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Predictions for 2014

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Paranormal Adept
Its about that time for me to channel Herbert Van der Herman the Hermit. If you don't know the schtick I will predict the future for real but rather than saying what I see clearly and distinctly I will obfuscate and vaguely dally around what I mean in the style of those past seekers that have gone before me whose lineage in history scrying and obligatory mild racism I carry on. You may add to the quatrains if you will.


With foul winds come and water rains,
Those in sun will fry their brains
Those in ice will feel the chill
Hunger Games 3 will set to thrill

The trident spear in opposition
Men of the sphere shall arrive to sup
The lion heart first round derision
The dagos shall lift the golden cup

Along with planes and beaches, woe
The book of face will be set ablaze
Tales of fear and secret's fate
Needed much iPhone 6 update

As the stars fall from the sky
The sinkhole spans and questions the drill
The chinaman hides the lunar eye
A robotic policeman returns to kill

The mullet man's child vexes us more
The K couple's collapse again shall bore
The holy man shall tame the Eagle's bite
The Miner shall set the Packer to flight

Somethings will happen "over there"
The gunman shall appear in the square
The banker comes clean foreclosures foretold
Adele's tour is put on hold
I think in 2014 Art Bell will NOT return to the air. I predict the current cash flow situation will lead to a new bussness model for the paracast. I predict that the current flap over health care will cause a turnover in congress.
I predict that my family will remain happy and the wolf of want will stay clear of my door.

1. He already has a Dark Matter streaming network, so he'll have something on the air I suppose.

2. I have some ideas in mind for The Paracast to move to a firmer footing once we get past the current crisis.

3. The health care issue is calming down. If it causes a turnover, it'll be for people who want to try to explain why millions of people should lose the coverage are now getting and will get in the future. Efforts to defund or repeal are history.

4. I predict your family will remain happy too. They deserve it.
I predict our son Ian will be sent home from school for fighting (He has once soo this is a given) I predict he will earn a spanking for his fighting...
I predict Mr O'brians book will be successful. I predict that 7 fold blessing will come Genes way!
I predict that in 2014 the Paracast will make a breakthu and attract many new listeners
I predict lastly that in 2014 the MESSAGE that pope frances teachs will be heard and bring about a change in how Ppl act to those less fortunate.
I predict that Timothy Good will write another UFO book. It will sell well and cause much consternation in The Paracast Forum. I also predict that disclosure will continue to be imminent, and that Roswell will continue to be a non-topic of discussion. Whitley Strieber will not appear on The Paracast, and that David Biedny will remain an angry human. Also sprach ViperPilot!
The Vatican's initial report findings into financial irregularities will show significant corruption. One of the main sublines will be how much was paid into 'hush money' for child abuse, triggering calls for a separate inquiry.

There will be a significant earthquake (greater than 8) in the Indo-Sino area, possibly within mainland China itself, poor building regulations during the boom times will make the casualties much worse with dams and large tower block collapses accounting for the majority of deaths.

Japan and China will continue brinkmanship over the disputed South China Sea islands, this will become exacerbated by China's need for resources/potential resource income. This is triggered by details on the full extent of China's internal debt leaking to the World. Small pockets of civil unrest begin to challenge the new regime that is slowly trying to move to a more open socialist model of governance.

The Euro will pull Germany back in terms of growth and more Germans will question membership of the currency. Spain, Italy and Greece will continue to struggle with further extensions to their debts being granted in Sept/Oct. France will default and join them, and President Hollande will be (politicially)forced to take the country to an election, much rioting in the Southern areas of the country.

USA hits the 'fiscal cliff' again in the first quarter of the year, Republicans buoyed by a lame-duck president and looming mid-term elections see a chance to set the agenda more aggressively and do so, extracting major concessions, but Obama-care stays.

The Winter Olympic Games will pass off peacefully, but Western media networks will play heavy on the large police and army presence.

The World Cup will be won by a European team, surprising many including Brazil who are also in the final. A significant paranormal event makes it to the Western media due to increased number of devices and cameras in the region for the duration of the World Cup.

