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Possible UAP Sighting Happening Right Now

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Foolish Earthling
My daughter in Pennsylvania just called me and told me that at 8:45est she saw a black sphere as big as a house near the Gettysburg welcome center off of the Baltimore Pike.
She said two f22 raptors were circling the area and that the police had the exit blocked.
What things could be happening:
1. It was a balloon for some military festival or ceremony, but she said it was definatly NOT a balloon.
2. Can't think of another....

Does anyone know anyone in the area of Gettysburg that might be able to look into this?????

UPDATE @ 9:33....tried calling the Gettysburg Times all I got was recordings from the news dept.
Called the Gettysburg Police Department from the online number...the officer was nice and polite, but said he was unaware of anything going on in that area.

ANyone have any suggestions??
Her phone was charging at her workplace. One of her coworkers went out there just a few minutes ago....waiting for her to call me back.

This is probably nothing Angelo, but I want to find out anyway.
Well, two fighter jets is not nothing, neither is a giant black sphere floating in the sky the size of a house. It's something, just probably something that has a rational explanation.
OK on the phone with her now....she says her freind called and said the police still had the exit blocked......he couldn't see anything in the sky......she heard jets fly over again about 15 minutes ago (9:40est).....fill you in more in a bit....

---------- Post added at 10:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 PM ----------

Well apparently the event is over....my daughter is going to be asking around and see if anyone got any pics or any witnesses. She got her coworker to cover and went bac k to the welcome center....no cops or nothing unusual she could see.
She's freaked out right now and I'm trying to calm her down from 400 miles away. I do trust her and I know she is being honest with me about this.
To recap here is what she said happened; She turned off of 15 North onto the Baltimore Pike on her way to work in Gettysburg. She passed by the exit to the Gettysburg welcome center and noticed two police cars there blocking the exit. A little further on there was a break in the trees and she saw this black sphere "as big as a house" at tree top level about 300 feet away near the welcome center for about 10-15 seconds before the trees blocked the view. She said she was sure it wasn't a balloon because she saw no basket beneath it or ropes attached to it. Then two F22 Raptors flew in front of her a few hundred feet in the air toward the center, then she saw them again about a minute later coming back over like they were circling. This was at 8:45est. She had left her phone to charge at work and had to wait until she got there to call me(she knows my interest in UFO's).
One of her coworkers decided to check it out and drove out there. He says the police cars were still there, but saw no policemen. He turned around and went back by and said he could see nothing in the sky, but did hear jet(s) fly over but couldn't see them/it.
My daughter says she has heard low flying loud jets three times now go by.

She described the object as black with a matte texture, no other features like lights or holes or anything else, just floating at about tree top height. She says it looked as big as a house and that's what frightened her, it just didnt look like anything she'd seen before.

I'm going to keep poking around the net on this for any news, and if my daughter finds out anything I'll post it on here.
Stealth Blimp perhaps? Was their any contours, rotors, engines, undercarriage or was this just a big black perfect sphere hovering?
My daughter in Pennsylvania just called me and told me that at 8:45est she saw a black sphere as big as a house near the Gettysburg welcome center off of the Baltimore Pike.
She said two f22 raptors were circling the area and that the police had the exit blocked.
What things could be happening:
1. It was a balloon for some military festival or ceremony, but she said it was definatly NOT a balloon.
2. Can't think of another....

Does anyone know anyone in the area of Gettysburg that might be able to look into this?????

UPDATE @ 9:33....tried calling the Gettysburg Times all I got was recordings from the news dept.
Called the Gettysburg Police Department from the online number...the officer was nice and polite, but said he was unaware of anything going on in that area.

ANyone have any suggestions??

I came across this news item while reading on another site. Are these events and you daughters sighting connected somehow?

Just thinking--The F-22 is our premier fighter aircraft at present, is it not? Just wondering what might be important enough to merit its use?
As I understand it from my daughter, it was a big featureless dull black sphere hovering at approximately tree top level.
I'm not sure about airplanes flying near Obamas location, but I'll ask her.
And having grown up with me, and having gone to many airshows with me, I know she knows her aircraft, so I'm petty sure they must have been F22's. I don't think we have that many of those do we?

Anyway, she is currently looking for other witnesses, and she is supposed to call me back tonight. When I hear from her, I'll post her findings.
I'm trying to talk her into signing up on the Paracast so she can post directly, but she's balking claiming it's "not her thing".
As I understand it from my daughter, it was a big featureless dull black sphere hovering at approximately tree top level.
I'm not sure about airplanes flying near Obamas location, but I'll ask her.
And having grown up with me, and having gone to many airshows with me, I know she knows her aircraft, so I'm petty sure they must have been F22's. I don't think we have that many of those do we?

Anyway, she is currently looking for other witnesses, and she is supposed to call me back tonight. When I hear from her, I'll post her findings.
I'm trying to talk her into signing up on the Paracast so she can post directly, but she's balking claiming it's "not her thing".

That website maybe is a confirmation your daughter at least witnessed fighter planes. If she indeed witnessed something from somewhere else, a cover up would likely be put in place wouldn't it.

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