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One more thing: I closed down the threads about COVID-19 because of all the false and harmful information some people were posting. Please do not put such messages here. I am sick and tired of correcting the same old lies over and over again when 30 seconds on Google would do it for you.
There are loads of issues to talk about when it comes to politics. When people try to place the pandemic in that category, they are falling into a trap. It's a matter of public health.

Now let's talk about real politics, and there are lots of issues than can be covered.
Sometimes a change of approach or opinion is not a lie.

On the other hand:

Agreed, at least to some extent. It may have been a lie ( we don't know for sure ). If not, then it's closer to a broken promise, but only if campaign platforms can be considered "promises". If not, then where does it go from there? Just don't believe anything a politician says ( bingo! ? ). Just like he wouldn't make vaccines mandatory ( link ). Maybe Trump's lies were all just "changes of approach or opinion" too.
The U.S. has been kowtowing to Saudi Arabia for decades because of the oil and the power that corrupt kingdom has on the world market. This is a promise hard not to break, especially with the high prices right now. Better not piss 'em off.
Republicans have complained about alleged voter fraud.

But then the truth comes crashing down on them:

And the social networks are no different. Despite the claims of being censored by Facebook and Twitter, only the most extreme false claims are removed. The trending stories lean conservative. Maybe they are just going overboard in setting their algorithms not to seem to discriminate, which has the opposite effect.

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