaries with the interview of that person.

Sure — he could be lying, but his story is backed by other protesters and video. Meanwhile those who want to push the insurrection narrative just show select clips. So there's spin, cherry picking, propaganda, and deception woven throughout the whole event — by all factions I'm sure.

BTW what's with the crappy ads that keep popping-up and blocking my input?

Anyway — I'm pretty sure I've already said that regardless of anything, I'm surprised at the degree of restraint taken by the authorities. I would have expected a whole lot worse, and I'm really glad it wasn't a whole lot worse. Al-in-all some pretty amazing times we're living in.
The infolinks ads stay at the top of the page. You can scroll up and down as you like. It's a common way to present banners nowadays.

I hope it gives us a few extra cents. Otherwise, if it's too disturbing to people, I'll turn them off.
The infolinks ads stay at the top of the page. You can scroll up and down as you like. It's a common way to present banners nowadays.

I hope it gives us a few extra cents. Otherwise, if it's too disturbing to people, I'll turn them off.
If they pop up while I'm entering text they change the focus and I have to re-click on the input box to resume entering text. It's probably fine for sites where it's just reading articles, but not so great for a discussion forum. Making more money would be nice. We could have attracted more attention and probably sold more from the store had we not ended-up on opposite sides of the barricades over COVID policies. But how were we supposed to have foreseen that happening?
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More evidence of how the Republicans, the party of freedom and limited government, wants to trample the laws and the powers of local prosecutors if they pursue a case these jokers don't like:

Meantime, in addition to Trump's false claims of "promises kept" during his Presidency, of which there were many, he cataloged an embarrassing number of firsts:

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And those of you who depend on Fox News for reliable and accurate information, you need to check out this story that the network has barely covered:

Please understand the main point, which is that Fox hosts and executives both testified under oath they knew there was little or no fraud in the 2020 election, but kept presenting fake news about it to keep the stock price high and prevent viewers from leaving to rival conservative networks.
Sky News is the Australian version of Fox News; same ownership. Hence the stories are just about as fake, designed to frighten and confuse, rather than inform.

Going wild over Biden's verbal blunders, after all these years, is just plain dumb!

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