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Project Camelot Insantiy - Now there just ripping off old Outer limits Episodes

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This is Don Shipley's video response to the Bill Wood/Brockbrader interview videos. By his comments here and in the Nexus interview, I get the impression that Shipley is bound and determined to see this out and shut the pretender up.

Also, in Cassidy's blog she advises Navy Seals to read Richard Dolan's books to gain an understanding of black budget programs and so forth. If I were Dolan, I would distance myself from the Camelot insanity. It has already tainted him in many eyes and to allow Cassidy to associate him with this Wood/Brockbrader insanity isn't going to help in the slightest.
PROJECT CAMELOT : BILL WOOD : Interview with a Phony Navy SEAL. Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK
Observer you make excellent points ... EXCEPT ... well hell, if this field were REAL then it might matter. If there were STANDARDS ... this might matter. If there was a sense of "self respect" this might matter. The problem is ... this is FRICKING P.T. Barnum! How in the world else would a Cooper, Lear, Webre, Salas, Wilcox etc. PROSPER?

Ah Hell, I am depressed again ...

David Wilcock again, I hope knows what kind of shit he gets into there. No ET, but the wrath of man. I'll leave it at that.

You know he was recently crying "on air" on Cassidy's radio show about being threatened by Illuminati ninjas or something because he is exposing "the terrible secret" about gold in his blog.

I am convinced we are watching people with some sort of psychological malfunction who cannot distinguish between the fantasy of television scripts and reality.

I also cannot help but make the observation that this is a classic 2 Timothy 4:3-4 situation. You have people who are running after any story that confirms their already held beliefs that were established by other "whistle-blowers." Although the writer of Timothy (presumed to be Paul) is talking about Apostolic doctrine, I think it describes any situation where people seem to inexplicably drawn away from reality and prefer lies.

2 Timothy 4:3-4: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Observer you make excellent points ... EXCEPT ... well hell, if this field were REAL then it might matter. If there were STANDARDS ... this might matter. If there was a sense of "self respect" this might matter. The problem is ... this is FRICKING P.T. Barnum! How in the world else would a Cooper, Lear, Webre, Salas, Wilcox etc. PROSPER?

Ah Hell, I am depressed again ...


I totally agree with you Don.
T.O are you seriously telling us that kerry cassidy was advising actual navy seals to go to richard dolan's book (no offence to dolan) to find out about black budget stuff? like seriously?

in the past cassidy was just really another harmless nutter but now she is poisoning all near her and basically, talking out of her ass. what does she know about such things? zilch squared, that's what she knows about anything!
T.O are you seriously telling us that kerry cassidy was advising actual navy seals to go to richard dolan's book (no offence to dolan) to find out about black budget stuff? like seriously?

in the past cassidy was just really another harmless nutter but now she is poisoning all near her and basically, talking out of her ass. what does she know about such things? zilch squared, that's what she knows about anything!

Here is the bit from her blog. Yes, she encourages "all Navy Seals" to watch Project Camelot videos and read Dolan's books to get the scoop on the "black project community" that she claims to have been "exposing" since 2006. She apparently places a great deal of faith in her ability to know and understand the workings of "way above TOP SECRET" goings on through the tales told by her motley crew of "whistle-blowers."

Words like feckless and naive come to mind.

If you are outraged by my interview with Bill Brockbrader and you don't believe he was a Navy SEAL, I invite you to turn your analysis in the direction of the military authorities that you hold in such high esteem and entertain the notion that there is a parallel organization that is way above TOP SECRET that is working counter to your organizations.
This is your big opportunity to come face to face with the real military industrial complexity that Eisenhower warned us about... and you will realize that there is a rogue highly extensive SECRET GOVERNMENT operating above top secret handling things that you know nothing about...
This is the story that we have been exposing from the beginning of Camelot back in 2006.
I would also encourage you to read RICHARD DOLAN'S BOOKS: UFOs and the NATIONAL SECURITY STATE Volumes I & II... click here for those books.... as your primer to understanding how this black project community has been operating since the days of Truman and likely before that... Then watch every Project Camelot interview and read all the material from whistleblowers on our site. And then we can talk!
A lot of you are suggesting I haven't done my research... actually I have and its documented all over Project Camelot. The trouble is... you guys are so busy taking orders you forgot to do your OWN research and free your minds from the Machine!!! This is your wake up call. Make of it what you will.
Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot
Kerry Cassidy Blog
@dyingsun - yes well said!

but if i may - kerry (in her blog quoted above) is saying that anyone who does not believe this guy was actually a SEAL should should 'turn their analysis in the direction of the military authorities ......etc'. basically she is saying that we seem to be unaware of government within a government or indeed a military within the military, i.e some ultra-black organisation that we would not get to know about. ok, fair enough, but this guy is claiming to be a SEAL, no some other covert military group we might never hear of. if he was claiming to have been part of some such thing then it could be the case that we could not check it. but it has already been said by Don Shipley that there are no secret SEALs, only secret missions. Or is he claiming that 'SEAL team 9' are actually SEALs but not ones that other SEAL's would even know about?
But to be called SEAL would imply someone who has gone thru the selection and training process, and i imagine this is done at one or maybe two places. so are we to believe that a select few of those undergoing SEAL training are spirited off straight after, forever now having nothing to do with the mainstream SEALs?
utter garbage kerry, utter and complete garbage.
i think it the mark of a mature thinking person to be able to put up their hands and admit that they've been had, they've made a mistake and they won't make the same mistake, nor continue to be taken in by the original mistake.
but oh no, kerry just has to dig herself in deeper, all guns blazing, thinking the rest of the planet 'just doesn't get it' because only her and bill and wilcock and a few others are the only people to see what is going on. it's a goddam conspiracy against project camelot - but hey! they are wise to the conspiracy and i guarrantee, there can now be absolutely no new evidence brought to light that will convince her she has backed the wrong horse. it is all us that are completely in the dark?

well, i for one am going to email a few paranormal radio shows and ask that they do not deal with project cam-talk-shite-alot because what started as possible someone being gullible and taken in by a con artist is now someone utterly convinced everyone is out to get them, even all other people who are aware of conspiracy theories etc!
@blowfish, yes same here but i listen to a couple of others too, namely kevin smith show and mysterious universe from australia. whilst not being in the camelot camp of believe and promote everthing, they are not nearly as discerning shall we say, as paracast and DMR, that's for sure.
Oh boy....check Kerry Cassidy Blog for more craziness. Don't if you have a history of unstable mental health.

She is asking for advice ..."Please contact me if you have advice, are able to assist us as a lawyer (update we now have legal advice) or other person with expertise in the law, or are a white hat military person..."

I think folks, in particular ex-military, should email her and advise her to wake up and smell the coffee. I think the train is about to come into the station so to speak . Don Shipley made a appeal to his network for help with this guy and said that within hours he had everything on him. "You guys are scary!" he said in a recent video. Apparently his ex-military, military, law enforcement network is pretty serious about exposing this guy and his ridiculous fantasy story and pressing criminal charges against him. Also, Don Shipley reports that official FOIA requests have been made on this guy and will be in soon.

Here is the thing, the fantasy world of Kerry Cassidy and her phoney whistle-blowers has collided with the real world. The real world of real Navy SEALs. Neither tin-foil hats or the imaginary white hats of their fantasy world are going to offer much protection from the legal consequences that are sure to follow. Cassidy seems to welcome some legal battle in her blog. You have to wonder what evidence she thinks she has to back up the phoney SEALs story?
From what started (as I am looking at it from this thread) as an expose' of the gullibility of Kerry Cassidy, this is hotting up to be a most interesting thing in a few directions.

Firstly, there is just that actual research being done by Don and associates which (to most people) will no doubt conclusively prove once and for all that this guy is a fraud and a shameful con trying to steal from the reputation of some fine military men.

Secondly though, this is going to be a fantastic excercise, experiment if you will, into just how far someone with a deeply entrenched position is willing to be pushed and remain with there original position. Will ANY amount of evidence to the contrary finally convince Kerry that she has put her faith into a fraud? (I think not, because she can always use the excuse that it is a government conspiracy against them and the rest of us are the ones being fooled).

Thirdly, I want to see what this Wood character does if the law starts to catch up with him. Although about some serious issues, there is no harm in getting a cold one and potato chips to kick back and watch the fireworks. Join me in the front row of the audience of Judge Shipley!
I agree Gogg, this is interesting from several angles. I for one do not think she will amend her position until way too late in the game to make a difference. In fact, I think it already is too late.

One would hope this episode will cause people who put any faith in the ridiculous stories of Project Camelot whistle-blowers to realize they've been had. Question: Are there any Camelot interviews that are not delusional tales told by confidence men?

Other than Richard Dolan, is there anyone interviewed by them that has any credibility whatsoever?

As a big Richard Dolan fan I have to ask myself this question, Does Richard Dolan's association with Kerry Cassidy and Project Camelot indicate problems with his credibility? I am seriously reconsidering my thoughts about that. I'd love to hear his response to this controversy and how he feels being so closely associated with Cassidy, Camelot, and their irrational and irresponsible words and actions.
..No hole deep enough, no tree high enough. It's kind of funny watching this charade heat up, but in another sense I am feeling a little at odds knowing how seriously hot the water is getting for this idiot, whom most likely is dealing with some brand of delusional disorder. I've known my fair share of folks in the spec forces communities, and this particular brand of lunacy is not treated very lightly.

Just to give you a story to bring this point home: A good number of years back I was a young lad enlisted in the Navy and enduring Intelligence training at NIMTC (Naval and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Command) in Damneck, Virginia. At that point I had already qualified for BUD/S and was headed straight to NAVSPEC Warfare Command, Coronado, CA directly after successful completion of A School. Like most wildly dumb and young future spec warfare types, I had a bit of an inflated sense of self that at times made me lose sight of my better sensibilities, like using good common sense. Well, one day I pulled on my favorite NAVY SEAL/S super tight tee-shirt, emblazened with gory scene of SEAL reaping the head of some unfortunate enemy combatant and headed to the mall for some cruising. Well, I'm strutting around entertaining my own delusions of grandeur when I see this tightly-formed group of highly fit and serious gentlemen do an about face and begin striding directly towards me. I walk faster, but so do they. It turns out this wasn't just your average group of gentlemen mallwalkers, but a group of soldiers from the then mostly unknown SEAL Team 6. Each one of these guys wanted to rip off my head and piss down my neck because I am wearing a tee shirt that says "SEAL" on it without having earned the right to do so. Of course I produced my credentials and told them of my impending BUDS class up date, but this does me not one lick of good. About thirty horrifying minutes later they are finishing up their verbal lashing about disrespect and still licking their chops, driving the point home by openly discussing abducting me and burying me six feet under on the beach somewhere. That moment changed me, let alone nearly caused me to unload the contents of my bowels and lunch on the floor. So, now consider this jagoff on his magic carpet ride, telling tales and absolutely pissing on the souls of all those SEAL/S that have gone before and actually earned the right to wear the trident. If these boys treat their own candidates this way, an active Navy man qualified and headed to BUDS, consider what kind of mess they would make of this dandy.

*Word to the wise, "Brockbrader," if by some coincidence you find your eyes attending to this page: abort whatever misguided intention you may have going forward, pronto. Apologize profusely and publicly, and then pray to god you don't ever run into any SEAL or member of the Spec Forces community for the rest of your natural born life. As I stated before, I don't think, I KNOW you have grossly underestimated the gravity of what you've done in the eyes of the spec forces community. These are not men who entertain ideas of the Electric White Light Brigade, the Illuminati, or Time Wave Zero. They do not play like that. These are men that spend their time dialed in and rooted to a very challenging and mostly cruel and unforgiving reality. All I can say is good luck. And I'll make another suggestion. Locating a good therapist for support and an evaluation would probably be a good move as well.
One of the most incredibly stupid and irresponsible ideas that Bill Ryan, Wood/Brockbrader, and David Wilcock all seem to really get behind in the second interview video is a million man march on Area 51. That would be exposing people to highly dangerous toxic and possibly radioactive materials. Fuel dumps from test planes, toxic material dumps and burns, and weapons debris are scattered all over that desert. You want to walk people through that unhealthy mess to satisfy your curiosity about a highly secure military research and development installation you have no business poking your nose in? Insanity. Absolutely delusional.
I think this pretty much proves that Cassidy is intentionally defrauding her audience. She had to have known Malibu Administrative Center Heliport was across the street and the source of the helicopters. Project Camelot should rename itself to Camelot Theater. Maybe, that is the inside joke.

Project Camelot's Bill Wood Helicopter Stunt Bill Wood MCM 100 percent proof.pdf There has been much interest and controversy generated by the recent Project Camelot 'Bill Wood: Above and Beyond Project Looking Glass' interview. Upon further investigation, it seems that Kerry Cassidy was not being totally honest about her chosen location for the interview, and her feigned surprise at hearing helicopters which she later insisted were 'harrasing' her and intentionally interrupting her interview with Bill Wood/William Brockbrader.

You will see undeniable proof that the chosen location is in fact right across the street from a busy Heliport and it is absolutely impossible for Ms. Cassidy not to have known this. All of this information has been gathered from publicly available sources and as such is independently verifiable by anyone. Source links to all information are provided in the document. We have asked people who believe in the truth to spread this message far and wide. To that effect, please cut and paste this message verbatim to your favorite forum. Thank You.

