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Possible Giant Skeleton Found ON Mars.

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It's also a bit troubling that assumption that alien life is going to be bipedal hominids.

Which Gene and Chris already discussed this on many occasions.
Also not forgetting the late John Keel intresting lecture types like the so called ETs ( whatever they are ")MIBs"

The late Carl Sagan's Science TV Series "Cosmos" and the Sci-fi book "Contact "
The Cosmos: An Interview With Carl Sagan

and the spin off Movie " Contact"(1998)
Like the late John Keel and his excellent open mind and the "MIBs" lecture which sounds like A.I. in action. Quoting the late John Keel "distortion in reality":cool:

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Is it to much to ask fror a hi res pic of an anomaly? One that is 100% not rocks? Is it to much to ask?

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
Is it to much to ask fror a hi res pic of an anomaly? One that is 100% not rocks? Is it to much to ask?

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
calm down...no,not at all, but i think you can see clearly whats that, and the other thing this is the original resolution, but of course im working on that to
make more well corrected footages
calm down...no,not at all, but i think you can see clearly whats that, and the other thing this is the original resolution, but of course im working on that to
make more well corrected footages
I await a hi res image with faded breath but to be honest I have lttle hope to see any thing more than rocks. You see you are not the 1st to come to the fourms peddling rocks as aliens.btw the shadow knows

this is not pareidolia

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
BTW I would like nothing more than to see proof life once exist on mars you post some thing that is 100% not a rock and I will be the first to congratulate you
Till then. The shadow knows
Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk