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Post your Black Triangle Sightings Here...

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i am in rochester, not too far from you. can you remember any other details? these things have been sighted near rochester and chatfield area too.
i am in rochester, not too far from you. can you remember any other details? these things have been sighted near rochester and chatfield area too.

no just that it was triangle shape. pretty crisp shape. and on the bottom of the craft, what we saw when we looked up, was small glowing lights. no big lights. no head lights. no jet fuel trail out the back. elevated about the height of house roofs. slow moving.
Hi all,new to the forum...can't believe there's an entire message board dedicated to Black Triangles....over the years I've been absolutely consumed with interest in the Black Triangle phenomenon,I'd like to share my own experience

I live in the North West ,UK (Gtr Manchester) area.....some time around 1996 I was travelling to work at around 5:30am....I guess it may of been summertime as the sun was breaking.....I was alerted to something in the sky fairly low....when I looked up I witnessed a Black Triangle flying overhead it was completely silent and moved through the air with ease.....i remember it having 3 white lights also in a triangle formation on what I'm guessing was the underneath of the craft.....I've read so much about them and all of a sudden I was witnessing it for myself......I told my work colleagues and was absolutely ridiculed.

I've since kept a keen eye on the night sky in hope of seeing it again but so far no such luck,my believe is that these are some sort of military craft/secret plane the government are testing(in relation to my sighting,were not far from BAE Warton)where planes are secretly built and test flown.....as to whether they have Alien technology....maybe...who knows,it wouldn't surprise me.

So is there anyone on this forum who has witnessed similar to what I have described....furthermore is there anyone in the area where I was travelling/live that may have witnessed what I saw.

After my sighting I found myself going outside every night before going to bed to look up and hopefully see another strange craft.
I had an experience in December 1997 and another in July 1998. I was in the car with my parents. We were driving from the village we lived in (New Abbey) to my high school in Dumfries, SW Scotland. We were on the main road into town (A711) and just about three or four hundred yards away from the town limits, I noticed something huge and black hanging in the sky. I told my dad to stop but we had traffic behind us and he wouldn't. After a few seconds I lost it behind the trees and buildings of the town. In the time I had to observe it I noted three red lights hanging there. The lights were small but bright. The light was a vibrant red and was not fluctuating in colour or intensity at all. I then noted that the space between the lights was totally black. It was blocking out the stars and the haze of the street lamps. The shape was off to my right and looked to be about four or five hundred yards away. It didn't seem to move much, if at all. The area it was over is at a lower elevation than the road. It was probably around four hundred feet above the ground, making it about three hundred and fifty feet above the level of our car. Because the altitude was so low I never caught sight of it again. The scale was huge! It looked to be covering an area that I know to be over a kilometer across. I could'nt tell the exact shape of the triangle due to it being so low but it was a triangle and it seemed very narrow in cross section. Like I said before, it was December 1997 and none of us in the car had a camera and cameraphones weren't even around then. I wish I could see something like that again. I do a lot of driving with my job now and carry a HD camcorder everywhere I go. I'm not going to miss an opportunity like that again.

My second experience was out camping on a hill near my home. I was on the summit of Criffel hill, I had got myself into stargazing and gone up the hill for the night thinking I could get away from light pollution. I was about to ge ready to go to bed when I started to scan the coast. From Criffel, I could look out to the south oder the Solway firth and into England. I barely noticed it but there was a shadow in my viewfinder which at first, I dismissed. As I carried on scanning I saw it had moved but at this point I still thought it could have been a cloud or something which was blocking the light from the villages accross the water. The weather was good and the sky was clear above me and I started thinking "if that was a cloud, I should be able to see the top of it illuminated by the moonlight". I couldn't. From that point on, I kept pinned on the dark shape. It moved along the south shore of the Solway from west to east then it started heading accross the water to my side of the Solway. That's when I started getting excited and a little concerned. I was convinced this thing was the same object that I'd seen just a few months ago. The object got close enough that I could make out a definate shape, it was more or less an equillateral triangle. At one point, the moonlight highlighted the top of the object, giving it a sort of greyish, matt sheen. About two miles away, it began to gain altitude and i thought "OMG it's going to fly overhead!". As it climbed, I saw it edge on and then from underneath. That's when I saw the same small, bright red lights, one in each corner. It moved straight towards Criffel and I actually started thinking about finding somewhere to hide but at that height there's no trees, just grass. I couldn't run because it was too dark so I more or less stood there trying not to soil myself. The object passed overhead, maybe five hundred feet above me. Again it was massive, not just massive but totally silent. I did note that as it got close, my ears started popping and didn't stop untill it passed. It was intense and something that has driven my curiosity ever since. I asked the police about it and indeed the RAF but no one could tell me anything.

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