Paranormally Disenchanted
This is Don Shipley's video response to the Bill Wood/Brockbrader interview videos. By his comments here and in the Nexus interview, I get the impression that Shipley is bound and determined to see this out and shut the pretender up.
Also, in Cassidy's blog she advises Navy Seals to read Richard Dolan's books to gain an understanding of black budget programs and so forth. If I were Dolan, I would distance myself from the Camelot insanity. It has already tainted him in many eyes and to allow Cassidy to associate him with this Wood/Brockbrader insanity isn't going to help in the slightest.
PROJECT CAMELOT : BILL WOOD : Interview with a Phony Navy SEAL. Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK
Also, in Cassidy's blog she advises Navy Seals to read Richard Dolan's books to gain an understanding of black budget programs and so forth. If I were Dolan, I would distance myself from the Camelot insanity. It has already tainted him in many eyes and to allow Cassidy to associate him with this Wood/Brockbrader insanity isn't going to help in the slightest.
PROJECT CAMELOT : BILL WOOD : Interview with a Phony Navy SEAL. Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK