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Project Camelot

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Paranormal Novice
A) Gene and David - Thank you for bringing some sanity to the field of the paranormal. Honestly, at first your stance of cutting the signal from the noise turned me off. But the more I listened, the more I 'got it'. And now, after hearing many of your shows. I'm soooo glad you're out there doing what you are doing. Keep going guys.

B) I just listened to your latest Richard Dolan interview and heard you mention Project Camelot - which I too have had issues with.

About 7-8 months ago I found this and thought you might find it interesting.

From Wikipedia:

Project Camelot was a social science research project of the United States Army in 1964.[1] The goal of the project was to assess the causes of violent social rebellion and to identify the actions a government could take to prevent its own overthrow. The proposal caused much controversy among social scientists, many of whom argued that such a study would end up using social scientific research to strengthen established government and to put down revolutionary movements in Latin America and other volatile places. Chile was to be the test case for the project, but the Norwegian sociologist Johan Galtung, who had been invited to be a contributor, worked hard to alert Chilean and US social scientists of the project's true purposes.

Wikimedia Error

Please keep up the GREAT work guys. Glad to be on your forum.


I dont think Project Camelot itself is disinfo project. There might be interviews up there that are bullshit, but Kerry and Ryan are just too fucking moronic. Thats the problem there. They believe everything they hear.
I dont think Project Camelot itself is disinfo project. There might be interviews up there that are bullshit, but Kerry and Ryan are just too fucking moronic. Thats the problem there. They believe everything they hear.

I tend to disagree. They have a customer base who believes everything they hear. Somehow, someway they have to move a product.
What product would that be? They dont sell anything. You could hardly call their optional 1-$5 forum membership a product.
Yes, like Gareth says they aren't really selling anything, just flushing a bunch of crap down the interweb tubes. Some of it seems comical. I recall some Ninja/Indian like guy who flips on like a switch and can like travel through time and like terminate people. One of the guys he was sent to get was our former chimp President. He totally failed, I guess — at least in the timeline/string thing. Crazy Stuff.
The fact that Dolan finds these folks credible is deeply troubling to me... They've done nothing but give a platform to people who are FOS, in my opinion. Pretty close to what Bassett is doing at the X-Conference.

The fact that Dolan finds these folks credible is deeply troubling to me... They've done nothing but give a platform to people who are FOS, in my opinion. Pretty close to what Bassett is doing at the X-Conference.

A theory, but one that might be showing too much understanding: Dolan is just trying to be politically correct here, so he is more willing than he might otherwise be to just accept what people claim. That's particularly true if they are on the same conference venue. I don't necessarily disagree with many of his ideas, but I hope he isn't letting that attitude color his conclusions.

Since we don't allow political correctness to enter into our dealings with the UFO community, I suppose we just feel concerned about those who do, particularly when they seem to color their viewpoints about these matters.
I think Dolan functions like Obama in this respect: He doesn't (publicly) question people's motives, he takes them at their word and evaluates what they have to say on its own merit.

In a way that's more constructive because you can actually take down the charlatans by shooting down their "facts" rather than the unprovable belief that they are purposely lying. You CAN do that. But does he? That's the question.

But man, just take a gander at the speakers at this year's International UFO Congress. It looks like the Legion of Doom. If he were to shoot everyone down there would be practically no one left. These are the people who give him a platform on which to speak, sell, and make a living. Is it possible to keep it honest and not bite the hand that feeds without having to get a day job? (Does he even see that as his issue to struggle with?--that's another matter.)
I'm hesitant to speak to Bill, Kerry or Richard personally. But I do find Project Camelot to push ALOT of apocalyptic fear, and that says "Agenda" to me.

I also find that the Project Camelot listed in wikipedia is a military Psy-Op operation to quell dissent. While that could totally be coincidence, it's an interesting coincidence and I have to agree with the comment on the paracast that seeing their line-up of guests leaves me scratching my head.

I wouldn't drink a punch bowl with a turd in it, no matter how good the punch looked.

I'm a Richard Dolan fan, and have read his book "UFOs and the National Security State" several years ago. I eagerly await his 2nd, and now 3rd volumes. From the interview with him, I agree that the political correctness felt like it had more to do with his lively-hood as well, but it's almost like THE TRUTH has taken a back seat to keeping the "Conpiracy Market" alive and flowing - that in an age where conspiracy researchers are becoming celebrities, the truth may be taking a backseat to the need to maintain one's celebrity.


Absolutely, I think both Gene and Jeremy are right. Dolan is incredibly diplomatic.

I found it extremely encouraging actually that he really gave it to the exo politics guys Webre and (cant remember his name).
There's a nearly identical thread on another forum I frequent, so I'm just copy/pasting my reply from there to here.

Response to question:
do you think the PA [Project Camelot forum] is a scam do find dissenters of the NWO?

No way! That would be giving those types too much credit. There are some very nice, open minded people over there (PA)- just a little TOO nice and TOO open minded IMO. Some of them tend to believe everything they hear if it's conspiratorial or comes from a 'whistleblower'.

