As expected, you're as clueless as the rest, and you're joining the "We must do SOMETHING!" chorus without the faintest idea of what that "something" is.
Isn't consensus science wonderful? No research is necessary. All that's required is agreeing with the politically correct mantra of the day and the grant money pours in. And since it's absolutely impossible to state what the weather will be like in 2400 AD, it's ideal for gloom & doom alarmists.
Of course, 30 years ago the same alarmists were screeching about another ice age coming. To their chagrin, it didn't happen, so they reversed gears and concocted horror stories about global warming. And when their tales of woe come to nought, what will be their next Chicken-Little chant?
Lastly, why should anyone give credence to "scientists" who invent fabulous fictions about what the world climate will be like centuries down the road when they can't make an accurate three-day weather forecast?
Feel free to wallow in the politically-motivated GW junk science, if it strikes your fancy, but have a good excuse ready when you're shown to be wrong.
And BTW, if you're truly committed to reducing AGW, demonstrate it by doing your small part. You breathe out 1 kilogram of CO<sub>2</sub> every day. If you live another 50 years, that will be 18,250 kilograms. Apply for a posthumous Darwin Award and spare the world that much greenhouse gas. You owe it to mankind.
Isn't consensus science wonderful? No research is necessary. All that's required is agreeing with the politically correct mantra of the day and the grant money pours in. And since it's absolutely impossible to state what the weather will be like in 2400 AD, it's ideal for gloom & doom alarmists.
Of course, 30 years ago the same alarmists were screeching about another ice age coming. To their chagrin, it didn't happen, so they reversed gears and concocted horror stories about global warming. And when their tales of woe come to nought, what will be their next Chicken-Little chant?
Lastly, why should anyone give credence to "scientists" who invent fabulous fictions about what the world climate will be like centuries down the road when they can't make an accurate three-day weather forecast?
Feel free to wallow in the politically-motivated GW junk science, if it strikes your fancy, but have a good excuse ready when you're shown to be wrong.
And BTW, if you're truly committed to reducing AGW, demonstrate it by doing your small part. You breathe out 1 kilogram of CO<sub>2</sub> every day. If you live another 50 years, that will be 18,250 kilograms. Apply for a posthumous Darwin Award and spare the world that much greenhouse gas. You owe it to mankind.
I suppose that whores can be said to do so, so I'll grant you that point.The conservative versus liberal women thing always makes me laugh. Sure the liberal chicks are ugly as hell but they also look like they work for a living.