A) Gene and David - Thank you for bringing some sanity to the field of the paranormal. Honestly, at first your stance of cutting the signal from the noise turned me off. But the more I listened, the more I 'got it'. And now, after hearing many of your shows. I'm soooo glad you're out there doing what you are doing. Keep going guys.
B) I just listened to your latest Richard Dolan interview and heard you mention Project Camelot - which I too have had issues with.
About 7-8 months ago I found this and thought you might find it interesting.
From Wikipedia:
Project Camelot was a social science research project of the United States Army in 1964.[1] The goal of the project was to assess the causes of violent social rebellion and to identify the actions a government could take to prevent its own overthrow. The proposal caused much controversy among social scientists, many of whom argued that such a study would end up using social scientific research to strengthen established government and to put down revolutionary movements in Latin America and other volatile places. Chile was to be the test case for the project, but the Norwegian sociologist Johan Galtung, who had been invited to be a contributor, worked hard to alert Chilean and US social scientists of the project's true purposes.
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Please keep up the GREAT work guys. Glad to be on your forum.
B) I just listened to your latest Richard Dolan interview and heard you mention Project Camelot - which I too have had issues with.
About 7-8 months ago I found this and thought you might find it interesting.
From Wikipedia:
Project Camelot was a social science research project of the United States Army in 1964.[1] The goal of the project was to assess the causes of violent social rebellion and to identify the actions a government could take to prevent its own overthrow. The proposal caused much controversy among social scientists, many of whom argued that such a study would end up using social scientific research to strengthen established government and to put down revolutionary movements in Latin America and other volatile places. Chile was to be the test case for the project, but the Norwegian sociologist Johan Galtung, who had been invited to be a contributor, worked hard to alert Chilean and US social scientists of the project's true purposes.
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Please keep up the GREAT work guys. Glad to be on your forum.