D/D I say. Distraction and disinfo. Get the people caught up in silly conspiracies and seed paranoia, so that they are so suspicious of their own shadow and feed them crap stories so they appear so incredibly looney to others that no one takes them seriously.

If it is in fact intentional, that is- I am not prepared to rule out the possibility that PC is the product of two people who "Want to Believe" so bad that they have been taken in by BS 'insiders' and think they know something special but are really being played as well.

I still check out the PC website now and then as it's entertaining. I never took most of there material on much more than entertainment value though I do try to pay attention as there are likely SOME kernels of truth in there.

Some if it was clear that they were making friends, and one person would suggest another and in trying to make allies they picked up a few people who were totally on for the ride to make money and were expert ass-talkers....

A certain David Hyde Pierce lookalike w/ a crooked nose comes to mind.

-end paste

Project Camelot is an caricature of itself. Kill and Berry have both become obese (physically overweight) since they launched their forum, and that is when they've been campaigning for donations the hardest. What does that say?

Also, mentioned in another thread- Rense and PC were 'targeted' by Obama supporters.

For shits and giggles I checked out PA for a thread on it and sure enough everyone there was thumping their chests like "See, SEE!!! I told you what we're doing here is important!!!".

What they failed to see that the post on the Obama forum was a JOKE!!!!! They took it hook, line, and sinker:D
They are obese now? What?!!? Thats making me laugh for some reason.

Got any pics?



Okay, maybe they're not OBESE yet. But they've porked the hell up for sure. Look at a pic from 6 months ago, they have to have gained 20 pounds each, maybe more in Kerry' case.

Survival of the fattest?
I've been struggling with this since David's post yesterday. I've always considered Dolan to be a beacon of light in a sea of crap. I can understand being diplomatic and not antagonizing people you share the stage with, but I'm questioning why he needs to share the stage at all. I can also understand that he may have a 'I'll take the high road' policy of not criticizing others in the field--kind of a 'I'll keep my nose to the grindstone and do what I have to do and ignore the idiots.' If he doesn't feel he needs to take on the role of a critic of the charlatans, I guess I can deal with that. That's what he seemed to be doing in the interview. He said he agreed with David and Gene on some of their critical points, BUT he would not utter them himself. This has to have been intentional. He was quite obviously walking a thin line here and knew any critical comments he made would get out.

I question the necessity of doing it. I also question his naivite when he said he wasn't aware of, for example, Peckman's statements. That has an aura of deception to it. I think he did know. The thing is, surely he can't feel he has anything to gain from these people. Surely he cannot feel that he is cutting off a potential avenue of information by antagonizing them, if, for example, they shut him out if he were critical. Surely his reputation (and resultant book sales) do not depend on their approving of him and promoting him. And surely whatever lecture fees he makes cannot possibly be lucrative enough that he feels he needs the income.

This leads me to a sorrowful conclusion, and that is that I don't think he is being entirely straight-forward here. Something is going on and he's not telling. It's sorrowful because we ALL have been pounding the drum for his return to the show. And now I, for one, am a bit confused. I can only hope that he thinks there is a greater good to be achieved here, some sort of intelligence prize he has set his sights on that would justify his behavior if only we all knew and understood his purpose.

I don't get it, frankly; and I wonder WTF is going on.
While my opinion of Dolan has changed quite a bit from 4 or 5 months ago, I still think he is a credible guy.

I also see no reason to think he would have known about Peckman's recent Meier endorsement. His article appeared on a pretty obscure site and unless you frequent that site daily its entirely possible you would never hear about it.

... that being said, I also did get the sense that maybe - just maybe - he was saying what he thought David wanted to hear at the end of the show there. I hope not.

FWIW I heard recent podcast with Peter Robbins and Dolan talking and they both expressed pretty strong views against exo politics and disclosure in general. K Dolans most recent 'cast if anyone wants to hear it. She wasnt on the show so it was just Dolan and Robbins riffing.
The fact that Dolan finds these folks credible is deeply troubling to me... They've done nothing but give a platform to people who are FOS, in my opinion. Pretty close to what Bassett is doing at the X-Conference.


Or crooks. Case in point, Dr Bill Deagle ... who was struck off the medical register in Canada, I seem to believe ... and is a FOSer par excellence.

Real creep too. He purports to have helped some of the injured when Columbine went down. No evidence for this of course. A guy called William Zabel, author of "The Phantoms of Columbine", (website here: http://www.phantomchasers.com) did an expose of Deagle on Vyzygoth's Grassy Knoll (Vyzygoth) a couple of years ago.

I wouldn't touch Deagle with a hundred light year barge pole ... and I'm ultra-suspicious of those who support or are friendly with him.
I am not sure what to think. I hope this is a temporary misguided side effect that happens to people who have been in this field too long. I haven't changed my mind about Dolan yet it is a wait and see kind of thing.

It is much easier to forgive someone taking a slight detour if the detour is unintentional. I have a big problem with intentional deception though.

So how many are left in the good guy category if Dolan is out?

Great comment. And I feel you pain. I feel much of the same way.

I have to reiterate that in this conspiranoid field it feels like the desire for popularity has taken a backseat to truth.

Or the desire to debase any meaningful conversation with noise.
