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I just like the people here better, even the ones who don't like me. Maybe their site has been around longer and they aren't discerning so every dreg in ufology feels comfy posting there. I don't like that. Is it elitist to not want to wade through post after shitty post about "I'm an alien;" "The president is a reptilian," and "Could it be angels?"
I just like the people here better, even the ones who don't like me. Maybe their site has been around longer and they aren't discerning so every dreg in ufology feels comfy posting there. I don't like that. Is it elitist to not want to wade through post after shitty post about "I'm an alien;" "The president is a reptilian," and "Could it be angels?"

If it is elitist to not want to wade through all the bullshit posts, you can count me among the number of elitists. Frankly, the best thing about the Paracast is the skeptical but openmindedness of the hosts, and the best thing about the Paracast forum is the "No bullshit zone" sign that hangs above the door. If you want to fling that stuff, go to ATS.

I don't want to start a religious dispute here--I'm an atheist, brought up Jewish--but probably one out of four or five calls to Coast are some crazy Christian that wants to derail the conversation by going into a diatribe about scripture.

You're calling the wrong show, pal. PTL Club is somewhere else.

Art Bell used to politely listen, wait for a break in their breathing, and then hit the mute button and ask the guest for a rebuttal while queuing up the next call.

George Noory, a Christian himself, gives them a little more rope to hang themselves.

George Knapp, the best of the bunch, just kind of does the Art thing.

And Ian Punnett, who I have yet to figure out, just bides his time and kind of pulls on the string until the sweater falls apart.

No such deal here.

Having a couple of Jewish/atheist hosts (I'm assuming David is Jewish/atheist) is refreshing, and their skeptical nature and no-nonsense approach is great.

It seems to attract a more refined breed of listener, and thus a higher breed of poster in the forums. We can spell, we're polite, and if we have really out there ideas, we keep them to ourselves or use the private messaging system (Yes, Gene, we talk about you behind your back) ;).

Critics and users alike agree that the Paracast is the leading edge of serious investigation into the UFO/paranormal phenomenon. Here, we shed the skin of obvious hoaxes, bullshit artists, and people that are just trying to use UFOs to get ratings while maintaining the curtain of ridicule.

The Paracast is definitely somewhere you can count on finding a higher grade of inquiry, and a lower tolerance for BS. And we like it that way.
This is actually the only bulletin board I participate and regularly check out anymore. The mix of critical open mindedness is really appealing to those who want to get to as much truth as possible.

ATS is like the Coast to Coast of paranormal boards. The topics are always really current which is great, you can find out about the latest news on there and a lot of people participate. However, the bullshit filter is really clogged. The amount of Reptilian like pie in the sky garbage and then the noisy negativists all really muddy the discussion at ATS.

I hope more like minded people continue to discover the paracast and post here so this board can be just as current with as many people without the bullshit of ATS.
I just like the people here better, even the ones who don't like me. Maybe their site has been around longer and they aren't discerning so every dreg in ufology feels comfy posting there. I don't like that. Is it elitist to not want to wade through post after shitty post about "I'm an alien;" "The president is a reptilian," and "Could it be angels?"

I agree. They have the biggest woo woos over there. It's truly amazing.
at the risk of inflating the hosts heads past current evolutionary standards, this place is the best source of well researched and debated data in "the field".
the guest list is an indisputable whos who of the field and the scrutiny reflects my own choice of viewing the data at hand
in short

the guests are the sort of people i'd like to ask questions of, and the hosts ask the questions i'd like asked.