An Earth-like (and sized) exo-planet will be found. It provokes an uptick in the thinking of many on Earth and re-energises the shift into space by humans.

The Indian mission to Mars fails shortly after arriving at Mars, but sends back evidence that hints at microbial life.

An astro/sino/cosmo-naut dies in space, in part related to the mass of junk objects in LEO. Calls follow to all space-faring nations to clean-up and a joint mission from major space-faring nations begins.

Gold prices fall significantly due to the full details into the gold wrapped titanium bars scandal in London and New York coming to light, physical gold becomes as distrusted as paper. Investors move back into copper and iron ores as the World starts to increase manufacturing productivity again. The Baltic Dry Index breaks through 3000 to further re-enforce this.

The paracast teeters on survival due to a collapse in advertising revenues as a whole for GCN - part due to the gold scandal and also due to many realising that 'heirloom' seeds take time and effort before they will provide food in an emergency survival situation.

Chris O'Brien's book sells well within the paracast audience and at niche conferences. It becomes a seminal work in that field, but has sales of a couple of thousand causing the author to further question if it is all really worth it. The end of the year brings an offer from an unexpected source which causes a moral conundrum for the author.

And finally....
After selling all that he owns, Gene Steinberg undertakes the latest Apple upgrade, but is left under-whelmed and actually considers a switch to an Android or Windows phone for an 'indefinite test' period only. :)
Here's my Nostradumbass attempts for 2014:

- there will be an earthquake in the 8's on the Richter scale that will affect Southeast Asia / Indonesia area; the US won't have any major quakes, nothing greater than a 5.4

- global warming will continue to be debated. Weather will be milder over all (like how we've had less tornadoes this year than in a long while), but the weather events that do occur will continue to be monstrous in power

- there will be 2 educational facility shootings, with a combined total of 5-6 (1 and 4?) deaths. They won't even dominate the headlines for that long

- the Dow may have a small scare or two, but won't drop below mid 11,000's and will end the year in the 15k range

- there will be no major terrorist act in our country this year nor will there be any "martial law" doomsday scenario playing out

- "disclosure" WILL NOT happen

- there will be actual military conflict that North Korea is part of

- we won't get involved in the Syria conflict directly, but our proxy war methods will be in use to control / corral the situation as best we can

Throw enough *bleep* at the wall and see what sticks ;-)
There will be a significant earthquake (greater than 8) in the Indo-Sino area, possibly within mainland China itself, poor building regulations during the boom times will make the casualties much worse with dams and large tower block collapses accounting for the majority of deaths.

Funny, you posted this as I was writing my own post
Funny, you posted this as I was writing my own post
yeah, I took about 45 mins writing mine - just checking on some things and what not.

Although, if you stop for even a minute or two, it seems really obvious. I hear of a few seismologists that are predicting another big one in that region in the next year or two, although the debate is more about whether it will be on the Chinese mainland, around Japan or over near the US.

I'm a little surprised no-one has mentioned the reducing magnetic polarity strength and shift, but then, I also hear that most mainstream scientists think it will amount to nought in terms of any serious impact.

I do like your point about weather generally averaging out, but the discrepancies will be much bigger in terms of impact and ferocity, sort of 'Less but More' if you know what I mean.

The only thing I really missed about Art Bell were the prediction shows.

All the best,
I'll put on my diviners hat for a moment :)
... some easy ones...
  • Sochi 2014: a re-visit of the 1972 olympics terrorist disaster. Putin launches massive anti-terrorist effort, Obama provides NSA data as US and Russia vow to end terror attacks.
  • Wild weather world: wild swings in weather wreaks havoc all over the place. Kerry gets world leaders to agree on plan of action.
  • China invades Senkaku islands, sets up base and airstrip. Taiwan deploys patriot missiles on north coast.
  • Dennis Rodman executed by Kim Juong Un during squabble over swiss cheeze
  • US politics: GOP-Dems divide along belief systems . GOP becomes an evangelical haven as moderate republicans leave in disgust ;)
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